• Scientific Hand Analysis & Shamanic Palm Reading

    A Divination & Diagnostic Tool

    What is Scientific Hand Analysis?

    Also known as dermatoglyphics, and combined with cymatics, Richard Unger has created a sacred union between the ancient art of shamanic palmistry and modern science that he has termed: Scientific Hand Analysis.


    Let’s be clear here -- Scientific Hand Analysis is NOT fortune-telling or future-telling… it’s a scientific-based decoding system that is predictively repeatable and teachable. I use Hand Readings for shamanic diagnosing and healing the root cause of physical troubles, mental-emotional blocks and aligning with your Soul's Purpose.


    “At the center of Unger’s work is the astonishing assertion that every human hand bears a unique pattern of fingerprints that can be decoded in a psychologically specific and meaningful way… an objective and straightforward analytical tool with a breathtaking capacity to unmask the sources (and the potent, insistent dynamics) of many of the common frustrations and failures all of us experience in our daily lives.” –Frank R. Wilson, MD


    I am a science geek and a soul-searcher, so this system is perfect for me! A personal meditation revealed to me BEFORE I found Scientific Hand Analysis that my hands were liquid mirrors, a gift and a reflection of my soul to me. I didn’t know what that meant for at least a week or two… until I found this hand-reading system! Through my discovery of Scientific Hand Analysis, I have found that it’s not just MY hands… but everybody’s hands are a gift; a reflection of their soul to them!


    Your fingerprints reveal your Life Purpose, Life School and Life Lesson. They developed in your hands FIVE months before you were born! They never change. These gifts and challenges are what you brought with you to support you through your life experience and make the world a better place for you having lived in it. The shape of your hands and fingers, as well as the lines in your hands CAN change. Specific lines reflect your gifts and extra talent-potential that also reveal your neuropathways and brain/behavior patterns in the physical form of lines in your hands.


    What I love about this system for hand readings is that it looks at your whole soul-psychology in a positive way. Your Life Lesson is thought of as your greatest teacher and ally. Any challenge marker you have, you can change. But the goal here is NOT to keep the good and ditch the bad; it’s about embracing who you are at a deep soul-level. Scientific Hand Analysis holds both your strengths and weaknesses and treats them as “…complementary, inseparable, and in fact equally essential agents for healthy psychological development.” –Frank R. Wilson, MD


    As part of my 1-to-1 Shamanic Program, you learn how to integrate all that’s revealed by your hands into your life, work and relationships… If you USE the map that your soul imprinted into your hands since before your birth, you can quite realistically accomplish your wildest, most outrageous dreams while feeling deeply fulfilled and on-Purpose.

    Fingerprint Analysis Unique & Absolutely Accurate

    "It made me wish I'd had something like this when I was a bit younger! I might have taken a slightly more direct route, ha! I really recommend Theresa and she is just such a delight to work with. I hope you enjoy her."


  • "Yes! A Hand Reading Is Exactly What I Need!"

    If that's you... call or text me now 480-259-7140 or e-mail: Theresa@11thhourshaman.com

  • What Is Your Soul's Purpose?

    The answer has been in your hands all along... here's what clients have to say...

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    "One of the most incredible things I have experienced!"

    Theresa, it seems that just her presence, kindness, feminine energy is enough to heal and to calm. There is something about her that made the whole experience sacred. I can't always feel the energy when I have a reiki session, but with her, I could feel the heat, the flow of energetic nourishment coming thru her hands. I was surprised when she recognized and told me about a physical problem in my body I didn't tell anyone about. After the session I felt that something had changed inside me.


    Scientific Hand Analysis... One of the most incredible things I have experienced! I expected a one page report and I received 11 pages text about my Life Purpose and Life Lesson, divided into many sub-sections. It has been eye opening, inspiring, clarifying, definitely helped with how I feel about myself. Everything in the report resonated deeply with me and reading it, I had many insights and realizations, which I can apply daily to improve the quality of my inner life.


    If you ever desired to "see the big picture" -- this IS the big picture. Of you. I can help anyone, who is not completely sure, which path to take, what is their purpose and who does not understand clearly the gifts and lessons she or he is given.


    With Love, Theresa


    Joanna Z.


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    "Very Precise and clear...

    she put all the pieces together like a puzzle."

    Theresa is an amazing woman. She has such depth in her authentic way and with her loving & sensitive personality. She read my fingerprints and became and angel who lays out the clarity I asked for so long. In a very precise and clear form she confirmed my knowingness and put all the pieces together like a puzzle. This reading touched me so deeply that I will always keep it in me. I am so thankful for her to be in my life. With a graceful tear in my eye, "Thank you."


    Anne Vetter




  • "OMG! Finally! Everything I've Been Searching For!"

    --If that's you... reach out to me: 480-259-7140

  • Soul Permission

    Your hands are a reflection of your Soul's Gifts & Purpose which brings healing and alignment to your Soul's unique expression for this lifetime...

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    Hand Analysis with Deepest Gratitude

    Thank you so much, Theresa, I can't even begin to tell you (though I'm sure you got an idea from your 19-page Hand Analysis report... lol) how much of a Goddess-send you are to me right now. This may sound a bit dramatic, but I will never be able to forget you and how much you've helped me. Thank you, a million times over. I wish all of the brightest blessings I can imagine for you.


    With deepest gratitude,




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    "I'm on the right path..."

    All of this was right on... Oh my gosh -- what an amazing gift! I receive this with humble gratitude... you have no idea how much this validation means... to really truly know that I'm on the right path means the world to me. Theresa Anne has such an amazing spirit; she truly knows what you need and how to bring out the best in you!


    Julie C.


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    "Showing me my future with no judgements... about my past!"

    Oh my gosh thank you so much!!! This means so much to me! Already, I feel that there are giant walls I'm becoming aware of, and pieces are falling down, showing me my future with no judgements or negative feelings about my past!


    I feel so relieved that I have "a purpose," ironically, I've never thought about it until I met (my partner) and I KNEW she had one. I felt so pale in comparison, and I never wanted to try before, so I thought that meant that I had no purpose at all... I guess being apathetic and co-dependent were guards to keep me afloat during my childhood! Don't need those anymore! Thank you again, so much, for everything you've done for me.




  • "Yes! It's Time To KNOW My Soul's Purpose!"

    If that's you... I KNOW I can help you! 480-259-7140