• Herbal Medicine Beckons Us To The Looks Within Place

    Herbs are divinely designed nourishment for the healing of your body, mind, heart and soul

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    Symptom Coverup VS Root Cause

    Traditional herbalism addresses the root cause of an ailment which basically means the plants work with your body's innate energetic signals and self-healing mechanisms rather than drugging your body which gets in the way of (or stops) your natural healing processes.


    Stopping the body's natural healing processes can lead to mild and severe complications including death.


    "Estimates suggest that up to 90% of heart disease deaths, 70% of cancer deaths, 50% of stroke deaths, plus my estimate of 80% of medical error deaths (more surgeries and cancer treatments = more chances for mishaps), could be prevented by informed use of nutrition." -- The Future of Nutrition; An Insider's Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right by T. Colin Campbell, PhD with Nelson Disla


    Why choose herbs over pharm?


    1. Herbs are safe!

    2. Herbs are cost effective.

    3. Using herbal remedies is empowering and confidence-building.

    4. Herbs build, strengthen and support your immune system.

    5. Using herbs builds a healthy bond and connection with Nature that's rooted in deep appreciation.

    6. Herbal medicines are nutrition; they're plant foods divinely designed to nourish wholeness when the right plants are taken at the correct dosages.



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    Shamanic Herbalism

    Shamanic herbalism is a creative blend of enduring indigenous wisdom and skill combined with thanksgiving and intuition aimed at naturally and effectively healing today's body, mind, heart and soul.


    Shamanic herbalism is not a simple, "Take 'this' for 'that' and call me in the morning" kind of solution... it is NOT the practice of replacing a pharmaceutical drug or over-the-counter (OTC) medication with an herb and calling it good and done.


    That sort of Western-minded, quick-draw, fast and easy approach to our health and healing doesn't always work, and in fact, can make things much worse in many cases.


    Shamanic herbalism focuses on the whole-person... the person who is unwell (not the name of the "dis-ease") and ultimately digging into the root causes of common modern health issues.


    Plants have always been food and medicine for humans, this is our natural birthright. We human beings were always meant to use copious amounts of plants freely. The natural, self-reliant yet interdependent wisdom and skills of our ancestors were traded in (or stripped away) not all that long ago by a "western" mindset, "civilization," and just a wee bit of greed: (Read the Flexner report of 1910). Or watch my video on the history of herbalism by clicking here.


    As an example of what's possible, I was able to raise all four of my children without any pharmaceuticals. We used herbs and good food every day. My grandchildren have also been on this path for the last 8+ years, pharm-free and plant-rich


  • I Am Not A Doctor

    I'm a shamanic herbalist healer... Certified Nutritional Herbalist, Mother and Grandmother.

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    A Mama Bear


    A Very Determined Woman

    This is me with my grandchildren in early 2021. They love Chamomile tea and popsicles! With the support of Chamomile and other herbs (plus Grammy ;-) they have naturally and effectively overcome many viral infections, all types of coughs, fevers, congestion, conjunctivitis, sore throats and more... my own four children have faced and conquered a very long list of common (and not so common ;-) health issues.


    I decided in 1997 to become as self-reliant as possible in regards to my children's health. It was a steep learning curve since I was raised conventionally, but I was decided and determined to solve as much as possible naturally so I would not have to run to the doctor in fear every time they got sick or something came up. If they needed a doctor, I was just as determined to find the right one for my kid!


    As things turned out, though, they never needed an antibiotic nor any other pharm because herbs and nutrition were always enough.

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    Shamanic Herbal Coaching Services

    I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose nor prescribe.


    I educate people on the historic and modern uses of herbs and nutrition for their specific needs and then adults get to decide for themselves how to proceed when taking charge of their own health (or their children).


    I'm an advocate for genuine holistic health, freedom, and body-autonomy.


    Being dependent on drugs is not health and it's not necessary for most chronic conditions, in fact at least 90% of chronic diseases are preventable and reversible with nutrition alone.


    I've proven with my life experiences as a mother, grandmother friendly neighborhood herbalist ;-) that we do not NEED to be doctors nor doctorates to understand how to create wellness with nutrition, herbs, lifestyle (and of course some shamanic bodywork ;D.


    I offer free consultations so you can share what you'd like help with, what outcome you're looking for, and how I would approach your specific needs and goals.


    Book your free consultation by calling or texing me here:

    480-259-7140 or e-mail me: Theresa@11thhourshaman.com

  • Bear Spirit

    Keeper of the Medicine

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    Bear Spirit Is A Wisdom Keeper for Healing

    Bear Spirit is THE animal totem for herbal medicine. Oftentimes when Native American tribes arrived in a new location they would observe the bear to learn where to find the food and medicines of the people. Bear's significance as a healer and protector is central to most indigenous cultures in the US.


    Bear Spirit is also known to be a symbol of the Dream Lodge and introspection which correlates to the pineal gland... the inner cave where dreaming and healing become one.


    Continue reading my blog here.

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    3 Health Keys

    I used the power of nutrition, herbs and energy work/bodywork to solve everything I possibly could SAFELY & EFFECTIVELY.


    Sometimes I hired an ND or myopractor to consult with or receive bodywork.




    If you'd like to see what's possible to accomplish with just herbs and nutrition... read my blog here.