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Falling with Grace

Requires Courage & Skill

March 15, 2023

Dream: A business woman is standing at the front of our conference room. She is dressed professionally and speaking to us, teaching us. She is beautiful with her dark hair and skin, though I have no idea her race or region of the world...

She is wearing a professional yet form-fitting, lovely blue dress.

She says, "One of the reasons I love the sport of diving so much is because it requires 2 things when doing what "diving" really is: courage & skill."

What is diving? With a twinkle in her eyes and a knowing smile she adds, while confidently pulling off her dress from the chest, "Falling with grace."

And with a wink she's about to show us how it's done!

I wake up.

I'm no diver!

But her energy feels light, at peace, grounded and fun! She is practical yet delightful and delighted!

Sometimes life requires us to jump.

Or maybe all of life is one big fall... The Ultimate Dive.

Either way it requires courage and skill.

Sometimes if might look clumsy and feel like a big belly-flop! Other times it might actually be a thing of elegance and beauty.

But we're always falling into the unknown, aren't we?

How can we do this with more courage and skill?

By calling on the Law of Grace.

I know I've called on the Laws of Grace & Mercy many, many times! And it always works!

In this dream, the woman was speaking and teaching... she was also wearing blue. Blue is the color that represents our 5th chakra, the Throat Energy Center of Communication.

We can use our throat energy to call on our angels and the Law of Grace to help us have the courage and skill to communicate clearly, honestly, boldly, and gracefully.

We can intend also to speak with the energy of self-care, respect for all, and from our hearts full of love and compassion for the situation at hand partnered with the intention to create our desired positive outcome.

Sometimes my prayer communication might look like this:

"I now call on the Laws of Grace & Mercy. Thank you, angels, for loving me as-is and reminding me of your presence. Despite my many imperfections, I know You know my heart. Thank You for guiding me and helping me to resolve this situation. Thank you for calming me and helping me to speak my truth clearly and honestly with love and compassion. I know you've got my back no matter what."

The woman in my dream felt at peace because she carried a deep sense of trust in Grace.

She didn't feel like she was falling alone.

She knew she had learned how to fall with Grace by falling many times that didn't look graceful...

,,,and yet things always worked out for the best. Every time. She learned new skills from each fall.

Grace had her as she learned to be more and more graceful.

Graceful is a learnable skill. Grace is our birthright.

Courage is required to apply both of these to our lives and our self-expression.

Spirit speaks to me through my dreams for my benefit and yours.

I feel like this Dream Message this morning will support you, too, on this auspicious day <3

Dive in with Grace!