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Grateful For My Existence!


May 12, 2023

Do you feel grateful for your existence?

Do you feel grateful for the existence of all life?

I found myself noticing how challenging it was say, "I'm so grateful I exist! I'm so grateful for my existence!"

I remember a long time ago before my mom in spirit form saved my life, I wished I never existed!

So I realized this takes practice for some of us!

I have grown a lot since Mom saved me with The Light.

And... I can see why this powerful dream I had, Song of the Sun Bears is helping me remove another layer of not-self/not-soul to increase my felt connection to my Source, my Source of power, and the awe-inspiring miracle we all are!

For me, I had to go back many times into my dreamscape, into the memory of this experience Song of the Sun Bears. I had to approach the sun and Source witnessing my innocence as if I were a little child; dropping all judgement and just reconnecting with Them and feeling Them live inside my heart.

Because I'm a dream healer, and what heals me ripples out to heal others, I choose to share my dreams and experiences freely! So here ya go!

I feel like my dream bear cub/little girl symbol was to help us see our own innate innocence. As we practice seeing our innocence as Source does, we can more easily accept that Source lives in our hearts which awakens a genuine awe for our existence and a deep wonderment and appreciation for our existence. This leads us to feeling the pulse of Divine healing power flow through our bodies all the way through our hands! Love and joy emmanate from the depths of our Source-filled-hearts which ultimately can help us learn how to be unfazed by our environments.

It's important to practice feeling grateful for our existence and part of how to do that is to remember our own innocence. Our innocence is inherent to our soul essence as we are part of the Oneness.

If there is any judgement from Source it's in the positive for us. We are loved without any conditions. We are cherished and accepted as-is.

I noticed this portion of the dream began with an innocent cub/girl reconnecting with her Source of power that eventually led to her rejoining the community as they swam singing a beautiful song of rejoicing in their own personal existence that then led to feeling grateful for each others' existence and next extending out to awe and gratitide for ALL life's existence.

For me it was always much easier to feel grateful for certain people's existence (especially my children and grandbabies)!! So I had to learn to accept that I am as lovable as they are; I was once a baby, too ;D and this dream healing has really expanded my depth of Knowing this Truth for all of us.

I have learned through some hefty challenges that living life as a human can feel excruciating and difficult. It leads all of us at some point to, "know not what we do." This cracks us open. This ignites our desire to feel close to God/Source, to find our Souls, to feel peace and love, to know wisdom.

This has grown compassion in me and I believe compassion + healthy boundaries = wisdom ;D

If you're struggling to feel awe and gratitude for somebody's existence in your life, maybe just start with feeling this spiritual healing for yourself. Then, gently, as you realize... if you are THIS lovable as-is, then surely Source sees and loves us all this profoundly (that's how I felt about me ;-D Maybe then you can begin to open your heart to others' existence and the Light that lives inside their hearts.

Their existence is for you, never against you. Spirit's perspective heals us in the most amazing ways!

Some positive prayers you may enjoy...

Thank You, Sun & Source, for reminding me that You live in my heart! Thank You for helping me feel your Divine Warmth fill my entire body starting with my heart <3

Thank You, Source, for helping me feel grateful for my existence! I rejoice in your Love for me!

Thank You, Source, for helping me see your Light living inside of other people's hearts.

Through my healing, open heart You guide me to fulfill my Purpose in Being, thank YOU!

From my heart to yours...

I know some people who find this blog have been looking for help to remove their layers of not-soul.

It would be my delightful honor to work with you in shedding these layers that block your heart, your lovingly connected relationships and your most desired life on Purpose.

Claim your innocence and lightheartedness today!

Your free consultation to work with me can be scheduled now: 480--259-7140