• Sacred Offerings

    The Answers You've Been Looking For...

    The Golden Key by Emmet Fox

    The Golden Key by Emmet Fox

    Emmet Fox describes his essay here as "a recipe for getting out of trouble... that will get you out of concrete difficulty. ...This is a practical work in your own consciousness... and through persistent practice you will overcome any difficulty." --Emmet Fox

    I, Theresa, have personally used this Golden Key and it has indeed gotten me out of many difficulties over the years!

    If you need spiritual coaching or intuitive bodywork, please reach out for a consult to with me.

    Enjoy you many blessings from this work!
    Coming soon
    Empathy vs Worry - Stomach/Spleen/Pancreas Meridian

    Empathy vs Worry - Stomach/Spleen/Pancreas Meridian

    A Shaman's Guidebook by Theresa A. Gutierrez, Nutritional Herbologist and Shamanic Practitioner

    Your Soul filled your body to fulfill a Divine Purpose in your lifetime. Basically, you came here with an agenda to be uniquely you at your highest, most free self- expression.

    The knowledge you absorb from these pages is to support your process of 1st listening to your Soul that’s speaking through your body’s signals and symptoms and then 2nd putting it into practice.

    The shamanic paradigm I work from for our focused purpose within this guidebook implements Reflexology, Hand Analysis and Herbalism to interpret your Soul’s Purpose and most pressing messages from your body to restore harmony to your health and life’s direction.

    Reviving your energy and regenerating your health will increase your capacity to carry out your Purpose, but you can’t carry your Purpose at full capacity while still holding on to painful, destructive or simply unproductive undigested emotions. This guidebook helps you see how to get the results you desire in very specific areas of your life!

    In short, this guidebook will help you create your healing on Purpose!
    Coming soon
    An Angel Reading

    An Angel Reading

    Have you been struggling with something for way too long and praying for insight and healing, like NOW?!?

    An Angel Reading through this method is... a holistic, spiritual approach to RESOLVE THE ROOT CAUSE of whatever issues you're facing.
    When you sign up for this you're giving me permission to enter your energetic space to tune-in to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so that I can figure out the Root Cause of your problem and the best way to free you from your struggles.

    1) Once I receive your payment, I'll be notified and send you the link that will take you to a diagnostic form to fill in so that I can get the Big Picture of your needs.

    2) Once I receive your completed form and go over it in great detail, I will tune-in to you via a remote energy session, draw some Angel cards for you, then record and send you a video of me going over everything you need. I'll be sharing my screen and will also provide any feedback that is necessary in order for you to feel empowered.

    3) Your personalized video will be sent to you within 2 business days, so you can start calling your power into your body immediately.
    Coming soon
    Onion Magic e-Book

    Onion Magic e-Book

    Onion Magic e-book is a mini-book on the historical and modern uses of Onions for our physical health and spiritual growth.
    Onions are highly effective in treating dry coughs as well as wet but unproductive coughs. Onions support our lung health, lymph health, immune health and SO much more! This Onion Magic e-book also contains 3 medicinal recipes/remedies that I have used preventatively, during acute illness and also during the recovery phase of said illness ;-)
    Coming soon
    15 Medicinal Herbs for Dramatic Health Benefits mini e-book

    15 Medicinal Herbs for Dramatic Health Benefits mini e-book

    This mini e-book is solely focused on the basic energetics of these 15 large-dose, nourishing herbs and how to prepare them for daily use; it’s a companion to my other publications, such as my blogs, and my personalized work with clients. I encourage you to contact me if you need a consultation to work with me or have questions!
    Coming soon
    Shamanic Strategies for Vitamin A - Mini e-Book

    Shamanic Strategies for Vitamin A - Mini e-Book

    Vitamin A for prevention and healing! Recipes and information to support your lungs, immune function and more!
    Coming soon