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Suffering Is the Compass of the Waving Flag

...with it the radius of one's reach is fixed and limited.

October 13, 2022

I asked Spirit for a Dream Healing for a friend I'm working with...


The cryptic phrase and imagery comes simultaneously...

I hear, "Suffering is the compass of the waving flag" while I witness a short scene. I see clearly a little hole in the light brown dirt on the ground when suddenly someone thrusts their wooden flag pole into the hole, planting it firmly like they're putting a stake in the ground to claim this spot!

The flag is red like blood and fire.

I wake up.

It's the middle of night so I type the phrase into my phone notes and go back to sleep.

When I awaken again hours later, I have not forgotten about the dream; there was a lot of energy in it! After my morning sunrise walk with my son, I begin to decipher, translate and journal the dream... this is the work I love!

Spirit has given us a Gift of Guidance and I do not take it lightly! I LOVE this stuff!

I'm gonna be straight with you, the very 1st thing I think of when I hear the word, "suffering" is:

"Suffering is optional."

Can I expand?

Absolutely. I learned this from Byron Katie, one of my blessed teachers. She teaches us what many sages have throughout history... suffering is created by our thoughts about something, not the thing itself. More specifically, our belief in the thoughts we are having about that circumstance and especially what we make it all mean.

But let's get back to the dream to clarify the compass... the compass is a drafting compass with a fixed point, not a compass that tells us which way is North.

I believe this drafting compass that is suffering in this dream means that suffering is your set point, your set path that you don't like to deviate from and in some cases you may even have an inner drive to not deviate from your suffering; a justified determination.

As for the flag as red as blood and fire... distress, warning, danger, stop what you're doing!

This can be viewed in two ways... 1) The owner of the flag is trying to get everyone's attention within their radius by waving their red flag of suffering, "Stop and pay attention to me!" The firm passion with which this flag was planted in the ground suggests this could be a big one.

2) The owner of the red flag could use the experience of suffering as a "Red Flag of Warning" to themselves to stop themselves from lingering in suffering any longer. Suffering is a choice.

If you've put your red flag stake in the ground to claim this spot, you are stuck right here and your radius of reach can only go so far. You have limited yourself.

Flying a flag of suffering, staking your claim in suffering limits your reach in life, in relationships, in health, and in your sense of meaning and Purpose.

Suffering is not a red badge of honor, nor a way to prove your innocense, nor goodness, nor worthiness. Those things are innate in you and you do NOT need to suffer to prove it.

Suffering is an option, a choice, an attachment to the thoughts that are creating the suffering.

Pain and triggers are one thing to move through... digesting negative emotions doesn't take very long. Whereas suffering, that can truly last an entire lifetime. Is that your intention? If not, here's my shorter version for digesting negative emotions:

Suffering is a lingering in... a swimming in...

...But not getting out! Look! You're turning into a raisin suffering like this! ;D

Scenario: You know you got triggered, but instead of actually digesting those emotions all the way through that same day... you just live with it, swim in it, ruminate over it, vent it out in ways that don't support your healing and health... and all of this without a decision of when you'll digest the emotion, thus choosing to live with a festering wound rather than apply the healing balm of proper self-care.

Here's a possible consequence to planting your flag of suffereing: you may lose some people from your life due to the heavy, negative emotions you are continually blowing into the wind (sadly, I have a relative like this).

But more importantly, most significantly, you lose yourself. When you choose suffering you lose contact with your Omnipotent Eternal Soul.

Do you want to identify yourself in such a way?

I don't believe you do.

And Yes! You are SO much greater than that!

You are not a bad person when you choose suffering. Either way, you are always whole and worthy and good.

And... you must DECIDE to be done with suffering.


Tell Spirit.

Ask, command, thank ahead of time for Spirit's help to expand your perspective and free you; illumninate your mind and heart to see the circumstance with the eyes of God.

Healing comes much easier this way... full of Grace.

The Divine is always looking out for you, Guiding you and answering your prayers.

Our dreams are one way we receive those answers and Guidance.

Are you listening? Are you responding to Spirit's Guidance by taking action on this Guidance?

Every single one of us humans has experienced suffering. You are most certainly NOT alone!

However, not all of us DECIDE to be done with suffering.

That is a new standard we must decide to commit to with passion, determination and in relationship with Spirit.

In this dream, the peson planting the compass of the waving flag did so with vigor, firmness and passion. You are SO passionate to argue for your suffering! You are SO passionate to fight for your right to stake claim in your suffering! You feel SO justified!

So I ask every one of us who have ever staked claim in our suffering:

Where is your passion for your peace and healing?!

Where is your passion, vigor and firmness to be free of suffering?!

You have a right to both of course.

The decision is completely yours.

Once you decide you're done with suffering and tell Spirit to help you, then your answers and healing will be delivered to you under grace in perfect ways.

I believe through experience that this prayer song below is an active and effective way to invite Spirit to heal your suffering... old or new. It's a shamanic extraction song of prayer titled, "Morning Sun."

Below is the longer version of digesting negative emotion especially useful for those who have never done this sort of thing before. It's simply a guided meditation. No fancy music, just us and our breath and some guidance <3 May you apply some healing balm to your soul today <3