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Hand Analysis & Your Health

January 17, 2023

Whether you're facing a chronic condition or an acute illness, shamanic perspective and practices bring healing at a deep, holistic level. Shamans use herbs, Spirit-Guided bodywork, and divination tools to empower the client and create healing.

Sickness means there is a loss of power, or an energy leak. Each person's physcal constitution, life experiences and Soul's Purpose is unique to them, and so the shamanic strategies are highly customized for YOU. However, I'll share some examples of the general idea of how this works and comes together.

Sinus issues are something a lot of people are dealing with right now. They have a cold, flu or covid of some sort and they're experiencing stuffiness, sinus pressure, and congestion of the sinuses.

Sinuses, in regards to loss of power or energy leak, indicates Control Issues which is another way of saying the person with the sinus trouble is irritated by someone and wants to control that other person in some way. This is actually a Boundary Issue which is a HUGE energy leak! It's completely possible that both parties are crossing personal "property lines," but for sure the person with the sinus trouble is likely at least wishing they could control other people (and possibly the world ;-) I wouldn't know anything about this sort of behavior! Haha ;D

If you ever find yourself saying he, she or they "should" or "should not" then...

you've crossed their boundary.

If you wanna feel better faster and live a happier life, these are my suggestions: Ask yourself, "Do I want them (or anyone) to tell me what I should or should not do? Do I want them to control my life in any way?" If the answer is NO, then unhook yourself from their decisions.

Treat them with the same respect and autonomy you want for yourself.

Their life is between them and their Creator, just like yours. We couldn't possibly know from the Highest Perspective why they "need" whatever "is" right now. You are free to decide what YOU will do to take care of yourself, but you cannot decide for others what THEY will do. Does this sound difficult?

Here are some more suggestions to clear your energy and your sinuses:

In Reflexology, your sinuses are in the tips of your toes and fingers. If you massage them you may find one or many places where there is pain or tenderness. Massaging these places until the tenderness subsides without any other additional method is very helpful. The way I practice Reflexology, though, is more thorough and connective to open the channels between these tender Reflexology points and the sinus pain or pressure. This can be practiced in person or via remote healing work.

Then, from the perspective of Soul Purpose Hand Analysis, I would examine and record which fingertips are experiencing tenderness because this will give you more detailed insight into which area of your life, Soul Purpose or Lesson the controlling boundary issue is causing an energy leak. Your Soul Purpose can expand and flourish when you keep your energy to yourself and in alignment with Spirit. This draws into your body more energy to heal and remain healthy while also giving you more internal space and energy to focus on fulfilling your own Purpose.

Now that we have a deeper understanding of your internal world, we can more precisely choose which herbs are best suited to your specific needs.

MANY herbs are excellent for clearing sinus issues. I would personalize the herbal information and suggestions based on your constitution and whole-symptom profile, meaning... how you're presenting physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Are you in alignment with your Soul's Purpose or off-couse or simply playing too small?

One of my clients received the most relief from Chamomile steams. She has a tendency toward "air imbalance" (found in her heart lines and body type) such as overthinking in general, and ruminating on old wounds rather than focusing on resolving and healing the wounds. This is what MOST people do! So with deep understanding and compassion we address the whole self... body, mind, Soul-Purpose. These wounds are on constant replay in the background of her life, always in the back of her mind. This creates stress hormones that weaken the immune system! The control and boundary issues are showing up in the sinuses. Chamomile is a gentle yet POWERFUL healer for my tender-hearted client.

*Note: Chamomile is safe for pregnancy, nursing and children.

Yet others, myself included, clear it by simply eating more garlic throughout the days, although I admit I LOVE Horseradish Mustard right off the spoon! Garlic asks us to check our ego at the door and get into the sacred Heart Center. Garlic helps us digest food and life, kill pathogens and Thought-Villains, improves the cardiovascular system and opens our hearts to breakthroughs a Higher Perspective.

On another occasion, adding Rosemary and Thyme to my Elderberry teas was exactly what I needed to get that stagnant pond moving into a flowing river (snot is not as beautiful as ponds and rivers, but you get the idea ;D Mosquitos grow in stagnant ponds; nobody wants that! Bacterial "bugs" grow in your sinuses if they're like stagnant "ponds," so get it moving! Steams and pungent herbs support this healthy flow!

This is about getting your own water (emotions & sinus fluids) under control via emotional adulthood rather than trying to control people or things outside of you (emotional dependency). Sometimes this is achieved by utilizing your transmutive fire energy in your actions that create positive, warming, life-giving change partnered with the long list of pungent herbs that support sinuses. Other times, as in the case of Chamomile, we address the air qualities of mind and the tendency to overthink in a way that creates pain and separation. I'm sure you can see by now that employing both pungency and the "Root Power of Air" in Chamomile flowers brings a harmonious balance to the body, mind and Soul-Purpose!

I use this same process for other health issues such as sore throats, fevers, coughs or long-term systemic problems like cancers or autoimmune issues combined with specifics like the lungs or kidneys for examples. This process works for the acute and the chronic.

Shamanic healing empowers you to create the most effective healing for your body and your life.

Healing is created through experiencing Divine Love and living in alignment with your Soul's Purpose.

Divine Love pours through us literally via our breath, herbal teas and remedies, healers' hands, dreams, Compassionate Helping Spirits, and the way we live our lives and relate to others.

Your body knows how to heal and Spirit knows how to heal you.

When you partner with Spirit, healing is always available to you.

Your power of decision, your power of determination and your power of focus will open you to Infinite's Possibilities.

I can help you know your Purpose and get healthy to actually live it!

Join me today by booking your free consultation to work with me:
