• What Clients Said

    in their own words...

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    From Freaked Out & In Shock

    To Complete Calm & Peace!

    This is a testimonial of Theresa's powerful abilities of being a healer. The first time I saw Theresa was in a class at SWIHA. I was already sitting in the classroom when she walked in. Theresa walked by me and I immediately got the feeling that she was a very powerful being and that I would become friends with her. We went through the entire class never really speaking to each other, but yet I still knew that we would eventually be friends. The very next class I had, Theresa was once again with me. We got to know a little about each other during each class, and eventually started to develop a friendship. Of course when this class ended, we continued into the next class together. This was the time when I truly got to experience Theresa's gifts of healing.


    One night after class, I went home to find a health concern that arose on my body. Without specifically stating what the issue was, I will just say that I was completely freaked out and panicked. Pacing around my house in a state of shock, my phone rang. It was Theresa, and it was 11pm at night. Why was she calling me? So I answered! Theresa said, "Sorry I missed your call." "What call?" I thought! I didn't call her. When I looked at my phone, it did not show that I had called her, but her phone showed I did! She was "Spirit dialed!" So I immediately told her of my dilemma. Without any hesitation she drove over to my house!


    When Theresa showed up, she had a bag full of herbs and salves, and a big non-judgmental heart! I showed her what my concern was and she gave me all the advice she had! Without thinking, my mouth opened and I asked Theresa for a Reiki/healing session. I needed her help! I needed to be healed! So, Theresa agreed and we began.


    I laid on the edge of my bed and closed my eyes. For the next 45 minutes I experienced something I cannot put into words! Theresa laid her hands on me and I could feel an energy that is indescribable! She moved all around my body. Occasionally I would feel a tingle and a twitch, but most of all was the feeling in my heart and body of complete hope, love, healing, and an interconnectedness with beings that were not visible to my eyes, but yet visible to my knowing. I felt as if the Divine Itself was healing me! At the end, Theresa held my hand for a while, and it was like I was holding the hand of Jesus and Archangel Raphael! It was the most amazing experience of energy and purity I have ever felt in my entire life! When Theresa was finished, I had this feeling of complete calm and peace.


    Since then, I have told everyone about Theresa's healing abilities! Her gifts are truly gifts from God. Theresa is such a pure soul, and when you meet her, you can't help but feel it! I can honestly say I will probably never have any type of healing energy treatment performed on me by anyone other than Theresa. The reason... because I can't imagine anyone else could ever provide the care that she can!


    Thank you so much, Theresa! You are a true blessing from God!


    Tara R.

    Prescott, AZ



    From Neck Injury + Reinjury

    To Profound Healing!

    "I think that Theresa is just an earth angel and I hope that you'll work with her because she's really quite amazing."

    -Heather Noel


  • Healing Is Always Available To Us

    When we show up with a willingness to heal...

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    From Depression To Clarity + More Up Times

    I started seeing Theresa in December of 2011 when she was doing a case study on the benefits of Reiki for persons battling depression. I had been on anti-depressants for over 14 years and had tried a few times to stop taking them without success. I knew there was another way but had not yet found what that was. I knew the power of Reiki and agreed to be part of the study. I had stopped taking my medication about two months prior and was experiencing times when I could not even get off of my couch so I knew I had to do something.

    I made a commitment to see Theresa once a week for 12 weeks. After each session, I continued to see major changes to my outlook on life and how I was handling stressors in my life. The down times were getting farther and farther apart. At the end of the 12 weeks I had experienced the longest periods of Feeling my life that I had in a very long time. Although I still had low days, I was able to see them for what they were and move forward -- not losing myself on the couch. I have continued to see Theresa since that time on a regular basis and feel that my life is moving forward because of the work that she does.


    Theresa is an amazing Reiki practitioner and a beautiful soul. She creates a safe and loving environment where Spirit is always present and at times very tangible. I have had the most incredible spiritual experiences during our sessions, at times finding myself in a trance state that allows answers and clarity to be revealed. Her connection to the Divine translates to her work as a Reiki practitioner along with Angel card readings, hand readings and guided intuition. Being in her presence is like being held in a loving embrace that comes from the deepest part of her soul.


    I am very grateful that Theresa has touched my life and that she has been such a huge part of my spiritual journey this year. As a Reiki practitioner, I know the importance of continuing to work on myself also and have found the encouragement, unconditional love, trust, freedom and connection to Spirit in working with Theresa.


    I love you, Theresa




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    Released Negative Attachment and Addiction

    My name is Meghan, I am 27 years old (in 2011). I wouldn't say I had the easiest life growing up but I found ways to avoid hitting rock bottom. For the longest time in the past when hard situations came my way I would lose myself and fall into depression. I would refuse help and did not want to express my feelings. Instead I chose to shut down and isolate.


    I would drink and smoke cigarettes until I felt numb. After a few days of this I would pick myself up and fall back down again once a memory or challenge came my way. I would repeat this awful, sad lifestyle because it felt like home to me.


    I had such a deep dark emptiness. I did not want to feel this weakness and pain any longer.


    A good friend game me Theresa's number and explained her gift. I was hesitant at first because I was not familiar with energy healing or really any holistic beliefs. It was the beginning of July 2011 when I got a healing from Theresa.


    At first her energy was very powerful but I felt safe. I am not one to relax. I am very antsy and have this weird problem laying on my back. I did not mention this because immediately I had trust in her. I was so relaxed and at peace. She was able to feel injuries and ailments that were no longer visible or obvious.


    Ever since I was a kid I have had an issue with anything or anyone getting close to my chest. When Theresa was working around that area she sensed the discomfort and negative energy. She communicated and kept a distance to my comfort.


    I fell asleep and during my dream I saw my uncle's face who committed suicide three years ago. I woke up but fell right back asleep. I remember I saw and felt so much sadness. I was still relaxed enough to fall back to sleep during my session. All I remember before I woke up the second time was a shadow of a demon that flew out of my chest. My entire body twitched and I felt a little out of breath.


    My session was over and I was in a little shock. Theresa was so sweet and comforting. She gave me time to relax before I left. Theresa also gave me thorough post-session instructions and offered me water.


    The rest of the evening I was not sure what to think, feel or say. I just felt calm. A couple days later I was very happy and rejuvenated. Pure, I felt pure! I allowed myself to open up and develop an optimistic side. I had the energy to explore a healthier path.


    It has been exactly a month and a half since my session and my results are insane! I haven't smoked a cigarette in two weeks. I joined a boxing gym, made the cover of a magazine. I was able to forgive and reunite with a girl who I never wanted back in my life. Theresa had the energy and focus to expel the negativity that was holding me back. I still come across my emotional roller coaster time to time, but she released so much anger and darkness that I carried for too long. I most definitely plan on going back to Theresa for more treatment. She truly is so genuine and powerful. She is amazing!!


    Meghan T.


  • Reiki Is A Vibrational Healing System

    Reiki engages your own self-healing mechanisms through the vibrational frequency of Unconditional Love

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    "Healing... as important as any medicine or vitamin supplements I would allow for my body."

    My first Reiki session with Theresa encompassed many things. Not having had much experience with Reiki, I really didn't know what to expect. Theresa made me feel very at ease and I felt very grateful that she gave all of her focus, attention and energy. I felt an overwhelming sense of LOVE. I felt my body release something through my chest at one point, but it was calm, I suspect because I was really ready to let it go.


    Theresa took the time to speak with me about what she felt and sensed during the session. I really appreciated that because between our 2 experiences I felt a lot of validation in what took place. The overall experience left me feeling very grateful and refreshed. I look forward to more sessions because I feel this is a very valid Healing experience and as important as any medicine or vitamin supplements I would allow for my body. Theresa is a very gifted healer and I am so very grateful for her!


    Leanne A.

    Tempe, AZ

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    "Distance Reiki... Worked!!"

    Let me first start off by saying this: Theresa is a very gifted individual, dare I say ,"Healer." I met her about two years ago and we had an instant connection that sparked a wonderful friendship. And over the years, she has made quite a transformation, physically and emotionally. But I do not just make this statement about a friend. She truly has amazingly energetic hands with the right amount of intention and instinct required to make a Reiki session successful.


    I am learning to "Let Go" in life, and I was a bit skeptical of reiki in the first place, even after taking a continuing education course in the subject. But with her spirit and caring ways, I knew I could let go and give in to whatever the experience would be. Being in the midst of her 12-week experiment on the effects of Reiki, I am amazed at what I have felt so far. And each time has been a different experience.


    One time, due to economic circumstances and scheduling, we decided to try a "Distance Reiki" session. We both haven't tried that method and did not know what to expect, should it even work (Ooops! My skepticism crept back in. It's a learning curve, right?). But again, I was amazed at the results, as was Theresa! After the agreed upon hour-long session, she called me up and we exchanged experiences. It was interesting to hear what each had to say to the other. We were both happy to realize that we were on a similar wavelength, with a few things that she felt and described to me during her experience that I was unaware of, but still resonated with me. I felt sensations and became a bit emotional towards the end. I could even feel when she was over my kidneys. In my mind, it worked!!


    Theresa clearly has found and tapped into a talent that fortunately presented itself to her. And lucky for me, and anyone that has her as a practitioner, we get to reap the benefits. She will go very far in this field, especially since she has a background in related topics. She has knowledge and experience in Nutrition & Life Coaching to enhance her practice as well. I can't wait to see what else she learns and shares with her clients.


    All the best to you in your long and bright future, Theresa!! Thank you for all you have taught me. I am grateful to know you and have you in my life!


    Vanessa S., B.A. Sociology/Licensed Massage Thereapist


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    Claim Your Confidence As A Reiki Practitioner!

    "From Self Doubt To Fully Confident"

    "I began working with Theresa to enhance my connection and confidence to energy work specifically with Reiki. I needed a guide who I trusted and Theresa has always been a steady source of support and positive feedback to me, so she was an easy choice!

    Her style is gentle, compassionate, effective, consistent and reassuring. She was able to help me shift from self doubt to fully confident in my offerings as a Reiki practitioner. I love that she supports your own pace but also pushes you to do the “homework” that is needed. A great balance of guide, teacher and mentor!

    During our coaching time together she gave me specific assignments and consistent support… which is exactly what I needed. After we completed I felt inspired to offer my services in a more authentic way and no longer feel blocked with my natural energy gifts. A new me was definitely present and I made huge strides in believing in myself! I immediately began offering personal and group sessions with Reiki, in an intuitive way with new confidence!

    I loved working with her and would recommend to anyone needing support in their own energy work or someone who struggles with confidence! She is amazing!!!"


    Amanda Morris, LMFT, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master-Teacher





  • What Is Your Soul's Purpose?

    The answer has been in your hands all along... here's what clients have to say...

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    "One of the most incredible things I have experienced!"

    I recently had the privilege of having a Reiki session with Theresa. it seems that just her presence, kindness, feminine energy is enough to heal and to calm. There is something about her that made the whole experience sacred. I can't always feel the energy when I have a reiki session, but with her, I could feel the heat, the flow of energetic nourishment coming thru her hands. I was surprised when she recognized and told me about a physical problem in my body I didn't tell anyone about. After the session I felt that something had changed inside me.


    Scientific Hand Analysis... One of the most incredible things I have experienced! I expected a one page report and I received 11 pages text about my Life Purpose and Life Lesson, divided into many sub-sections. It has been eye opening, inspiring, clarifying, definitely helped with how I feel about myself. Everything in the report resonated deeply with me and reading it, I had many insights and realizations, which I can apply daily to improve the quality of my inner life.


    If you ever desired to "see the big picture" -- this IS the big picture. Of you. I can help anyone, who is not completely sure, which path to take, what is their purpose and who does not understand clearly the gifts and lessons she or he is given.


    With Love, Theresa


    Joanna Z.


    "Fingerprint Analysis Unique & Absolutely Accurate"

    "It made me wish I'd had something like this when I was a bit younger! I might have taken a slightly more direct route, ha! I really recommend Theresa and she is just such a delight to work with. I hope you enjoy her."

  • Scientific Hand Analysis

    Your hands are a reflection of your Soul's Gifts & Purpose

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    "Very Precise and clear...

    she put all the pieces together like a puzzle."

    Theresa is an amazing woman. She has such depth in her authentic way and with her loving & sensitive personality. She read my fingerprints and became and angel who lays out the clarity I asked for so long. In a very precise and clear form she confirmed my knowingness and put all the pieces together like a puzzle. This reading touched me so deeply that I will always keep it in me. I am so thankful for her to be in my life. With a graceful tear in my eye, "Thank you."


    Anne Vetter



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    Hand Analysis With Deepest Gratitude

    Thank you so much, Theresa, I can't even begin to tell you (though I'm sure you got an idea from your 19-page Hand Analysis report... lol) how much of a Goddess-send you are to me right now. This may sound a bit dramatic, but I will never be able to forget you and how much you've helped me. Thank you, a million times over. I wish all of the brightest blessings I can imagine for you.


    With deepest gratitude,




  • Soul Permission

    Hand Analysis brings healing and alignment to your Soul's unique expression for this lifetime...

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    "I'm on the right path..."

    All of this was right on... Oh my gosh -- what an amazing gift! I receive this with humble gratitude... you have no idea how much this validation means... to really truly know that I'm on the right path means the world to me. Theresa Anne has such an amazing spirit; she truly knows what you need and how to bring out the best in you!


    Julie C.


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    "Showing me my future with no judgements... about my past!"

    Oh my gosh thank you so much!!! This means so much to me! Already, I feel that there are giant walls I'm becoming aware of, and pieces are falling down, showing me my future with no judgements or negative feelings about my past!


    I feel so relieved that I have "a purpose," ironically, I've never thought about it until I met (my partner) and I KNEW she had one. I felt so pale in comparison, and I never wanted to try before, so I thought that meant that I had no purpose at all... I guess being apathetic and co-dependent were guards to keep me afloat during my childhood! Don't need those anymore! Thank you again, so much, for everything you've done for me.


