Energizing Your Soul

And Your DNA

· STE,Spirituality,NDE,Dreams,Sunshine

When Mark Hodges came out of his body, he realized he was connected to the sun! This is what he shared about our souls relationship with the sun that he learned during his NDE:

"That is where our spirit/souls get our energy from. I also realized there was a Source behind this power... and I call It the 'Infinite One' now, but you realize that you are just a piece of this Source - and we're all part of this Infinite One. And the sun is where we get the electricity from... and I believe all the stars are just transformers... they transfer this energy to us and to everything - every living thing on the planet and everything in the Universe."

Here's what made my jaw drop to the floor when I first heard Hodges share his new understanding of the sun and our souls... I had my Song of the Sun Bears dream on April 6th, then I talked with my cousin about it the afternoon of April 15th and that night before going to sleep I "just happened to" land on his NDE story!

THIS is Divine Synchronicity!

I have listened to this video above over and over again... meditated in my dream over and over again... there's a LOT to integrate from this one dream!

I have reignited my Sunrise walking practice.

Right now Sunrise isn't untl 5:45 and I make sure I'm walking East by then, but I look forward to when it's closer to 5:00am... this is the most quiet, most private time for me to be with the sun where I live... but of course I enjoy this daily reconnect no matter what! Sometimes my son walks with me and we reconnect, too <3

[And yes, I do go to sleep early so waking up is easy ;D]

One of the things my dream taught me was the very real felt experience of the sun and Source living inside our hearts, which triggers the profound feeling of Clarity of Self, and this power we all carry inside of us to call on this Divine Connection to symbollically warm ourselves up from the inside no matter how metaphorically cold our outer environment might be... even cold enough to cause hypothermia in some cases!

This also reminds me of the Wim Hof breathing method for two reasons... first he states:

"The cold is an absolute doorway to the soul.... Cold is a stressor, so if you are able to get into the cold and control your body's response to it, you will be able to control stress."

In my dream, little cub became cold and was sent to re-connect with her Source of Power... the sun/Source that heats her up from inside her heart! The cold was the stressor that drove her absolute need to connect with the Source of her soul. 

Wim Hof teaches a breathing method to connect with his inner soul power, which is amazing because sun energy is in our breath... call it neutrinos or call it Prana or the frequency of Love in and through all things... this is Source-Love-Intelligence-Light-Energy coursing in and through all parts of us.

I believe this Source-Sun-Light can be consciously, deliberately, intentionally activated and directed to Divinely Illuminate us from the inside, bringing us a comfort and healing that surpasses all understanding; a feeling of Divine Love that can heal us on any level we need.

Even our DNA absorbs light and emits light (a known scientific fact since at least 1926).

Some scientists had the audacity to call some of our Divinely Designed DNA: "junk DNA." Why "junk?" Oh you know, cuz they don't know what it does! Ha! As if that's a solid reason to call something junk!

Anyway, I digress.. what I think is astounding is that in 1994, some Harvard biologists and linguists showed that "junk" DNA has all the features of human language such as: syntax, semantic and grammar. WHAT?!?! AMAZING!

A form of light communication occurs termed "bio-photons." Our "junk" DNA has a vibrational behavior that scientists also call "wave genetics" that shows DNA reacts to language if the proper frequencies are being used. (And also a good reason to manage our thoughts with Purpose ;D)

Basically, I'm of the opinion that scientists are just starting to catch up to our ancient ancestors' deep wisdom. They may not have had electron microscopes or quantum physics particle chambers, but their intuitive healthy habits and rituals show us wisdom comes from deep within. There's a physiological and spiritual reason the indigenous call all things our "relatives."

Some people might mistakenly think we only need the sun for biological reasons like Vitamin D, plant life photosynthesis, or heat. But just to share a little more of my Nutrition Nerd side ;D ...the way Vitamin D behaves in our human bodies is like a living, interdependent, intelligent consciousness network akin to birds in synchronized flight, schools of fish, or swarms of bees... (read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD). In this video I share a shocking percentage of our genes are positively infuenced by natural sunlight and the Vitamin D processes in our magnificent bodies!

In this video I also share some great herbs with Vitamin D. Eating an abundance of plants provides us with 10s of thousands of phytochemicals and sun/Source Light the plants absorbed and integrated!

Our bodies are Divinely Designed to receive and emit light. Light is a form of communication. This Source Light lives inside of us and by choosing to spend more time with the sun (without getting burned ;-) we consciously invite Source to energize our very souls! We are inviting Source Light to illuminate our DNA and activate a higher frequency expression of our DNA potential... which does effect how we perceive the world, ourselves, our lives and our relationships.

We can do this outside with the sun but also indoors during prayer and meditation. Our Angles communicate through frequency, through light and they can also run Source Love Light through our DNA. I have felt angels heal me with warm super-high frequency Light more than once!

Here's another NDEr, Penny Wittbrodt, sharing her experience of being with God and seeing our DNA:

"I just was completely okay to let myself be 100% vulnerable to God. And so I just opened up and He grabbed my hand and we started going through the spirals of my DNA...

He says, 'Do you see Me?'

And I'm like, 'Well yeah, You're everywhere of course I see you.'

And He's like, 'No.' And He points to this spot in my DNA and He's like, 'Right there. Do you see Me?'

And I looked and I did and it was in that part of our DNA they call junk DNA. And I was like, 'Oh my gosh. You're in me?'

And He's like, 'Yes. I'm your Father.'

...I felt so loved and accepted like I didn't have to do another thing.... He loved me because He made me and He adored me... He thought me up... He made me on Purpose for a Purpose." --Penny Wittbrodt (this starts about minute 19:30)

Penny's message is so healing; I really encourage you to listen to her entire story here <3

I encourage you to allow sunlight to warm and energize your soul and your Purpose.

Love yourself and your existence more fully.

Love others more.

Be in awe that the Divine lives inside our hearts and every strand of our DNA.

Healing is always available to you; body, mind, heart and soul.

In Love,



