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Dead Focus

and Your Brick Wall

May 13, 2023

Are you getting what you want?

Do you have the health, wealth, connected relationships and Purpose you desire for your life?

"Dead Focus" describes your skill (or lack thereof) to focus your energy on what you truly desire for your life which makes you feel like you're just hitting up against a brick wall. Dead, or flatline describes your missing sense of devotion and determination to focus on what you want with blissful urgency... a true connection to your heart where Source resides.

Do you feel connected to or identified with what you want? How meaningful is it to you, really? Are you partnering this desire with Source in your heart? Are you thanking Spirit ahead of time?

Or... Is your skill to focus dead?

I remember when mine was! I experienced an inability to focus. This was nearly two decades ago, but I remember how alarming this was to me! I couldn't read. I couldn't write. I couldn't pay attention to a TV show or people's sentences!! I thought there was something seriously wrong with me!

Turns out I was in a phase of depression because I felt Purposeless.

I felt my life and my contribution to anything in it was pointless and meaningless.

I felt unseen. Invisible. And surprisingly alone.

I felt that who I was, wasn't good enough.

This is why nothing was making any sense to me and I lost my ability to focus... I had nowhere to focus my energy that felt like it would be worth my efforts!

Maybe you feel like this right now?

I found my way out of it and I'm certain you can, too!

I'm so grateful now to be able to say that I was always good enough. I don't ever feel alone anymore. I feel seen and valued and Purposeful.

I feel now that my contributions to life are precious and revered.

I could die today knowing I did my very best with the life I was gifted and it was most definitely good enough. I'm actually a walking, talking miracle... and so are YOU! ;D

I also acknowledge that every day I'm alive means I have something Purposeful to give to and receive from this Life.

What is your Purpose? What is your focus?

What ONE thing does your heart desire with a healthy sense of urgency?

Is there something you want to "manifest" from fantasy into reality? From wish to fulfillment?

I taught a class a couple years ago, "Manifesting With Dreamtime" and I made a video for our students. Turns out, some people want to manifest, but they feel doubt, stressed and anxious. Depending on the individiual and the circumstances they're facing (because they haven't learned the skill of how to NOT hang their emotional stability on anything outside of them), some have even felt angry, offended, desperate or not understood.

The process of manifesting, or HOW to manifest is very simple and feels very good. However, when people find their ability to focus is dead... or there's no LIFE in it, this video and some other trouble-shooting strategies can really help!

In this video, if you haven't watched it yet, I share a lot about how to re-direct our catastrophe-prone brains like we would re-direct a little toddler from putting a fork into an electrical outlet! This practice alone can actually feel REALLY good! :D I use my beautiful brain and desire-filled heart to open me up to a felt connection with Source. This is repeated in various ways as many times as necessary! Do NOT stop until you FEEL better! Feel Connected <3

I am in NO way suggesting that you ignore or supress your feelings!

In my homelessness situation as described in the video, I genuinely didn't feel the need feel my despair-spiral feelings at all, especially because I already KNEW 100% that my feelings are created by my thoughts and the thoughts my brain wanted to use to run away with me were leading me down a completely USELESS path!!

I didn't have the luxary or the time to wallow especially because I knew that wouldn't solve anything, in fact it would've just make it all SO much worse!

I have the gift of determination and focus and I put it to good immediate use ;D It works every time!

I have found, though, that when people struggle to engage and direct their determined focus in the ways that work, they spin out and their focus scatters and spatters all over the place which dissipates and weakens the powerful energy of co-creation with Source.

This is simply an indication, or a sign-post letting us know you need some extra support, some re-evalutaion of what's really going on for you.

Sometimes we just need to see your thought patterns from a higher perspective with some sense of loving detachment. This is one way you can get off the hamster wheel of unfulfillment!

Sometimes we need to face your worst-case scenarios indepth in a way that completely supports you. We never leave you stuck in your worst-case scenario, "game-over!" No. We go there, we evaluate, we witness your options, and from a really grounded place of Truth, you DECIDE. Your options are limitless! Through this process you have the opportunity to gain SO much clarity and really open yourself up to experiencing deep peace, actual miracles and Divinely Designed sequences of events.

Sometimes we need to digest all your feelings like a gourmet meal... all the way to the Other Side.

If you're new to this sort of thing, you can find a 30-minute version of this meditation above on my YouTube channel @11thhourshaman that gives more instruction and insight as to why you might be feeling these sensations in your body in specific places.

Yes, feeling good raises your body's frequency and creates a magnetic energy. This is one of the reasons why I love to also apply energy work when co-creating a manifestation! Energy work, like Reiki and other spiritual bodywork modalities, raises your emmanating frequency.

I've experienced Angels heal me with incredibly QUICKLY vibrating Light.. it was INTENSE, not painful just steady and intense Light for healing... what they showed me in my mind was that this Divine Light vaporized the dark. So if you have any shadow frequency holding you back, bringing you down or causing you pain, energy work will vaporize the darkness of the shadows so that your own Soul Light (which is always connected to the Oneness) can shine brilliantly without obstruction or filter.

I also use herbs to nourish the nervous system. Plants hold an unbridled high frequency that enlives our souls and heals us on every level, Mind-Body-Soul-Purpose!

God's ways are ingenious and limitless!

You can activate your power to create the life and relationships you desire by engaging your power to focus on just ONE thing with grateful connective energy.

You're invited to watch my "Manifesting Feels Good" video now!

Feel free to comment or email your questions!

To work with me for your spiritual healing to create the life you want, I'm here for it all day!

Book your free consultation: 480-259-7140