• Reiki & Reflexology

    Intuitive bodywork 

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    What Is Reiki?

    Reiki is a clothed, vibrational healing system that engages your body's own self-healing mechanisms.


    Here's a link to my video answering this question, with a bit more fun and depth, though ;-D




    Reiki treatments are typically very light touch or no-touch energy work with no physical manipulation of the body.


    The word, "Reiki" originated in Japan and it means "Universal Life Force Energy." Reiki does NOT use the practitioner's own prana which can be depleted like a car battery, but rather, Reiki channels the infinite endless supply of Divine Love. That's my experience of it, no depletion whatsoever.


    I was trained in traditional Usui Reiki, as you can see by my Reiki tree to the left here. We were taught that Reiki is not spiritual or religious, and it's not. You don't have to believe in a Higher Power to practice or receive healing benefits from Reiki. However, I am spiritual and cannot do any of my work without invoking Divine Love's assistance. In traditional Reiki, the practitioner is taught to hold each hand position for a specific time based on the length of the session, however, my intuitive hands don't work like that! Ha! I follow my Guidance and my clients receive excellent results.


    If you have not read "Vibrational Medicine" by Dr. Gerber yet, well... I made a fascinating video about the mesmerizing science of vibrational healing you can watch here:

    Reiki Speeds Healing


    Reiki speeds healing whether hands-on or via remote healing treatments because it works on a deep cellular level even increasing hemoglobin levels and reversing enzyme damage.


    Although I love mesmerizing science, Reiki is a spiritual practice for me. I feel my Compassionate Helping Spirits guide my mind, heart and hands to bring peace and healing to my clients.

    The Science & Spirit of Long-Distance Reiki

    In this video, and my blog with the same title, I share about the scientific studies done on long-distance, or remote healing.


    As you'll learn from these studies, our human potential for healing and holistic personal growth is quite limitless!!


    I even share some personal experiences with my angels and energy healing.


    In Joy!

    Long-Distance Remote Healing Session

    There are many ways to provide a long-distance or remote healing session. This video is one example where I use the body pillow as a proxy for you, my client.

    Before the session I prepare the space physically and spiritually.

    When it's time to start, I text you that I'm about to start.

    I give the healing session as if you're here with me and take notes of anything I'm meant to share with you.

    When I'm done, I close the space in gratitude for Divine assistance, text you of completion and check-in with how you're feeling.

    Some clients like to talk afterward, some don't (which we discuss and decide ahead of time so your appointment time is allotted for correctly).

    Lastly, I send your session notes via email.

    To book your session or a consultation to work with me, simply reach out to me: Theresa@11thhourshaman.com or text: 480-259-7140

  • Reflexology...

    Chinese, Polarity, Shamanic

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    What Is Reflexology?

    Reflexology is a system of pressure and movement used to relieve tension, treat illness, alleviate pain, and restore a healthy flow of energy throughout the body specifically activating reflex points on the feet, hands, face, and/or ears linked to every part of the body.


    These are my grandbabies' feet!


    I use this photo to demonstrate that Reflexology is safe for all ages and the pressures applied to each point is customized to the recipients' needs and tolerance levels. Verbal communication between my clients and myself is very important. Of course, for children I'm always gentle and playful depending on their age and demeanor.

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    How I Practice Reflexology

    Although I was trained in both Chinese and Polarity reflexology, I don't necessarily stick to either protocol.


    Again, my work is highly intuitive and I often use quite a deep pressure for adults to their tolerance of course. I find the places in the feet that need the most attention at the time, and while holding that spot, I use my other hand to find it's match in the body... adrenals, kidneys, eyes, etc... then, I apply appropriate pressure, movement and stillness until the energy channel is reactivated and restored.


    Reflexology was one of those classes I took and felt the emotions pouring out of my student/client's feet! I KNEW I was meant to do this work!


    I am very thorough! Everyone tells me they feel like they have new feet afterward! Ha! I know exactly how they feel ;-D

    Some people experience sore feet for a short period of time.

  • What Clients Are Saying

    In their own words...

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    From Freaked Out & In Shock

    To Complete Calm & Peace!

    This is a testimonial of Theresa's powerful abilities of being a healer. The first time I saw Theresa was in a class at SWIHA. I was already sitting in the classroom when she walked in. Theresa walked by me and I immediately got the feeling that she was a very powerful being and that I would become friends with her. We went through the entire class never really speaking to each other, but yet I still knew that we would eventually be friends. The very next class I had, Theresa was once again with me. We got to know a little about each other during each class, and eventually started to develop a friendship. Of course when this class ended, we continued into the next class together. This was the time when I truly got to experience Theresa's gifts of healing.


    One night after class, I went home to find a health concern that arose on my body. Without specifically stating what the issue was, I will just say that I was completely freaked out and panicked. Pacing around my house in a state of shock, my phone rang. It was Theresa, and it was 11pm at night. Why was she calling me? So I answered! Theresa said, "Sorry I missed your call." "What call?" I thought! I didn't call her. When I looked at my phone, it did not show that I had called her, but her phone showed I did! She was "Spirit dialed!" So I immediately told her of my dilemma. Without any hesitation she drove over to my house!


    When Theresa showed up, she had a bag full of herbs and salves, and a big non-judgmental heart! I showed her what my concern was and she gave me all the advice she had! Without thinking, my mouth opened and I asked Theresa for a Reiki/healing session. I needed her help! I needed to be healed! So, Theresa agreed and we began.


    I laid on the edge of my bed and closed my eyes. For the next 45 minutes I experienced something I cannot put into words! Theresa laid her hands on me and I could feel an energy that is indescribable! She moved all around my body. Occasionally I would feel a tingle and a twitch, but most of all was the feeling in my heart and body of complete hope, love, healing, and an interconnectedness with beings that were not visible to my eyes, but yet visible to my knowing. I felt as if the Divine Itself was healing me! At the end, Theresa held my hand for a while, and it was like I was holding the hand of Jesus and Archangel Raphael! It was the most amazing experience of energy and purity I have ever felt in my entire life! When Theresa was finished, I had this feeling of complete calm and peace.


    Since then, I have told everyone about Theresa's healing abilities! Her gifts are truly gifts from God. Theresa is such a pure soul, and when you meet her, you can't help but feel it! I can honestly say I will probably never have any type of healing energy treatment performed on me by anyone other than Theresa. The reason... because I can't imagine anyone else could ever provide the care that she can!


    Thank you so much, Theresa! You are a true blessing from God!


    Tara R.

    Prescott, AZ


    From Neck Injury + Reinjury

    To Profound Healing!

    "I think that Theresa is just an earth angel and I hope that you'll work with her because she's really quite amazing."

    -Heather Noel


  • To Read More Client Testimonials

    About Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Negative Spirit Attachments, Long-Distance Healing, Nourishment, Deep Calm & Relaxation and Heart Block Releasing

  • Intuitive Bodywork

    I don't use an online scheduler.

    Simply text or email me to set up your consultation to work with me:

