Resolving Contrasts with Divine Truths

· Angel Messages,Divine Truths,Focus,The Golden Key,Manifesting

My Angels gave me a message this morning! <3

I had experienced a rough 4.5 hours this morning in my brain! (I woke at 4am and the drama started pretty quick after that which led to many moments of experiencing triggers and stark contrasts between what I want vs "What is happening right now?!?!"

So in the shower I had the thought, "I really need to listen to what my angels have to say to me because what's going on in my head right now is not feeling good!"

These are the thoughts that IMMEDIATELY started to come through (which gave me a new perspective or understanding that I may not have discovered without 1st experiencing the contrast ;-)

Listen again to "The Golden Key" by Emmet Fox.

My friend, Heather, has such a beautiful, soothing, healing voice! :D

If you are learning something because you LOVE to learn, and it excites you and makes you feel curious and makes you feel like, "Wow! I'm lovng life! This is amazing! This is SO cool! I'm LOVING this topic and I'm SO interested in this! I wanna learn this because I love to learn. I love to grow. I love to have new experiences and try new things... " ...that's a totally different energy than, "I have to learn this (or do that) to fix this problem that I hate."

Can you feel the difference?

The first example is full of Light with zero attachment to an outcome and completely open to the ingenious ways Source comes through... the 2nd example is completely enmeshed with a sense of desperation and your outlining for how you'd like to Universe to deliver... like right NOW! Ha!

"The Golden Key" by Emmet Fox says to take your mind off the problem and think about God instead... and do this until you feel better ;D I give an excellent example of this in the following video:

One way we can consider about how we think about God is that we KNOW God lives through us and our passions. God lives through us and our lovingkindness and how we express ourselves. Focusing on God in one way could be focusing on our passions and what lights us up. Focusing on God could look like focusing on what or who we love and also what we love to learn and how we express our genuine selves and how we live our perfect self-expression. Focusing on God could look like the self-care we desire such as good food, exercise, Reiki and Reflexology, an epsom salt bath, a movie and popcorn with your favorite people... whatever brings you delirious amounts of joy, laughter, pleasure... delight!

Remember, Source lives inside our hearts where our Soul's deepest desires are born. But... it's even more accurate to say that it's not just that God lives through us, but in the most pure way... God is us.

We experience what feels like a separateness from Source because we're in a physical body... but once our Souls, or Pure Consciousness, leaves the "imperfect" filter that is our body, we remember that we are actually ONE with God and that doesn't change when our Souls are in a body!. Anita Moorjani, an NDEr, describes her higher self or soul as the Infine Self and some refer to God, Universe, Spirit as The Infiine One which we are ALL a part of.

This is the foundation of how the Law of Creation works!

This is totally different than "trying to fix something" that we hate.

All these things that we're tyring to do and these things that we wanna have ...focusing on what brings us JOY is a way we focus on God or the Kingdom of Heaven because if we are focusing on Divine Truths then we ARE focusing on God which means we should be feeling pretty good in that moment ;D

This increases our own vibration and the frequency we broadcast out into the Universe. Dr. Joe Dispenza and HeartMath Institute call this Heart-Brain Coherence and it generates a powerful auric field also known as an electromagnetic biofield... I think of it as us being a magnet for all that belongs to us by Divine Right <3

What we want and desire already exists; it's safe to trust that it's coming because it already exists and so we focus on God and we ALLOW the Universe to deliver under Grace, in Perfect Ways, exactly right on time.

In Joy,

