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What's Your Legacy?


June 21, 2024

What's your legacy?

I mean, that could be the whole blog post, right? Contemplating that question with genuine openness and curiosity could be the only "call to action" I share with you here today....

But I also wanna know, when you DO know your Legacy, through what channels are you going to accomplish creating it? Did you know your hands can reveal your Legacy & some channels to you?

As you may or may not know by now, I translate the symbols in people's hands into English because those symbols reveal our Life's Purpose, Life School, Life Lesson and specific Gift Markings. Yes!

It's true!


YOUR fingerprints and hand lines are reflecting back to you what Legacy your Soul has gifted you for this lifetime!


What I mean by that is: 1) YOU inherited an abundance of Gifts and Guidance from your Soul that's been etched into your hands since 5 months before you were born! And 2) You Inherited the Divinely Designed Potential you're meant to use to create a Legacy here before your time is up... your specifically channeled Legacy to the world among your Divinely Inherited Fractal Line!

The Fractal Line is a Gene Key reference to the Souls you're meant to serve which is a natural sacred geometry of our Soul Connections... this could be family, friends, animals, clients, etc.

The Gene Keys, Human Design, Shamanic Hand Analysis, Astrology, Numerology, or any other system of getting to know yourself more deeply and deconditioning your shadow aspects through loving compassion is for the purpose of supporting your lifetime's agenda to create your Legacy.

I support people with Human Design and Gene Keys, but my truest love is Shamanic Hand Analysis for many reasons... 1) is the miraculous way I found it and how deeply it healed me to my core... 2) it's YOUR body, YOUR hands, undeniably YOU!... 3) you don't need to rely on technology... admittedly I'm a bit of a strange combination of a "what if there's an apocalypse?" kinda gal, mixed with "a positive outcome is being created now" kinda gal! ;D Hahaha! Meaning, what if someday I don't have access to a computer or internet or electricity... Q: How can we most quickly and accurately know our Purpose without computer generated charts? A: Hand Analysis!

Your (obviously personalized ;-) Hand Reading can help you answer these profound, existential questions:

Who are you really?

Why are you here right now, still? If you're still here, you have a purpose to fulfill...

Where are you going?

What is your Soul's Purpose?

People that feel purposeful in their lives live longer, happier, more fulfilling lives. Blue Zones facts ;D


If you're craving more from life, it's because you were Divinely Designed for more.

If you're feeling a deep, inner pressure to do more with your life, it's because you were Divinely Designed to contribute your Legacy to this world!


What is it?

If you feel lost, confused, stuck or clueless about your Soul's Calling, your Mission so to speak, I know I can help you.

I was Divinely Designed to support people with this most impactful endeavor! How do I know?...

(Image above is not my hands ;-)

...Because I have TWO fingerprints in the palms of my hands, in the specific zones that reveal part of my Purpose is to help people know their Purpose, to guide others through the Dark Nights of their Soul, to help people move through spiritual stagnation (put their spirituality and intuition into action); I'm a messenger of the Angelic and Higher Realms for the benefit of others...

This is one small piece of my Purpose written into my hands.

What Purpose do your hands hold for you?

Your hands are a refelction of your Soul's gifts to you so you can have a compass, a map, a spiritual guidance system so you can always find your way through life with the most ease and Grace possible.

The epistle engraved in your hands by your own Soul's loving, unique frequency is like a liquid mirror you can step through, a portal to your most fulfilling life... one of abundance and contribution in perfect symbiotic harmony.

Call me today to set up your Shamanic Hand Reading at: 480-259-7140