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The Biggest Lie You've Been Told

June 10, 2024

"The biggest lie you've been told..." I heard this message while at the same time I felt and saw a Vision like a movie with a Knowing. I was reading a book this morning, "The Light After Death; My Journey To Heaven and Back" by Vincent Todd Tolman with Lynn Taylor. The book, Vinney's story is not the lie...

"The biggest lie you've been told is that God does not live within you nor through you." --My Angels

You've been told it's egotistical, prideful, blasphemous, arrogant, self-centered, conceited, and downright evil to see your own beauty and worthiness... to truly see and feel God in your own eyes.

"That's not humble!" -society and religion shout at you!

Why is it you're "allowed" to see the innate goodness and worthiness in someone else, to know how lovable they are, but you're not "allowed" see your own worthiness through the eyes of God?

You're taught to believe you're just a weak little human that'll never measure up, a sinful soul that has to fear the Judgement for all the mistakes you make in life. You find yourself at times, or most of the time, filled with toxic guilt and shame and this dreadful feeling you're not enough and you never will be.

So you serve from fear or dread in hopes you can "earn" God's acceptance of your pathetic, never good enough self. You see some others as worthy of your service and care, but not you.

What I heard, saw and felt this morning from my Angels is that all this BS about God not living within you is the lie that separates you from even looking for God within, let alone finding God within you.

Tolman wrote on page 126 of his book, "...we must find God inside ourselves, and then we can find Him in everything else. After I saw God in my own eyes, I could see Him in the eyes of others, and in the existance of all things... on this side, you have to connect with God within yourself, and then you can connect with the divine in everyone and everything else."


I felt the Truth in Vinney's words and experience and my Angels expanded it for me, and you, in this way... the lie about our innate nature as humans... the lie that you're sinful and unworthy... separates you from God so much so that you don't even look for God inside yourself, nor others, nor nature which traps you in a loop of The Ultimate Self-Denial -- denying the God within.

Can you see how not seeing God within you makes it easy to not see God within other people that you judge when they do things you don't like?

Can you see how not seeing God within makes it easy to not see God within Nature?

Can you see how easy it is to harm others and Nature when we don't believe God lives within all people and things?

Stop believing the lies that separate you from feeling God's loving presence that's always with you and within you.

Begin to practice acknowledging and feeling God's unconditional love for you.

On April 6th, 2023, I saw and felt Source living in my heart and in and through ALL things eternally connected to all things... ALL. This experience helped me have a better understanding of what having true Clarity of Self is and feels like... for all of us!

I've since also learned that God lives and communicates through our DNA as well... every cell, the trillions of cells that make up our bodies also contains our Divine DNA blueprint... a Divine Scroll of our own innate Divinity and Oneness with Source; our innate Divine Potential as well.

Yep, you ARE human... we all are and we do, in fact, make mistakes and have a lot of learning and growing to do here on Earth, but NONE of that makes you or me less lovable to God and our Angels.

There are many spiritual practices that support our felt connection with Source.

One of those practices I was shown in my experience of Source living in my heart, DNA and ALL things... is to practice FEELING grateful for my existence because God lives in my heart and even singing in gratitude for my existence because God Source lives inside and through all of us.

Thank You, God, for living in my heart. Thank You, Source, for Loving me and Loving through me.

Thank You, Angles, for helping me see myself through Your eyes.

Thank You, Angels, for helping me see God in my eyes and all eyes.

May God's Love illuminate the remembrance of your Soul's Purity and Divinity with you.

If you need support releasing not-love and opening up to receiving Divine Love, book your session with me today... you are worthy of support and Divine Love always.
