3 Health Keys

For the Self-Reliant Parent!

· Natural Health,Parental Rights,Nutrition,Self-Reliance,Herbs

I raised my 4 kids without pharm.

What do I mean by that?

No antibiotics. No OTC's (over-the-counter medications). No injections (except in 1997, my 1st kid's 2mo, 4mo & 6mo... she had some adverse reactions according the nurse I spoke with at the time).

My grandchildren, both planned homebirths, are now on the same natural trajectory (ages 7 and 2.5).

How did I do this?!?

I'm not a doctor!

I'm a very determined mother (now grandmother ;-)

I used the power of nutrition, herbs and energy work/bodywork to solve everything I possibly could SAFELY & EFFECTIVELY.

Sometimes I hired an ND or myopractor to consult with or receive bodywork.


Honestly, my whole life led me here, I just didn't know that's where I'd be going when I got married at 22 years old!

I was raised like a "normal" conventional kid in 1970's and 80's when it came to "healthcare." We went to the doctor for everything and my mom gave me 7-Up and Saltines when I was sick along with whatever the doctor told her such as OTC's or perscriptions.

So, when I was 23 years old and I had no mother to go to for advice (she died when I was 15 while she was under doctor's care/mal-care)... I felt terrified and powerless so I ran to the doctor for EVERYTHING with that 1st precious baby of mine!

I was terrified because I believed just about anything could kill her and I didn't know how to do anything for her when she got sick!

I read the labels on the OTC's when she was a baby and frankly the idea that I could possibly overdose her freaked me out, so I didn't use it!

In fact, I ran to the doctor all the time because 1) we had very good insurance in 1997 and 2) because I did NOT know 3 key things:

#1 WHEN To See A Doctor

#2 WHAT could actually kill my kids and what will not (do I really need a doctor for x,y,z?).

#3 HOW to take care of ALL the stuff that I did not NEED a doctor for... such as putting bones back in their proper places, stitches or anything now mentioned in my free video, "When To See A Doctor."

I DECIDED I was done feeling terrified all the time and so completely reliant upon running to the doctor for everything!

So then my obvious next DECISION was to be SELF-RELIANT when it came to my kids' health!

I was DETERMINED to be self-reliant, to learn and apply that knowledge (wisdom & skill) so that I could take care of my kids' health naturally as much as possible (AMAP)! ;D

What was the result?

No anti-biotics. No OTC's. No pharm.

What did I solve over the last 26 years safely and effectively?

For myself, my children, my grandchildren, my husband at the time, my friends and aquaintances that asked, and of course my clients:

All the common symptoms caused by colds, flus, and covids.

That includes all 3 types of coughs!

Even croup.

And if my daughter's high school was correct, whooping cough as well.

Undiagnosed pneumonia, it was painful for me to breathe.

Sore throats including Strep.


Sinus infections.


Diarhhea. And Constipation.

Ear infections and fluid buildup.

Pink eye or conjunctivitis.

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A freakin' rusty nail puncture wound! No joke. That was delightful ;-)

A box cutter's deep cut, a head gash, an electric sander slice... stop bleeding + wound healing!

Speaking of heavy bleeding... periods... cramps and heavy bleeding... solved.

Pregancy, non-medicated birth and homebirth.

Infertility of a couple friends.


A friend's toxemia.

Iron deficient anemia.


Cradle cap.

Allergies and asthma.

Minor burns.

Bee stings and bug bites which sometimes induced red streaks up my leg or my daughter's arm... this could indicate blood poisoning which we resolved naturally.

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Anxiety (and panic).

Sleep issues.

Carpel tunnel.

High cholesterol.

High blood pressure.

Erectile dysfunction (NOT my ex-husband!).

Acid reflux.

Pain and headaches.

Viral meningitis. Thank God, literally, for Dr. Christopher's teachings on this one! I would actually never suggest dealing with this on your own if you don't absolutely have to... I had a contingency plan based on our circumstances at the time.

Sciatic pain, shoulder pain, spleen pain, MS pain, arthritic pain, birth trauma...

Negative spirit attachments.

There may or may not be more... phew!

I genuinely believe we were all born with the ability and natural resources to heal anything we want to.

I believe in parental rights and parental response-ability.

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You have the absoulte Divine Right to be in charge of your children's health.

You have the absolute responsiblity to learn how to take care of them the way you decide is best.

If you decide naturally is best for your family, then you can learn how.

I can teach you what you need to know to increase your ability to respond with safe and effective natural remedies and practices.

Natural health care is our birthright. I wanna keep our health freedom intact for my grandchildren!

What better way than to raise them and teach them how to prevent and reverse disease!?! :D

This above list is exactly WHY in 2020 I never felt afraid.

That, and my spiritual experiences over the years have built my deep faith in the power of Spirit.

Learning natural health practices can be fun, and it's for sure EMPOWERING, but it's not always the easiest nor most convenient road (nor widely accepted ;-).

But if I've learned anything in the last 3 years, it's that about 1/2 of our country's citizens believe in freedom, health sovereignty (body autonomy), and parental rights.

Can you imagine if everyone in the entire world back in 2020 knew everything I've listed out above?

What might NEVER have taken place if every home had a Healer?

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We need more healers!

In the USA we only have about 2.4 physicians for every 1,000 people... these are not natural health practitioners! They were trained in pharm thanks to the Flexner report of 1910. We need them for emergencies, of course!

But we need every home to have at least one CONFIDENT healer!

I used to teach high-schoolers an after-school program I created all about nutrition and herbs. They went home and healed their families! I wept with joy and pride and hope for humanity's future! <3

I want to put the POWER back into the hands of the PARENTS (and their age-appropriate children)!

Exactly where it belongs!

I teach nutritional herbalism, Reiki and reflexology to parents.

The Life Purpose hand analysis readings and reports I give supports Soul's Purpose, self-awareness and interpersonal relationships which reduces stress and increases love and compassion which, guess what? Decreases inflammation while boosting the immune system!

Your kids need your LOVE and sense of Purpose, not your worry! ;D

I offer healing sessions and education.

Book your next steps to freedom, healing and self-reliance with me today!
