Time Is NOT The Great Healer

· Healing,Personal Power,Spiritual Growth,Beliefs,Awakening

In fact, time does NOT heal all wounds.

Healing is a decision.

Healing is a decision to heal no matter what, followed up with determined, focused, Spirit-Partnered actions... actions that are in harmony with Nature & Spirit.

If time healed all wounds, 54 year old grown men would not still be raging about what happened 40-50 years ago.

If time healed all wounds, 72 year old women would not still feel broken, terrified and ashamed on their death beds.

I have witnessed SO many men and women in their "golden" years aged 50-90's who had not healed anything; not their bodies, their minds, their hearts and definitely not their felt connection to Spirit.

How can this happen if time heals all wounds?

Time doesn't heal jack-squat! But people's beliefs keep people feeling broken and seriously wounded, indefinitely.

My friend, Heather, always says, "Would you rather be right, or happy?"

I add, "Would you rather be right, or at peace?"

The Path to Peace doesn't come from beating yourself up, nor anyone else (even if only in your mind).

What are the "bare bones" of your belief system?

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Is there any ONE thing you know for sure, like absolutely sure?

Like so sure that you KNOW when you die and get to the Other Side you're gonna find out you were right about at least 1 Single Thing?

What is it?

For me, the ONE thing I know for sure is that I am Loved & Accepted Unconditionally by The Divine.

As-is. In every moment. No thing can or will ever change that in any way.

That's my Bare Bones Knowing.

So, from that 1 foundational belief I then also know a 2nd thing: EVERYONE is Loved & Accepted Unconditionally by The Divine.

As-is. In every moment. No thing can or will ever change that in any way.

So if you, or I, have been hurt, offended, injured or diagnosed in some way that causes suffering, what can you do from this foundational Bare Bones knowing?

Assuming you're willing to believe in the possibility of you being Unconditionally Loveable...

1. Acknowlege that you've been triggered.

2. Feel all your feelings fully, all the way through to the other side... meaning you ask Divine for assistance after sitting with your emotions and noticing their felt sensations, breathing through them for several minutes. There's no rush. Repeat as often as necessary every day, sometimes several times per day. Treat this emotional wound as you would a physical wound and don't let it fester and get infected and give you sepsis!

3. Engage your Power. Re-orient yourself to a Higher Perspective. This may require a lot of meditation, spiritual bodywork and thought work or "causal" coaching. This may also require a frequency upgrade of the food & beverage you ingest to nourish your brain and body properly to give it the energy it needs to sustain that Higher Perspective.

Every thought you have is a chemical reaction in the body that triggers a cascade of hormones that create health or dis-ease via an emotion that vibrates at a high or low frequency. Depending on a lot of variables, #s 2-3 here could take a few minutes to several months. There isn't a "right or wrong" nor "good or bad" about how quickly or slowly your healing occurs.

Ask your brain, your Soul and The Divine to help you feel grateful for the situation, circumstance, event or story... you're basically asking to be taught your Life Lesson here through the lens of Spirit & gratitude. Only because it speeds up your understanding and growth while feeling better, though ;D

In my book, A Shaman's Dreamtime, I ask a lot of questions to trigger your sense of Omnipotence & Oneness with Source when you open up and allow your mind and heart to be healed or illuminated by God.

"...pain is a catalyst you can use to wake you up to your soul, your Source of Oneness, Universal Love, Inexplicable Peace

and ultimately wake you up from this Mitote -- Maya -- Illusion we call life." --A Shaman's Dreamtime, pg. 9

Here's one of my many stories of pain and healing ;-)

...Years ago my daughter moved out of state with my grandchildren very suddenly.

I knew her reasons and I agreed with her decision.

I felt great pain, suffering, loss, grief, fear, anger and blame... towards the situation and the person that caused her to decide to move away with my grandchildren.

I DECIDED to heal my anguish and own my power in this situation.

I made an energy-healing appointment with someone else while also practicing my self-healing tools.

This combination brought me a healing much faster than expected, within 24 hours!

I then could feel myself open my mind an heart to new possibilities!

I began to ask myself:

If I'm always loveable, what would Love have me learn from this?

How could this possibly be the best thing that has ever happened to me?

How can I create the connections I desire in these relationships under these circumstances?

Every time I experience The Divine, my angels, my elevated ancestors, Nature Spirits, Dreamtime healings and synchronicities, I awaken a little more and realize nothing is more important to me than feeling the Peace of God and helping others experience the same for themselves.

No grudge, no projected fear is worth giving up this Peace for it.

For me, my OverSoul & God-Source are The One Great Healer.

For you, I believe your OverSoul & God-Source are The One Great Healer.

Not time.

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Time doesn't give a shit about you.

Time will run ahead without you, healing-integrated or not.

But The Oneness will never leave you, never judge you and always Love you and Support you.

In The Eternal Present Moment, you are already Whole.

Tap into that DNA.

Healing happens on purpose, not by default.

Healing happens on purpose for your Purpose.

I know I can help you create healing.

Please don't suffer alone indefinitely.

Heal in partnership now instead of "maybe someday."

Join me to get you the healing you want.

It's literally my job.

Some people think they're a burden, or their pain is a burden and they don't wanna put it on others and drag them down.

I promise, partnered with Spirit there's simply no such thing as a burden ;D

Come learn how and experience for yourself the freedom in healing.

Book your free consultation to work with me today: 480-259-7140