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Books Are What Our Boots Are Made Of

Our Message of Faith

November 13, 2022

Slowest. Book Club. Ever.

And... Dreamtime Medicine Sharing Circle...

Yup, that's what's coming soon brought to you by me (and my dreams ;-)

Why this? Why now? Because of the dream I had of course! :D

But first... I had a hand reading with Itzhak Beery back in February of this year. I wasn't expecting to have one, but I was deeply nourished by his way of interpreting and so grateful for his perspective! I've been reading hands for 12 years and he is the first one that has ever taught me what I learned that day!

Itzhak shared many beautiful insights with me, but a particular message from my hand reading feels powerfully linked to the dream I'll share below. He said, "You are the woman who is married to God."

Spiritual intimancy is something I've always needed.

I remember craving a closeness to God since I was 9 years old. I didn't even know what that meant to me, but I felt It and started seeking It out. Oh, and I mean "need" like food, water and air. The Earth beneath my feet, need.

Itzhak continued, "You are here to serve God, or a Big Idea. Your life is about serving God. Idea. Healing. Making other people's lives better, but also to be able to retreat and not do all that.... it's a Gift and an Obligation to do alone time. You are here to 'wear God.'"

In the Human Design system I am a 3/5 profile with my conscious personality sun being 11: The Idealist. We have many ideas! Ha! I used to be ridiculed for my idealistic suggestions, but now I realize what a Gift I bring to The Table of Options. The Ideal/Idea is what we may decide to work towards even if we know it cannot be accomplished in our lifetime... but it opens up the conversation and broadens perspectives of possibilities. I now trust that my Idealism is a Gift from God, it's how I'm designed and it is mirrored in my own hands!

This slowest. Book Club. Ever. Combined with my Dreamtime Medicine Sharing Cirlcle is an expression of my idealistic vision and internal drive to support people.

Here's the dream from this past October that gave me the title for this blog post!:

I'm at a lively, bustling event in a community park with green grass, wooden picnic tables and benches, and a huge white projection screen with words on it... a stanza from a poem:

"Oh Starry Night"

I see an image in my dream-head of Van Gogh's painting, but the screen is showing a poem rather than a painting. Curious.

The local nuns hold this community book club regularly and decided to play at a little contest of no consequence, just for fun, to see who can guess the title and author of this stanza of poetry. The adults and chldren are having a great time and I can tell they've been potlucking at this community book club for years... all the families seem to know each other quite well and feel very close with one another.

The winner of the poetry contest is celebrated by all with great cheers, laughter and kudos... no prize of monetary significance, just good times!

I notice someone asking the nuns questions like an interview, "You've been holding this community book club for the past 14 years; do you think you'll ever stop holding book club?"

I see one of the nuns working at the event as usual, but when she realizes she's been doing this for the past 14 years she has a bit of a negative perspective at first that she keeps to herself, but somehow I know she's thinking, "I never thought I'd be holding community book club for 14 years! I never thought this is what I'd be doing with my life as a nun." Somehow thinking she would have been doing something "bigger" or something "more direct" or "more impactful" in the world than holding a local community book club.

But as soon as the nuns were asked if they would ever stop holding book club, all of the other nuns immediately replied, "Never! Books are what our boots are made of!" And I saw nun boots flash through my head.

In the moment that phrase is declared, "Books are what our boots are made of," even the negative nun feels her energy shift into her mission as a nun... a woman who is married to God. Books are how they share their Message of God, their Message of Faith.

I can see and feel the nun's history and success and their community book club in the park. I see that "all good books" are in book club, not just their bible. The good books and the good vibes from the books they experience together, build the good vibes of the entire community -- bringing people closer to God whether they know it or not.

Having the love and bonds of the community help build everyone's faith in a Higher Power and the goodness of their fellow human beings.

I wake up.

I wonder to myself, "Is some sort of Dream Book Club my next step? Do these nuns represent me? Nuns are women married to God and my hands reveal the same conept for me..." I continued to journal out all the symbols and contemplate and asked myself, "Should this be a Free Community Service rather than a 'paid mastermind'? Will this be weekly or monthly? ...and seriously, is there really a poem with Van Gogh's title?"

That was the easiest question to answer, by the way ;D Yes, "The Starry Night" by Anne Sexton.

Here's what I know about myself: I am living every day to honor my dreams, heal people when called up to do so, and leave a legacy of love, healing and wisdom for my family.

Spirit, God, Source, the entire Universe knows this about me too! Haha! ;D

Living my day to honor my dreams means that I do the necessary interpretations and contemplations of the dream. Then I create an action plan based on the Guidance or Medicine that the Dream Lodge delivered to me. If I need more depth of clarity or healing, I go on a drumming journey. This journey may be the only action Spirit is suggesting... but usually there are more inspired actions I feel I'm meant to take... such as calling that friend, writing that blog, taking that herb, healing that client in that particular way, booking myself a healing session, taking my six-year-old grandson to the crystal shop to pick out his helping stone... you get the idea ;-)

If fact, I notice my ability to remember my dreams will wane when I "fall behind" on the actions I know I'm supposed to take. So I hit my journal, find what's calling me and get to work. Next thing I know, my Dreamtiime is reavealing new messages for me to follow.

I'd love to know what YOU know about yourself that the entire Universe knows, too! I'd also love to know... how do you live your days to honor your dreams?

I'll be honoring this dream in a few ways...

1) This blog post! Ha!

2) Holding a free community shamanic support group... like a "Dreamtime Club"/"Spiriual Book Club."

I want to make it very clear we will never be rushing through a book nor forcing ourselves to read 1 book each month! We may only read 1 chapter per week and let our Dreamtime reveal how the pace flows and our personal evolution unfolds. I imagine the books we read, our lives, our goals and Soul Purpose will invoke Dreamtime Medicine every week! No need to hurry!

As for the "potluck" aspect of my dream brought to reality: this means to me that EACH person brings something of value they can share with group...

  • Your questions
  • Your insights
  • Your dreams
  • Your ability to connect with others
  • How you incorporate what you bring and what you "consume" into your waking life
    • Meaning... how are you allowing this community vibe to support your personal and spiritual growth? Please let us know! We want to support and celebrate you!

Remember, I'm a 3/5 profile and the line 3 means I'm an experimenter! Ha! This means we go with the flow of change as we experiment and learn, re-evaluate and possibly re-direct. For example: to start, we will be meeting on Mondays (named after and ruled by the Moon). Moon'sday is deep, ethereal and receptive. Grandmother Moon energy lends herself to magic & mysticism related to nurturing, intropespection, intuition and relaxation.

I live in Arizona and will be hosting this community Sacred Dreamers Book Club at 11am-12:30pm. Why? Because I wake up at 4-5am every day and I go to sleep EARLY! Ha! And... Noon is considered to be a medicine portal. I'll quote Tess Whitehurst:

"Noon can be useful for magic related to shinning light into darkness and all forms of illumination, such as solving mysteries, fostering beneficial connections, and healing old wounds."

To me, healing means a powerful shift in perception that comes from a Divine Illumination of one's heart and mind.

Moon'sday @ 11am-12:30pm, AZ time (which in the Fall is Mountain time, Spring is Pacific).

If you're a Facebook participant, you can find our group page here:

I'll be using Zoom video meeting, if you don't want to be seen... just turn off your video ;D

I chose to have people register just in case they perfer to get emails rather than have to get into the FB group to click the link... it will be the same link all the way through January of 2023.

I'll be teaching a concept aligned with either dreams or the chapter of the week... this will be up to 15 minutes and the rest of the time will be everyone sharing and connecting with one another. I'll also likely lead some sort of prayer, chant or song to "book end" our time together. If any of us Sacred Dreamers need a group shamanic drummiing journey or other form of guided meditation, those who feel comfortable may join to support and share.

We will meet for 90 minutes maximum because I have lunch with a couple of my daughters on Mondays so I cannot stay over time! ;D

Here is your Zoom link invitation to register:

I want you to feel "fed" after our club meetings; spiritually nourished and held.

It's super important to me that we feel empowered, seen, and heard... I believe Spirit will give us the signs, Divine Guidance, and community connections & celebrations we seek.

In Love... See ya Mondays!