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Overcoming Insurmountable Obstacles

Working with Spirit Animal Guides

November 27, 2023

The dream I woke up from one Sunday morning brought messages and journal questions that were so good for me and applicable to my life! But as I dove into the symbolism, I realized that these messages would be SO supportive of the many varied challenges others are going through, too... and then I thought, why not share with everyone to support them through whatever seemingly insurmountable obstacles they're facing?

There will be a bunch of journal quesions at the end of this blog... I mean a BUNCH! Even if you only ponder and write about ONE question per day, there's never any hurry, you may find exactly what you've been seeking!

I added chapters to this video so it's easy to go straight to the part you wanna hear... but re-listening to me tell my own dream helped me see new symbolisms that support me even more!

Why Work With Spirit Animal Guides

Animals are always authentically true to themselves and they have, throughout ancient traditions around the world, worked with us humans to share their healing wisdom and power.

A Shaman of Peru, Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, teaches us that animals are guides, protectors, powerful medicine and portals when we learn how to work with them and invite them "to ceremony with us."

"Animals typically operate at a much higher frequency of love and intelligence and hold the ability to heal at rapid speeds."

--Fredy Puma

This is because they have not been conditioned by other people that healing is not possible... they listen to their bodies and they're always in contact with Mother Earth (unless flying but they're still in connection with high frequency intelligence)... they don't argue with their feelings or instinct to rest, protect or eat something specific when they're ill such as a leaf or berry or to rub their eye on a particular leaf like Devil's Apple. Wild animals instinctively shake off trauma literally and immediately after the event. They have SO much authentic, aligned wisdom to share with us!

They come to our dreams, bite us in the neck, sit on our windshields, jump up our pants, walk up to us in a random parking lot, walk right past us in a forest like it ain't no thang... or is that just me (to name a few)?! Ha!

We have a Power Animal who is our lifelong companion, but we also have messenger animals and temporary support animals. For me, this Goat Spirit Animal is a messenger for sure... but also an ongoing support as I work through something challenging at this time in my life!

  • They help us understand and accept ourselves, our strengths and challenges
  • They give us instight to others' intentions toward us
  • They help us make healthy decisions that can transform our health, our relationships, and our entire lives
  • They help us evolve as spiritual beings, as souls in a body having human experiences
  • They initiate and support our spiritual awakening and evolvement which helps us heal our past and feel empowered in the present

"Spirit animals help you to be who you were meant to be. They help you make decisions that are in full alignment with who you really are and what you really want."

-- Kelly Eckert

  • Spirit Animals can guide us to safety, freedom and Purpose.
  • They can infuse us with their pure energy to heal ourselves and others, to create, to succeed and so much more!

I would never use negative talk to describe an animal in the way I have with myself... such as thinking I'm inadequate, for example. Most of us carry around a self-judgement of "I'm not good enough" in one way or another, or one aspect of life or another, but we would never say a Bear is inadequate or not good enough. No, they can't jump like Grasshopper, but they are 100% adequate and good enough. Salmon cannot climb a tree like Bear, but neither is better than the other.

Animals are in complete acceptance of their Divine Design and they make it work for them. When we partner with Spirit Animals, we can lean into their natural gifts and challenges with acceptance and innovative creativity to achieve our desired results in life.

How to work with Spirit Animal Guides

Sometimes we choose which animal to work with based on our need or goal. Sometimes the Spirit Animal chooses us through a dream or serendipitous experience... and with a giant heaping spoonful of humility and deep appreciation, we accept their divine assistance!

Here's a list of some ways we can work with our Spirit Animal Guides:

  • Sacred Ceremony or Ritual
  • Dreamwork interpretation and integration
  • Shamanic journeying
  • Meditation & Quiet Contemplation
  • Research: reading about the animal or watching National Geographic documentaries, etc...
  • Automatic writing or simply journal about what this Spirit Animal means to you, what significance does it stir up?
  • Living in the uncomfortable Unknown of how your Spirit Animal experience has changed you... maybe start taking a beat before engaging in your normal "before" responses to life... maybe ask more often something like, "How would the energy of Spirit Animal ______ feel or respond about this?

Journal Questions Based on Goat Spirit Symbolism

  1. Are you facing seemingly unsurmountable obstacles? Write them down... get them out of your head and onto paper... this can help create distance and perspective.
  2. Are you giving up an essential part of yourself due to pressure (real or imagined) to follow the herd (society's or family's opinion) in some way? Write it out...
  3. Is guilt-tripping having an effect on you? How so?
  4. Do you know who you Are, what YOU want, and how to get there? Write all abou it!
  5. Are you walking an uncertain UPHILL path (no coasting available ;-))?
  6. Are you allowing yourself to be herded or forced into a group that doesn't suit you? How does that feel? Write it down.
  7. Do you have Spiritual Ambition? This could even be written as a prayer <3
  8. Is stubbornness or fear of change creating inflexibility or rigidity in seeing how to overcome obstacles? Are you thinking yourself into a box? Or a trap?
  9. Are you doubting yourself and your ability to handle change which causes you to sacrifice your independence and cling to your instict for the comfort of the herd? Write this out, but be sure to infuse this with self-compassion! <3
  10. Are you watering and feeding "The Gifts of Goat," meaning... are you quenching your emotioinal and spiritual thirst?
  11. Are you nourishing "The Goat Within" ;-) with unconditional love and acceptance?

The Gifts of Goat

Perseverence in overcoming obstacles



Letting go of guilt

Spiritual Ambition

Masculine energy (Right side of body, physical direction in life, fighting (fire-fighter) energy, giving, releasing, action, structure)


The Challenges of Goat


Fear of change


Lacking a solid foundation

Being a "butthead"


May you find clarity and your best next step in overcoming your seemingly insurmountable obstacles by working with your Spirit Animals!

If you need support and want to work with me, simply reach out 480-259-7140 or