The Cowering Warrior

...and Your New Life

· Dreams,Boundaries,New Life,Dream Healing,Dream Messages

I'm The Observer of the war scene playing out before me, but I know their thoughts and I can feel their emotions... and they're running high!

Dream: I'm in an older era where arrows and swords are used as weapons, yet not one person has a shield. I'm in a mountain forest facing two tribes opposing each other... they can't see me. The tribe to my right has the higher ground while the tribe to my left is on lower ground and more spread out amongst the trees, except for the circle at the center front of them. Within the circle is the woman with magic standing a bit off to the right and behind Tribe Left's "Greatest Warrior" who is kneeling on the ground front and center. He is attempting to make himself small because he knows what's coming and he's trying not to get hit!

I see Tribe Right being led by a strong, resolute woman with olive skin and raven hair tied back tight. She directs her tribe to aim ALL of their arrows down toward and directly at Tribe Left's "Greatest Warrior." This feels overwhelming and excessive to me as The Observer, but I can see how efficient an idea this is... the arrows fly!

I look to Tribe Left and hear from the circle the woman with magic is casting a spell as she raises her right hand in the air... suddenly ALL the arrows turn into harmless beautiful flowers... the names of which I do not know. She saved their "Greatest Warrior's" life! I feel relief as does their "Greatest Warrior."

It doesn't last; I hear the sinister, deep disembodied voice within Tribe Right's Leader's head question her, "What happened? Is it done? Is he dead?"

She responds, "No, but it's about to be." Tribe Right's leader and best warrior then reaches across her chest to grab her knife out of her own body... she stores her knife in her upper shoulder! She pulls her knife out of her shoulder and throws it with determined precision at Tribe Left's "Greatest Warrior" and strikes him right through his upper forearm -- just below the elbow of his dominant hand!

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Their "Greatest Warrior's" hand can no longer grip his sword to pick it up, the wound is too deep. Tribe Right seizes their opportunity to attack, knowing he can't fight back, and they charge toward him! Tribe Right's woman warrior is especially focused on completing her directive to kill the man they call their "Greatest Warrior" while her fellow tribesmen engage Tribe Left's other tribesmen who are doing their best to defend their "Greatest Warrior."

Everyone in Tribe Left is fighting to protect their "Greatest Warrior" as he continues to kneel on the ground, cowering in fear and silence as he watches all the fighting around him, for him.

I notice he isn't even trying to pick up his sword, weak hand or not... as The Observer I feel incensed that he isn't even trying to defend himself let alone his fellow tribesmen who are risking their lives for him!

The woman with magic, long blonde hair flowing past her waist sees their "Greatest Warrior" is about to be struck down so she jumps to defend him, her pale blue and silver cloak flying open revealing her belly is heavily swollen in near-to-term pregnancy! The woman with magic swoops down to pick up their "Greatest Warrior's" sword to fight for his life and defend him.

As The Observer I'm shocked, thinking loudly, "She's pregnant! She's due any day! She should NOT be fighting!" Somehow I know the father isn't on the battlefield, he's wherever his own work is...

The women warriors' swords clank and their battle over the man's life begins; one hell-bent on killing him and the other unwavering to save him, not even thinking of the life within her womb.

The battle is hard and fierce and the raven-haired killer pins down the pregnant woman on her back against a large rock or boulder, both swords inches from impaling one another through the solar plexus!

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The pregnant woman is suddenly naked now, her bare belly full of life facing the killer straight on as she asks the killer, "Please don't kill him." she looks toward their "Greatest Warrior" still on his knees unassertive and cowering. Inside I can feel the pregnant woman's terror that her baby's life is in danger, but she refuses to give the killer any satisfaction by showing her fear and desperation, instead she stoically and simply asks for the man's life, "Please don't kill him. Please, let 'it' go."

As The Observer, I think to myself (trying to calm myself down from feeling stunned, shocked and horror-stricken), "Surely, she wouldn't kill a pregnant woman!"

The looming killer pressed steadily forward, her sword cutting through the upper belly of the pregnant woman!

"This is crazy!" I'm screaming in my Observer head! I begin hoping the sword is too high to even hit the baby and maybe they both can live even if nobody else can defend the man at this point -- he may die -- but the woman and baby might live...

Quickly, and quite unexpectedly, the pregnant woman births her baby by magic through her abdomen, there is no blood. The mother now holds her dead baby in one arm, face down and I can see the crown of the baby's head and the line the sword left when driven through it. The mother says to the killer, "Please, just take the dead baby as your trophy and leave us now -- leave the man to live." The mother is still determined to NOT show her emotions to the killer... her fear, her grief, nor her complete devastation at the loss of her baby.

The killer faces away from them (in my direction but she still can't see me), and she's thinking, "Nobody can stop me now... I'm just gonna finish them all off and kill everyone. The "dead baby trophy" isn't enough, I'm gonna finish "the job" and kill their "Greatest Warrior.""

I wake up.

I feel shocked and dismayed.

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It's 2:30am. There's no way I'm getting back to sleep.

Dreams are actually quite a personal thing, aren't they? They show us every aspect of ourselves. This dreams showed me the truth about somebody in my life, too, which I had been blind to previously, or in denial about at the very least ;-). Sometimes dreams show us through symbols the truths we refuse to see about others and ourselves in our waking lives.

I feel vulnerable showing this dream to you, but I know the symbolism and messages can help all of us... not just me and the decision this dream helped me make.

I think we can all agree... the dream man here proved he was NOT anybody's "Greatest Warrior."

I know that I'm in the process of growing a new life, which symbolically is represented by the baby. I made a commitment to myself and Spirit to live in alignment with my Soul's Purpose at a higher level than I have been. In Hand Analysis, I call this process an expansion of our Life's Purpose. In October, I signed up to take Maria Owl's Holistic Channeling program to deepen my understanding of and my relationship with my spiritual gifts and abilities. When we make those higher frequency intentional decisions, every part of our lives that is of a lower frequency will need to be released or raised... or else we may lose the "new life" instead.

This dream has me asking myself a lot of questions... and my suggestion is for you to do the same if you want to deepen and expand your Soul's Purpose:

  • What part of me is hell-bent on killing "the man" or "Greatest Warrior" and why?
  • Where am I not facing up to my inner enemies? Why?
  • Where am I not living up to the title given to me, or the role I've taken on? Why?
  • Who have I allowed within my inner circle that isn't living up to the title I gave them or pedestal I put them on? Why?
  • Am I picking up someone else's sword to fight their fight for them? Why?
  • I see a pattern... Why do I defend and protect these men? (while they do nothing but cower?)
  • Where am I risking my new life to pick up someone else's sword to fight their fight for them? Why?
  • Now that I see what isn't working... what's my next step? (I already took that action ;-) But there are many "next steps" to go...

Here is my question of all questions right now that I'm asking of Spirit (with my preface)...

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I feel like an NDE person who has experienced the Truth of Spirit's Unconditional Love and Peace that is truly beyond all understanding... some might call these experiences by many names: mystical ecstatic experiences, awakening moments or glimpses, or spiritually transformative experiences... so I believe (for me it feels more like a Knowing) that all of us are completely loved by Source Unconditionally. I also believe that once I get to the Other Side... I'm not gonna give two flying... flags... about any of the crap that happened to me throughout my life... all I wanna do is love people. That's it.

But apparently I need to learn that I can love people and have boundaries and see their human behavior for what it is... cowardice? Maybe. But by any name, it's none of my business actually and only for me to decide if it's in alignment with where I'm going (my new life I'm building)...

I feel like I need to disentangle my compassion for others' human experience from my own past.

I can love people BUT NOT pick up their swords or fight for them or defend them or protect them especially if it puts my life (and the new life I'm growing) in jeopardy. I notice that sometimes I think my truth will hurt others, and I never want to hurt people, so I somehow hurt myself instead.

So this is it. This is the journey of self awareness, the work of growth and personal evolution, the real-ization of aligning (and re-aligning) with our Soul's Purpose. Excruciating. Devastating. Enlightening. Illuminating. All leading me toward a deeper understanding and actualization of God's Unconditional Love, Grace & Oneness... through human sovereignty.

I'm trusting my journey is blessing yours ;D

If you're committed to knowing and aligning to fulfill your Soul's Purpose, you're invited to work with me one on one where you'll receive your hand analysis, dream healing, shamanic nutritional herbalism, and 12 consecutive weeks of shamanic bodywork via in-person or remotely depending on your location and schedule.

Hand Analysis is where people tell me they feel they've finally received their own soul's permission or validation of who they are and why they're here! Hand Analysis is such a Gift and healing balm from your Soul to your Human Experience. The dream healing, herbs and bodywork support you by removing energy blockages, cutting cords, removing negative spirit attachemnts, retrieving lost parts of your soul, reigniting your sacred fire (and more)... while giving you personalized messages from Spirit to carry you forward with clarity and positive momentum.

For more information click below or just contact me directly ;D