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Healers Are Leaders

This Changes EVERYTHING!

December 12, 2022

For the floundering, second-guessing healer wondering if you're doing it right while struggling to grow your healing practice... pencils down. Eyes forward.

You can't mess this up! You cannot get it wrong!

"I'm not sure I'm doing it right" is just a thought.

Leaders don't think that thought. If it crosses their minds, they don't entertain it!

Thoughts are like fish. You can always throw it back!

Did you know that?!?

Thoughts are like fish in an ever-flowing stream... we think 65,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are the same every day! Some people call this a "stream of consciousness." So I imagine that every thought is one sentence represented on one fish. If you happen to catch a fish (catch a thought), you do NOT have to keep it. There's no need to become attached to this fish! You can simply throw it back into the stream and find a fish that's useful to you.

Shitty thoughts are literally like catching a fish that's too small... take it off the hook and put it back! These thoughts are TOO SMALL to hold your future!

Low-vibe thoughts are too small to sustain the energy you require to fulfill your Soul's Purpose.

I understand. You think you're just telling me the news; the truth that is your life (inside your brain). Don't worry, I promise you there's a way out of this self-defeating, stress-inducing cycle!

I have a beautiful process to take healers from self-doubt to confidence to certainty.

Part of my process was given to me in a dream!

One of my healing channels is Dream Healing... for myself and my amazing clients!

First, I'll share the dream cuz it's so fun to experience Spirit Communication this way and it's SO in alignment with how humans learn.... through stories! :D

Then, I'll share my interpretation and how you can put this into action TODAY!


My daughter has found herself in a leadership position she does NOT want.

She says she doesn't know how to do this. "I don't know how to do this."

"I don't know how to do that."

"I don't know how to do.... I don't know how to do... I don't how to do..."

She is spinning in distress!

I calmly hand my daughter a blank sheet of white paper encouranging her, "Just color. Just be you. Just color anything at all."

I watched her draw and color.

It was beautiful; it was abstract.

I noticed she started at the bottom left of the paper then she moved into the bottom right of the paper, next she ascended up into the top right of the paper and finished up in the upper left of the paper.

I just KNEW it was her palm leading the way!

She began in the Venus zone then connected into the Moon zone, next rising up into the Mercury zone and finally crossing over into the Jupiter zone.

I can clearly see this is what was easiest for my daughter. She naturally started with what came easiest to her then incrementally transitioned into what was the hardest for her.

This is her path to skill mastery.

This is her path to skill mastery to becoming a better leader.

I can see if there's a problem in Leadership, she needs to look back and strengthen the previous skills represented by the palm zones.

I wake up.


For our purposes here, my daughter represents you, the healer. As a healer, you ARE a leader. This changes everything! You lead each healing session as you partner with your clients to help them get the results they want. You are a leader when you invite them to work with you. You thought you were "just a healer" but you're not; you're actually both a healer and a leader.

When you think of yourself as a Healer that "doesn't know how to do..." then you are at the same time NOT thinking of yourself as a Leader.

This is why we start in the Venus zone of the palm; the fatty fleshy zone connected to your thumb.

I read hands. I interpret the symbols in your hands to reveal your Life Purpose, Life Lesson, Life School and Gift Markings. Your soul vibration created your fingerprints in a unique, specific pattern so you can see the reflection of your soul's gifts and agenda for this lifetime. I reveal your challenge markers and major line patterns as well which are a physical manifestation of your brain's neuropathways.

The Venus zone in the palm represents Love, Self-Care, Beauty, Luxury, Pleasure... To me, she is the Goddess of Divine Self-Love. We start here. When you elevate your Venus skills, you increase your capacity to connect into the Moon zone. The way you think about yourself, life and your healing practice IS one way you practice self-care that opens you up to all that Venus has to offer AND your intuitive gifts.

I read a client's hands who's Venus zone was filled with boxes. Boxes are created with your "Yes" energy conflicting with your "No" energy; AKA: Inner Conflict around Venus zone themes.

I asked, "How are you putting your desire for love, beauty, luxury or pleasure in a box? You seem to be all boxed up and boxed in." My client's respose: "Yes! I feel boxed in!"

I explain, "YOU are the only one putting yourself in a box... with your thinking!" When you box yourself in with your thinking, this means that you have created an entire belief system that keeps you stuck in the box. And I say this with Love. If you want out of your box, you gotta uplevel your Venus proficiency!

The Moon zone is 100% about Intuition & The Divine. You develop and increase your capacity for feminine receptivity here. Venus and Grandmother Moon are meant to be in a constant nourishing feedback loop. Connecting with The Divine IS self-care and believing in yourself and allowing Venus zone themes to flourish in your life IS connecting with The Divine Moon. Then the Moon zone becomes your bridge to clear, healing communication.

The Mercury zone is Communication. What you receive through the Moon zone rises up and out into the world through your channeled communication. You communicate as a healer through your senses and your energy, not just your hands and voice. The Moon and Mercury are constantly working together... receiving intuition and expressing that communication. Clear, high-vibrational communication is one way that leaders lead. You can't do this if you don't trust yourself. You'll stop yourself every time. Self-trust grows through your Venus & Moon proficiencies. This is completely learn-able!

The Jupiter zone is Power. Divinely accessed power is Leadership. People talk about feeling empowered or the opposite: giving our power away. Jupiter is about being deeply grounded and centered in knowing yourself and then living your passions.

Power in it's Divine expression is not about control over others, but knowing your own power as a creator partnered with The Divine.

A leader knows her standards, values and boundaries and uses those decisions to live in alignment with her Purpose. Standards, values and boundaries are decided as you develop your Venus & Moon skills, then practiced in your Mercury & Jupiter outlets or channels. Your ability to lead a session, or make offers help people at all, is mostly expressed through your energy created by how you see yourself.

Do you feel like a leader?

Venus, Moon and Mercury are the foundation for you as a healer to claim your healthy, healing leadership role. Healing is leading and leading is healing. You were born for both.

In 2010 I learned from my first hand readiing that I am a Spiritual Teacher, Gifted Healer to Healers and Leader to Leaders. Honestly, I have 13 of the possible 18 Gift Markings, so "overwhelmed" used to be my nickname! ;D And for sure I thought that me being a "Powerful Leader" was total bullshit WRONG!

Now... I'm steeping in the amusing delight of what it feels like to be wroing about how I used to see myself! Ha!

This dream about my daughter showed me what I didn't know that I already knew! Ha! The dream showed me so clearly the path I used to move into my roles as a healer, a teacher and a leader. I call myself a shamanic practitioner.

Maybe you're a Reiki practitioner, a midwife, a shaman, a curandera, a channel, a hypnotherapist, a light worker, an energy worker, a yoga teacher, a coach, a mother. All healers. All leaders.

When you start bumping up against your invisible ceiling, and feeling trapped, stuck or held back in some way... re-visit each of these palm zones to see where you need to upgrade your skill level. Experiencing limitations, Life Lessons and uncomfortable emotions is a normal part of growth. These are your signals that your Soul Purpose is ready to expand in it's power and reach.

If you're a healer then I know you were Divinely Called to your practice. What you might not have known at the time, much like myself, is that you were simultaneously called into your leadership role. When you see your signal that your Soul Purpose is ready to expand, simply choose one palm zone and pick one skill to improve in that zone's theme. You can start with the Venus zone just like my daughter did in the dream!

If you're a real go-getter, choose one skill from Venus, Moon and Mercury! Jupiter is your natural expression of those upgraded skill proficiencies!

Some simple examples:

Venus: improve self-confidence or boundaries.

Moon: meditate daily or interpret your dreams and take inspired actions.

Mercury: practice clearly communicating the things you receive through your senses when meditating, dreaming or giving a healing session.

I'm inviting you to partner with me to claim your confidence as a healer.

The value you'll receive is literally phenomenal!

Stake your claim in the world as the healing leader you ARE!

You can join right NOW.

Get deeply intimate with the path to confident leadership as a healer.


Challenge yourself to grow faster than you planned.

Enhance your healing abilities with healthy. Leader. Energy.

Go from second-guessing to certainty.

It's what we do.

It's the most beautiful thing.

I've got your back.

Now let's go!

Connect to work with me at 480-259-7140, or email: