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Reflexology - A Shamanic Diagnostic & Healing System

Body - Mind - Soul - Pupose!

September 26, 2023

Receiving reflexology can raise your coherent frequency which increases the strength and integrity of your body's electromagnetic energy field!

Your feelings and emotions have a powerful effect on your body's electromagnetic energy field.

Your feelings and emotions are generated by where you focus your thought energy, or attention.

The vibrational frequency of your thought-feelings either strengthen or weaken your energy field.

Sometimes you may be unaware of where your thought attention is focused most of the time throughout each day. It can be hard to see your thought-feeling belief patterns you're enmeshed with because it just feels factual and true, even it sucks and makes you imagine a horrible future!

Feeling yuck throughout the day causes a weakened energy field which makes you more suseptible to illness or some disharmony manifesting in your physical body, AKA: inflammation gone wild!

People don't usually look for help until they're sick; when their physical body feels pain or discomfort.

For some people, it's this sickness or pain that will trigger an awakening... because it's meant to! This is your "DETOUR" sign!

Physical problems are a normal human experience, for sure, but what if there's a deeper purpose for your pain?


"The BIGGEST reason that our body manifests illnesses; they are a 'wake-up' call... and the BIGGEST reason for the 'wake-up' call is because your Soul is NOT fulfilling the intention for which it came here."

-- Anita Moorjani, "Dying to Be Me; My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing (forward by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)


A Shamanic Diagnosis isn't about naming a specific set of symptoms as your illness or disease and then prescribing drugs, but rather it's about tuning-in to your energy bodies and bringing awareness to the pattern corrections that will create wellness in your physical, mental-emotional, and Soul-Purpose expressions.

I use reflexology to find out WHY your Soul is NOT fulfilling your intention for being here; your unique patterns of behavior that are blocking the fulfillment and expansion of your life's purpose, then we activate and connect the meridians with vital Life Force energy.

This alone can be enough to accomplish the next steps to soul expression and fulfillment!

I also integrate other modalities that can heal and support your health and Purpose such as Reiki, shamanic herbalism, Soul Purpose Hand Analysis, and dreamtime work just to name a few ;D

Soul Purpose is a key ingredient to health and longevity adding up to 7 extra years of life expectancy as witnessed around the world in places known as The Blue Zones. Okinawans call it ikigai, or "reason for being." Costa Ricans call it, "plan de vida." The Mayans call it, "nawal," your destiny.


"A progressive unlocking of purpose is essential to our health, happiness and longevity." 

-- Dr. Richard Leider


Have you been feeling purposeful or rather aimless instead? Have you been wondering what's the point of... well, so many things! Life, your life, your struggles, your pain, your healing, your hard work? All for what?

Do you feel you were born for something more, to do and to contribute something more, to feel more satisfaction, meaning, delight, and fulfillment in your endeavors?

Do you crave laying your head on your pillow at night in total peace because you KNOW your Purpose and you KNOW you're living it; you're contributing to humanity or the planet in a way that is deeply meaningful to you?

Early this morning my 7 year old grandson came downstairs crying... not normal for him! He wasn't feeling his best and I offered to make him a cup of Chamomile tea. He likes that so he agreed and his little 3 year old sister wanted to help me make this tea to help her big brother. My heart swelled with joy and gratitude as they stuck their faces into the Chamomile flowers and breathed deeply and smiled while we waited for the water to heat.

Is there purpose, meaning and value in how I spend my time? In the "little" things I do?

Only I get to decide that!

Of course, my answer is a PROFOUND YES! ;D Now I wanna plant ALL the medicinal flowers with them on acres and acres of land! Ha!

But I digress... even if you're only in the negative-spiral-of-crappy-emotions phase, and not a physical concern, I encourage you to get the support you need as soon as possible for as on-going and consistenly as needed.

I encourage you to treat your emotional pain or heartbreak the same way you would treat a tooth ache or a broken bone!! AKA: see the right practitioners for you, get plenty or true rest and sleep, drink copious amounts of medicinal herbal teas, do your dreamwork, talk to God and your angels about your pain, your path and your purpose.

For me, walking with my son in the early morning under the stars, or during a cooler season later as the sun rises, is so nourishing for my soul. Later, I often put some of my herbal tea into our green smoothies!

When I have been through my absolute worst of times, it's always begun my healing to Thank Spirit for loving me "as-is." That begins to open my heart so I feel then I can Thank Spirit ahead of time for opening the ways for me, and delivering to me all that I need and more, under grace in perfect ways.

As you see from my little granddaughter, we were born with a natural capacity for compassion and a desire to contribute, to help others in some way that feels meaningful to us, personally. This can be big or small in human eyes, but to Spirit, it's all big and meaningful! Compassion for yourself, compassion for others, and Thanking Spirit ahead of time opens us to see the ways our hearts want to contribute and have our lives feel meaningful to us.

When you get the support you need, your Soul energy is freed to course through your veins, your bones, and every space within you to help you fulfill your Soul's intention for this lifetime that you chose.

When Anita Moorjani died she was encouraged to go back to Earth and "be yourself and live your life fearlessly!" Her book, "Dying To Be Me" is inspirational in that we do not have to make ourselves sick and die to feel free to be ourselves! We can just do it now! ;D

The way I practice Reflexology, as a diagnostic and healing system, helps you connect with the real you and release what's not authentically you so that you can live your life free, fearlessly and full of meaningful contribution!

I look at the sensitive reflexoloyg points and the associated organs and governing emotions. Then I find where this is located in Soul Purpose Hand Analysis so you get a clearer picture of what skills need growth and development so your Soul Purpose can be fulfilled at the next highest level for you!

This is not a Hand Reading and you don't need to have had a Hand Reading for this to benefit you! If you've received your Hand Reading, though, then your session is more targeted and personalized for your specific Soul Purpose, School, Lesson and Gifts.

And if you're wondering what the heck is a hand reading, here's my quirky yet informative video:

If you've already received your Hand Reading and you find yourself in the muck and mire of life, decisions, disasters and more... revisiting the precious gifts your Soul etched into your hands 5 months before you were ever born could be a wonderful guide or a Divine Compass as my dear friend so aptly named her business! (She's the one who very lovingly and patiently taught me how to actually build my own website! She gets my woo and she understands tech! Divine indeed! ;D

One of my friends keeps her Soul Purpose Hand Analysis report with her wherever she goes... for YEARS now! It always guides her back to her Soul Alignment. She IS on Purpose! (Insert dancing emojis here!) ;D

You are absolutely loved exactly as you are, always.

If you're craving more depth, more soul, more meaning, more value, more purpose... that's because you're absolutely capable of all you dream of and more. People with just one Gift Marking feel this pull, this inner drive. Most of the hands I've read have multiple Gift Markings (out of 18 possible) which magnifies and intesifies this powerful inner pressure to create, to serve, to experience and to express from the infinity of one's Soul!


"Each of us has an embedded destiny -- gifts to add value to the world. And, we were born with free will to choose how we think, act, and react."

--Richard Leider


You can bring your emotional frequency up to align with your Soul Purpose through this amazing work I do. Remotely or in-person, cuz Spirit knows no bounds!

Or, you can simply begin massaging your feet and working out the sensitive parts. Most points on the feet benefit from an "up and down" massage meaning toe to heel and heel to toe is up and down. You don't need to know what it means to begin reaping the benefits. Some points may call for a strong, steady, still pressure or small clockwise circles instead of the up/down motion. Just get started and see what feels right for you!

If you don't wanna do this alone (not that you're ever actually alone alone... am I right, Spirit?! ;D Set up your appointment with me today:



In Absolute Delight,
