
Believing IS A Choice.

· Beliefs,Self-Confidence,Healers,Doubt,Trust

Believing in yourself is actually required.

Mid-November I received one of my non-visual dreams... just someone teaching me, or some other-reality verstion of me teaching! Ha!

The words I heard in my dream:

"We need to believe in ourselves.

All these people:




All the poeple out there helping people.

Only you can know the Truth inside of yourself.

Because there's a lot of Naysayers.


It's ok!

Trust in yourself.

Even if it doesn't make sense at first.

It will all make sense in the end.

No matter what version of them they're being...



Love, etc.

Their ENERGY is aligned and congruent."

I wake up.


My description of "alignment" is not just referring to our spines! Ha! Being aligned means we are in verticle alignment with Pachamama and Great Spirit and this puts us in alignment with our Soul's Purpose.

Congruent... choosing to live a life where we're not living with internal conflict... a form of integrity where our insides match our outsides; our words or beliefs match our actions at a deep felt level.

This is one way we build trust in ourselves and our Source.

When we believe in ourselves, we deliberately choose to live aligned and congruent.

Just as Moses said something like, "I would that ye were all prophets" because he knew direct revelation was and always is 100% possible and available to them (and us) so they could self-regulate and self-govern rather than rely on outside authority and then complain about it ;D Ya feel me?!

Itzhak Beery also says we are all shamans. All humans have this innate ability to receive direct revelation through fostering our connection with our Divine Power.

We are literally created with the phsyical architecture in our body, in our DNA for this Divine Communication.

I happen to agree with both of these fellows ;D (aka: Inspired Teachers/Shamans, etc.).

Let me put this another way... we are all capable of being Divine Channels of Source Love.

This ability can be used during our healing or helping work and our personal relationships.

I acknowledge we're human, though, and it's not going to be accessed 100% of the time! ;D

That's ok, too!

But ultimately, what I see as the reason for "not believing in ourselves" comes down to our addiction to believing that we are separate from Source Love. And that's ok, too, because we came to Earth to experience the contrast of what it feels like to be separate rather than One.

However, we also came here to "wake up" from this illusion of separation while still in our bodies on Earth, and it's typically great pain and suffering that drives us to learn how to wake up and feel the Oneness.

One way to wake up is to start practicing believing in ourselves; even if we're "weird" and we can see, feel, hear, and know invisible things... or maybe we don't, but we feel our hands "turn on like a light switch" when we give love or comfort to another soul... it's all real. Even if you can't explain it or understand it yet.

Your "job" is not to rumble around in self-doubt and confusion nor wondering "why am I this way?"

Your job is simply to accept you were 100% Divinely designed in this way to serve a Higher Purpose, your Soul's Purpose.

This is self-belief.

If you want your life to improve in any way, start here.

If you need help removing energy blocks, healing, and understanding your Purpose so you can fulfill it, I can help you.

I was Designed for it ;D

Text me to schedule your free consultation: 480-259-7140

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I LOVE living my Divine Design which is helping you live yours! <3