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10 Bonus Years!

What Will You Do With Yours?!

December 21, 2022

I have officially lived 10 years longer than my mom. She was 3 days away from turning 39 when she died during an angiogram procedure.

Before I turned 39, my deceased mom in her spirit-form saved my life. I learned a lot of lessons from that experience, and I still am! Now that I'm officially 49, I had to stop and acknowledge all my "BONUS!" years and ask myself what I've done since she saved my life, but especially what have I done with the last 10 Bonus Years... a little more than 3,650 days is a LOT of opportunities!

I made a list of 20+ things... but I feel the most value, connection and AWE from just 2:

1) I was with my daughter as she gave birth to my first gandchild; a grandson who came to me in a dream twice before he was born. I felt so blessed and so honored to be present with her, to give her energy work as she labored and be part of her homebirth support team and witness my grandson be born into this wild world.

2) Four and half years later, I was present with my daughter for her second birth; my little granddaughter. Not only that, but the homebirth midwife hadn't arrived yet because my daughter's labor was super fast... so I got to be her midwife! When baby's head was out, her coloring was off with bluish purple-ish lips... the cord wrapped around her neck. As my daughter waited for the next wave of contractions, I worked to loosen the cord from my granddaughter's neck. There wasn't quite enough room to get it totally off her, but plently to get it off her carotid arteries! With the next contraction my daughter pushed the rest of her baby out and I got to catch her! I got to hand my granddaughter to my daughter! My grandson was in the room when his sister was born <3

Seriously, if I had not accomplished ANYTHING else in these last 10 years, this would be enough!

I'm SO in love with my little grandchildren... they are absolute delights!

And I realize... if my mom had not saved my life, I never would have even seen my daughter graduate from high school let alone be with her at her babies births! I feel overflowing with deep appreciation for this tremendous Gift.

I also survived homelessness with my children before my grandchildren were born.

I participated in Shamanic Grief Ritual.

I shared sacred time with some of my children at Lake Tahoe.

I've also saved people's lives as an herbalist and energy worker, but also just as a mom helping some of my kids with their emotional anguish that they felt was too too much. Compassion, hugs and genuine love go a long, long way.

I've written books and trained other people to be healers, too. Who knows how many lives they will all save? Who knows how many lives through all the generations to come just might be saved or simply changed for the better?

One "little normal human life" really matters. What are you going to do with your next 10 years?

I feel like I'm ready to start speaking in public about all the spiritually transformative events I've experienced. This will be part of my next 10 years... or however long I get ;-)

I want to love more and fulfill my Soul's Purpose.

I was Created with Intention.

I choose to live with Intention.

You were Created with Intention.

In what ways are you choosing to live with Intention?