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Erectile Dysfunction

A Sign of Internal Injuries

December 30, 2022

I'm a dreamer. I've had many dreams where I'm helping men to know who they really are, know their true, individual Purpose in life and run their own race... metaphorically of course ;-)

I never thought the way I'd fulfill those needs for men would be through helping them reverse their erectile dysfuction holistically. Our world needs the Divine Masculine to own their power to reverse disease naturally. The process is simple, but depending on how deep the root causes of erectile dsyfunction go for each individual man's circumstances, it could feel quite challenging!

A man who knows the truth about natural health (and willing to overcome his challenges) is a powerful warrior for human soveriegnty that can change the direction of humanity for Good.

I usually work with women and children, but I have helped a few good men with this issue. For a man to take charge of his health, he must believe his life and his Soul's Purpose are worth the effort.

Sadly, I've met more men with one foot in the grave... mentally, emotionally and spiritually... not just physically, and they are NOT willing to do what it takes to save their own lives let alone their intimate relationships and deep sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and contribution in life.

Men, heads up! Erectile dysfunction is a sign of injury to your epithelial cells and your entire cardivascular system which feeds every part of your beautiful, miraculous, innately intelligent body. You aren't just working to save your sex life, you're working to reverse cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline at any age.

If you're not willing to do the work, then you have a much bigger, deeper problem!

8,063 men were voluntarily followed and studied by researchers for seven years.

" who were impotent before the study began or who developed it during the study were 45% more likely to experience a cardiovascular event than those free of erectile dysfunction." --"Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.

I'm not a doctor and I do not diagnose or prescibe. I'm a shamanic practitioner that uses a whole soul approach... physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

That being said, 90% or more of physical health issues can be reversed by changing your diet according to Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn. So then the question becomes, is it worth it to you?

Changing diet and lifestyle habits, for most people, is very challenging, but 100% possible.

1) If you already have hypertension, cholesterol over 150 mg/dL, or angina then your diet changes will need to be more precisely a whole food, low saturated fat, plant-based diet. Plenty of plant-based omega-3 fatty acid foods, though, are excellent health promoters! Healthy food boundaries will be required to reverse erectile dysfunction.

2) If you have resistant or stressed thinking patterns rather than empowered thinking patterns, you'll need to set some new boundaries and standards for your amazing brain!

3) If you participate in pornography in any way, you are activating your addiction center in your brain rather than your loving connection center in your brain... so again, setting healthy boundaries for your brain health is super important.

Results of pornography: 33% of men under age 40 now suffer from E.D. and low sex drive while specifically 25% of younger men ages 16-21 have E.D., low sex drive and difficulty ejaculating. This is all due to the multiple areas of brain injuries caused by viewing porn.

Any addictions you may currently have to unhealthy foods or unhealthy viewing habits can be overcome and your healthy physiology can be restored! Which leads us into the next category of addictions... it's all the drugs!

4) If you use cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, opioids, heroin, narcotics, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and/or some pharmaceutical prescriptions... this can contribute to developing E.D.

Obviously, if you want to get off medications, you'll need to work with your medical health professional on that one. *Please note, if you decide to change your diet and you're on prescriptions for blood thinning, angina, hypertension, or high cholesterol, you'll NEED to pay close attention to your body and how you're feeling while working with your doctor because your cardiovascular health will improve and the drug dosages will need to be adjusted by your medical professional.

5) Exercise... if your health care professional says it's safe for you to exercise, then get up and do it!

"Inactivity actually increases your risk of becoming impotent by 10 times." --Dr. Aaron Spitz, MD

6) If you have trouble sleeping and truly resting (two different things entirely), this can deplete your testosterone levels significantly and hamper blood circulation to your penis and the nerves therein. Most men 18 years and older need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and for others it may be appropriate to get 6-11 hours. The more hours of sleep you get before midnight, the more beneficial and restorative your sleep will be. Boundaries on your sleep hygiene is a basic need that must be met.

One of the most world-wide, well known safe and gentle, but powerful herbs for sexual health is actually a nervine named Oatstraw. Dried, cut Oatstraw infusions are made using 1C of Oatstraw steeped in 4C of pure water for 4-8 hours, or overnight. Just bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat, stir in the Oatstraw and cover. Let it steep 4-8 hours. Strain and drink, every day.

Oatstraw is an excellent nourishing herb for the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the reproductive system. Daily Oatstraw infusions over time will help the body rebuild a healthy nervous system which will help alleviate anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia and sexual dysfunction.

Although, "results not typical nor guaranteed," one of my clients reversed his erectile dysfuntion by adding Oatstraw infusions without implementing any other changes. So... you're welcome! ;D

There's a lot of herbs that can support the reversal of disease and specifically erectile dysfuncion, but I like to start with one herb at a time because if 1 herb is enough, why take more than you need? So I begin with the most nourishing herb for our most typically undernourished society and that's Oatstaw.

The fastest, most effective and long-lasting way to implement any big changes for any aspect of your health is by recruiting support. When it comes to erectile dysfuction, I can help you!

You deserve to know the power you have over your own health.

Your life, and the way you feel while living it, matters!

Your natural virility has a powerful effect on the people within your circle of infuence.

They feel the ebbs and flows of your vitality even if you think you're hiding it.

You're not hiding anything, my friend, and there's no need to.

I provide a safe, supportive environment to get you your health back.

Challenge yourself to heal faster than you thought was imaginable.



Get your mojo back today!

You've got this and I've got your back.

There's nearly nothing more important to me than a man living in his full power because I know just what a profound effect he has on everyone he loves and lives for.

Get on your free consultation to work with me now:

480-259-7140 or