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Harmonizing With My Ancestors

December 6, 2022

I'm too afraid to walk down the stairs... I feel a heavy negative energy on the stairs that I'm about to walk down, but the energy stops me cold in my tracks. I'm too scared to walk through it. I have a huge knife clasped in my hand.

Nanny (my maternal grandmother who passed in 1987) comes up to my right side to help me. I see my mom and Papa are here, too. (Mom passed in 1989 and Papa in the late 1990's). These are my ancestors, all here! But my dad is here, too, even though he is still alive.

I tell Nanny what I'm feeling. She can feel it, too, and she begins to help me.

"Oh!" Nanny chirps with surprise and declares, "These spirits aren't bad."

She talks to the spirits and calms them... even in the face of me with my knife (I know I'm planning to use it to cut our food - cake actually)... not stab spirits! Ha!

Nanny speaks nicely to the spirits on the stairs. She is actually "making room" for them to "just be." They aren't malevolent.

I'm surprised, but glad, as I'm now free to go down the stairs.

I see a light from under the door and I know Papa is now in this room behind the door. I lean on a wall and I feel like my body is about to float, so I just relax my muscles to let it happen... fully expecting to gently float up...


I fall on the ground flat on my face! (With the knife still firmly in-hand ;-) I really need it to cut the cake we're all gonna be sharing!

I say to myself, clearly amused, "Well I guess I was wrong! Ha!"

Nanny comes downstairs and says as she helps me up, grasps my upper arms, and holds my warm brown eyes in her own bright blue eyes, "You need to eat more!"

I panic while telling her that I already eat SO much! Papa has now come out to help me, too.

Next thing I know we are ALL on the stairs singing and we're having so much fun! My ancestors, my dad, and I are all harmonizing and the song reminds me of a song we used to sing at family reunions around the fire pit under the star-filled sky... I'm filled with joy and love and delight.

But then a cousin (not one I really have in my waking life)... she wants to take over the song and be the loudest and the only one singing, but only because she is SO exuberant and LOVES singing!

I did not like her taking over the song! I feel annoyed. I don't think anyone else notices her loudness, but I'm still annoyed.

I really enjoy singing together... harmonizing! So I'm wishing she would tone it down so we can all hear each other's voices in harmony... it's so beautiful, so delightful!

I wake up.

This beautiful, quite "telling" dream ;-) came to me on my mom's birthday in September of this year. What a Gift.

I thought it was just for me, but as I shared it with my son on our walk, we realized it was helpful to him, too. Then I shared it with a friend and realized it helped her, too. Then another friend! Okay! Message received!

Guess what? I'm human. Apparently my human fears and mistakes and needs are the same as many other humans... hmmm.... fancy that ;D

So here's my interpretations, take the Dream Medicine that's meant for you and leave the rest. Or simply see the dream as if it were your dream and interpret it for you, or the world...

To me, the staircase represents Change and Transformation... walking DOWN the staircase means for me, walking down into my subconscious, repressed negative memories or emotions, or even current setbacks that bring on that thick, heavy darker energy (negative emotion ;-)

My perspective of the spirits on the stairs represents my own fears of negative emotions... how I allow them to stop me cold in my tracks and let them effect my spirits (mood).

My grandmother, Nanny, showed me that they aren't bad, they can just exist and be there and there's nothing to fear. I can literally walk through negative emotions, and all my ancestors are there to support me. This makes me feel like when I do my "Digest Negative Emotions" meditation, my ancestors are there supporting me to heal. So are yours:

I got to the other side of that and thought I'd float... it felt so nice to feel I might float... but splat I went!

Floating could be a LOT of positive emotions and perspectives... basically floating above it all... but no. I needed to be reminded to "eat more!"

To me I felt this meant that I still needed MORE Spiritual Nourishment & Fulfillment. Eating can mean a LOT of things in a dream... and maybe I need ALL of those things, ha! But most deeply, because of the knife and the cake, I feel this means I need to share my life and "workload" with my ancestors and this will require me "eating more" spiritually.

How do I eat MORE spiritual nourishment? My goodness, I meditate and pray daily, sometimes several times a day... I read spiritual books and feed my soul through spiritual podcasts, too. How, Nanny, how?!?

Spiritual embodiment comes to mind here... caring for my body with more intention while allowing my soul to drive more expression through my body, my voice, my life, my work...

I made of list of songs to sing and dance with my ancestors and other practices I can put into place. But over the next month or so I did receive more answers through my dreams on to "how" I can share my workload with them and harmonize with my ancestors. One of those dreams was about me feeling Guided to create Sacred Dreamers Community Book Club. You can read it by simply clicking the button below:

Another dream Guided me take my cousin's Holistic Channeling course as she is one my living shamanic teachers... that dream felt so good, too... I'll share it later... but it is a way for me to feel spiritually nourished.

In this dream, for sure, my "cousin" feels like my unconscious ego just belting it out, completely unaware of how this excessive loudness ignores and drowns out all the beautiful harmonies available to our ears! Hahaha! I just can NOT help but laugh at myself!

Where am I not harmonizing, what am I not hearing?

I literally don't have to work so hard to be heard! Ha!

I could just be part of the gorgeous hamony with my ancestors... singing in one voice (Purpose) with multiple tones blending beautifully. This reminds me of my belief that "all paths lead to Heaven." We all have a Purpose that none of us seem to be able to fully comprehend from the Highest Perspective, but I do believe that learning to harmonize with our ancestors is one path that helps us fulfill our Purpose in Life.

When I speak of ancestors, I refer to those ancestors who have elevated their frequencies to higher vibrations that work for the highest good of all and would like to do so through supporting our lives and our Soul Purpose. We simply need to invite those elevated ancestors to work with us, while remembering to thank them and set them free after the "work" is complete. I believe some stay with us always since time and space aren't really real anyway. Still, we get to decide when our ears are open to hearing them, and when they are not. We are in charge of your spiritual communication.

If you need support healing family lines, opening communication with the Divine and elevated ancestors, healing yourself or your children... I'm here for you. If you're struggling walking through negative emotions and falling flat on your face, I've got you!

I have an insanely affordable and effective Shamanic Healing Program that's completely customizable that will reveal your Soul's Purpose through hand analysis, offers you a dream healing, and energetic bodywork (in person or remotely), with shamanic coaching. This is literally your opportunity to create your health and life on Purpose :D We don't create health with actual cake ;-) but by sharing the workload for sure!

Remember, health is physical, mental, emotional AND spiritual... over here, we address it all.

Weekly consecutive sessions will help you re-wire your neural pathways and clear energy blocks so you can feel healthy, free and on Purpose!

If you'd like a free consultation about working with me, just text me and we'll set that up ASAP.

I LOVE meeting new people! So we can Zoom or phone chat... whatever is easiest for you (although I prefer Zoom so we can see each other's shining faces)! And it's ok if you're not shining so brightly right now... that's the point of working together... to turn your Light back on. Or your kids, am I right?!

I set my consults up to support you, and you'll get the entire foundation of what you need to get what you want! SO good!

In Love,