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    Dream Healing is a sacred part of my spirituality and work.

    I'm a Shamanic Dream Healer. I have this rare, unique gift to Dream Journey on others' behalf... this means our Compassionate Helping Spirits channel whatever type of healing is requested of you through my Dreamtime.


    1. You provide me with your "One Question" that is open-ended rather than a "yes or no" question.

    2. I enter my Dreamtime Journey with your healing and question for Spirit and I bring your answer back to you from the Realm of Dreams, aka the Dream Lodge.

    3. I connect with you to schedule our 90-min. recorded Zoom call to deliver your Dreamtime Medicine to you in it's various forms of healing messages, symbolism, insights, and guidance often combined with other shamanic practices if the need arises.


    Dream Healing is POWERFUL shamanic medicine that can change the direction and contribution of your life's legacy; bringing your body-mind-soul-purpose into clear, embodied alignment.

  • Dream Healing For Children...

    Healings can come in many forms... a Compassionate Helping Spirit, Messages, Imagery and more...

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    Guidance for Children

    Oftentimes, our children cannot articulate their deeper needs like ancestral healing and connection, a conscious deliberate relationship with their Power Animal and Nature Spirits, nor the experience of the Unconditional Divine Love that is always Present for them. Our children's physical health is as multi-layered as ours... the body-mind-soul-purpose connection can soothe and calm their unarticulated stresses them back to coherent wholeness.

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    A Fertility Story

    A wonderful woman and mother of one child had been divorced from the father but it was still a strained relationship of co-parenting. She was with her new love and true soul mate and trying to conceive while also facing some difficulties with her own mother. This wonderful woman was having trouble conceiving a new baby with her soul mate. I had a dream that her mother and ex-husband were in her uterus... their energy. This wonderful woman's thoughts and beliefs about her mother and her ex is what was allowing their unproductive, unhealthy energy to remain in her uterus and block conception. This wonderful woman decided to clear herself of their thoughts about her, expelling their energy from her body. She afterward conceived and gave birth to a happy, healthy baby!

  • More Stories of Healing Dreams...

    I'll be adding to this section for the rest of my life! Ha!

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    Love & Guidance for A 12-year Old Boy

    I dreamt of a boy in deep emotional pain around a very specific experience within a father-son dynamic. This dream was more literal than symbolic and the most important part of the dream was that I could feel how this boy was feeling.


    When sharing this dream with his mother, the accuracy was confirmed regarding the circumstances and I was able to articulate the boy's emotions in a way he could not fully express to his mom at his young age. In discussing the depth of her son's feelings about the situation, as well as her own thoughts and feelings about the matter, a healing plan of action was created. This boy's mother is devoted to supporting her son's growth and healing. He is deeply loved by her and the Divine.

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    Dreams for Work

    I dreamt of a friend I had not spoken with in at least a year because we live such full lives, not because of any falling out.


    In the dream I am helping my friend. I kneel down to pick up a manila file folder off the floor to hand it to her.


    I wake up.


    That's interesting. I decide to text her about it.

    [It's always important to take appropriate actions from our dreams to honor Spirit's Love & Guidance]. My friend says to me that I must be on to something because she is thinking of expanding her ND practice and may need some office help. I became her part-time virtual assistant! This dream is proof enough for me that Spirit is looking out for my friend and loves her dearly!


    Another time even longer ago... I had a dream about a job I was already working... but a spot in a specific department I wanted to be in opened up... someone left. I wake up and decide to remember to inquire about this next time I work!


    I told a co-worker about my dream and she said someone in that department gave notice and they need to fill her spot!


    Spirit always has our backs!

  • "There is nothing as beautiful as watching the wind work it's magic."

    I don't know who authored that, but I feel the same about dreams...

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    The Ancient Way

    Although the following dream was specifically for a woman and me, the messages are powerful and can be applied to anyone's creative life force energy and direction in life.



    There's SO much STRONG wind! Wind and clouds and lightning in the clouds but not striking out.


    My friend is hanging on tightly to a door handle so the wind won't blow her away! She's talking with me about it.


    I'm hanging onto a door handle, too, but my door keeps coming loose to blow away (although it is not blowing away). There are no hinges on my door, but my friend's door is hanging on by it's hinges.


    After many unsuccessful attempts to get my unhinged door to stay closed in it's doorway, I decide to turn the bolt lock AHEAD OF TIME to fit into the doorway's lock... and despite not having hinges... it works!! :D


    My door finally closes and the wind can no longer effect me. So, I let go of the door handle and find my friend still hanging on. It seems like two hours has gone by! She is not stressed, but she is starting to feel tired and like she can't hang on much longer.


    I suggest she let go and use the trees to support her and help her not blow away. The trees will ground her and make the wind have much less effect on her.


    The Wind then turns into a man; he's looking for The Ancient Way.


    The children are excited to help! The children are wearing the traditional bright clothing of South American indigenous peoples to help find The Ancient Way.


    I wake up.


    I really am a Tree Hugger! Are you?


    We discussed this dream and how it applies to our lives and healing work at length.


    "It's time for you to send me the Light now."

    This is a story of one of my own physical healings brought to me in a dream through a deceased ancestor, my mom.


    This video/audio is age-restricted because I don't want minors hearing about my very Dark Night of the Soul... even though it turned into a very bright Divine Light of my soul.


    This is Chapter 2 of my book, "A Shaman's Dreamtime"

    ...Death and Healing

  • "Suffering Is the Compass of the Waving Flag"

    Suffering is akin to a chronic illness rather than the pain or trigger of an acute injury or illness. This dream healing message is explained further in my blog post which you can read by clicking the button below... assuming you'd like to be free of your suffering...