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The Science & Spirit of Long-Distance Reiki or Remote Healing

Does It Really Work?!

July 19, 2023


This blog is about the science and Spirit of non-local, long-distance or remote healing.

To put it simply, as a Shamanic Practitioner my job is to hold my clients in my thoughts and prayers while entering a healing state of consciousness. A healing state of consciousness is an emotional frequency of love, gratitude, wholeness, peace, freedom and joy… a deep connection with Source and all Life through these high vibrational frequencies.

I do this for all my clients no matter if they’re in personor non-local.

I created a video for in-person, hands-on and hands-hovering sessions called, “The Mesmerizing Science of Reiki” that you can view here.

The long-distance symbol in Reiki is used to acknowledge and affirm that there is no such thing as time and space and all healing and wholeness are present now. Dr. Joe Dispenza refers to this as the eternal present moment.

No such thing as time and space?!? What?!?

Yep! That’s the kind of science we’re gonna be discussing today… quantum physics and how it applies to our healing and sense of well-being as a whole person… body-mind-soul-purpose.

I believe it’s understanding quantum physics and the true nature of our DNA that will remove the veil to Spirit and our unlimited potential.

Okay, let’s dig into this mind-boggling quantum bliss!

In Vibrational Medicine by Dr. Richard Gerber, MD, we read on page 314 about a long distance healing experiment conducted on rye seedlings. From 600 miles away, the healers visualized the plants being filled with light and energy at which time, the exact same time the electromechanical transducer measuring device recorded an 840% increase in the rye seedlings growth rate! After the remote healing treatment, the growth rate steadily decreased, but never back to it’s lowest original growth rate, the seedlings were forever altered to a higher baseline growth rate than before the healing treatment.

I wonder what would have happened over time if they were given a treatment once a week for say, 12 weeks, compared to plants that didn’t receive any treatment, and/or just one treatment in 12 weeks?

I wonder what would have happened if the plants had received these healing treatments of light and energy throughout their life cycle and their process of generating new seeds? Would those seeds and “plant children” have a greater seed potential and higher growth rate than non-treated plants that went to seed and grew their “children?”

What if they did this for several generations?

What could this mean for our own human growth and healing of all natures - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?

What could this mean for fertility and creating new generations of children that are healthier and filled
with light and energy? How would this affect sperm and ova? How would this affect a developing fetus as it develops its own sperm or ova? What impact could this have on our human DNA potential in one or many generations cumulatively?

As proven in studies I share in The Mesmerizing Science of Reiki video, energy healing always brings health and healing to the body, but we're just scratching the surface of what's really possible!

We’ll get to that after the plant and cloud particle chamber experiments!;D

Another experiment was conducted on remote healing from 600 miles away, but this time the effects were observed on a cloud particle chamber instead of plants. The vapor trails of subatomic particles were recordedand and found to develop a coherent wave pattern at the time of the healing
experiment. As the healer 600 miles away rotated her hands 90 degrees, so did the wave patterns within the cloud chamber. You can read about this in Vibrational Medicine on pages 314-315.

J.Rindge. “The Reality of Healing Energies” in Healers and the Healing Process, ed. G. Meek (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing)]

Actually, Vibrational Medicine has almost two full pages of cited studies for hands-on,
hands-off, intermediary (ie: water or cotton) and long-distance healing.

The reason using plants and a particle chamber are significant, in part, is because it removes the sceptic’s dismissive excuse of “the placebo effect,” believing it’s all in the patient’s or client’s mind. To
that I say, read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, You Are The Placebo. ;D

Dr. Gerber writes, “One might literally say that the time for magnetoelectric energy to move from the mind of the healer to the experimental setup (or patient) is limited only by the speed of thought.
Indeed, such energies are reflections of the higher vibrational characteristics of consciousness at the etheric, astral, and higher dimensional levels.” Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Gerber, pg. 316

Drs. Elmer Green and Norman Shealy documented that during remote healing, “…there was a synchronization of brainwave activity and other bioelectric rhythms between the healer and patient during the healing process.” Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Gerber, pg. 320

Another researcher, Maxwell Cade, also found that healers achieve biological rhythm entrainment in person and remotely during the healing process. [C.M. Cade and N. Coxhead, The Awakened Mind: Biofeedback and the Development of Higher States of Awareness (New York, Dell Publishing Co.,

Biological entrainment teaches the healer how important it is to maintain a healing consciousness!

How does biological rhythm entrainment occur even across great distances?

Sharon Begley of the Wall Street Journal online published an article in October 2005 about quantum physics entanglement observations also known by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” This proves that no matter how far apart, even clear across the Universe, “entangled” particles of light
“settle into the exact same motion at the exact same time.” Even when these particles were “too far apart to exchange signals… when one was measured, the other instantly showed the same kind of vibration.” Other research proved that particles who have never met and share no previous history still display spooky action particle entanglement.

Dr. Joe Dispenza and The HeartMath Institute have also conducted many studies proving biological, heart coherence entrainment via non-local, or remote healing. I suggest reading any and all of his books, but his most recent book was published in 2017, Becoming Supernatural, where these non-local healing effects are discussed on pages 303-304. His book explains quite clearly the science behind “how” we can heal ourselves and others through learning to hold a higher vision and elevated emotions.

"Elevated emotions" isn’t just a term for “positive” emotions or “feeling good,” it means literally that those good feeling positive emotions emit an actual elevated frequency compared to lower emotions such as shame, guilt, fear, hatred, blame, resentment, etc.

Every thought we have is a chemical reaction in the brain that triggers stress chemicals or healing chemicals. These chemicals strongly affect our entire nervous system, and the function of our hearts and brains known as coherence (or non-coherence if stressed), which affects our body’s entire vibrational frequency. The brain and heart together create our electromagnetic biofield, often referred to as our aura. Based on our thoughts and feelings, we are broadcasting a message, or information, into our energy field, but as spooky quantum entanglement proves, we are not limited by the proximity of our auric field to any point, particle or person in the Universe! Our potential to affect change is always present and connected to our state of consciousness and intention.

It looks like this…

...Life Happens, lemons, lemonade and all... which triggers a thought or an entire belief system.

This thought or belief system sends out the signals to the body for either stress or healing chemicals to be released which we interpret as emotions or feelings.

Our emotional state is the fuel for our actions to be driven by fear/stress frequency or love/gratitude frequency.

Our emotional state either closes us off or opens us up to intuitive reception and the choice to follow-through on the intuitive hit.

Meaning that our emotions drive our actions and behaviors… fight, flight, freeze, avoid, or… love, connect, flow, etc.

These actions driven by our emotions lead to specific results…the ones we want or don’t want based on our thought – emotion – action – process.

The result, such as dis-ease, pain or suffering will always lead to proving your thinking “right” even if your thinking is actually not based in Truth.

So what these studies on remote healing teach us is that we can bring our nervous system back into a coherent state of being that generates or triggers healing chemicals throughout the body which as you’ll come to see more clearly, also positively affects our DNA.

I’ve had clients experience physical issues resolve as well as shifting major mental-emotional blocks.

Here's one review for an example:

Dr. Dispenza and HeartMath are proving that elevating our emotions heals and protects our DNA (that’s just one positive effect).

As a practitioner, it’s vital to practice holding ourselves in elevated states of being while connecting to the Divine Infinite Source because our energy field communicates with our client’s energy field whether in person, or 600 miles away, or across the Universe ;D

Science has discovered that we humans only use about 1.5% of our DNA and the rest is called, “junk DNA” because some scientists haven’t figured out what it does yet. However, the biology principal of endowment says nature does not waste anything, “so think of your genes as a library of potentials.”

-- Dr. Joe Dispenza

Since at least 1926, scientists have known that our DNA absorbs and emits light. As I shared in a previous blog, Energize Your Soul, our junk DNA uses light communication called “bio-photons” and has all the features of human language such as: syntax, semantic and grammar. Our DNA has a vibrational behavior that scientists call “wave genetics” that shows DNA reacts to language (thoughts and beliefs) if the proper frequencies are used.

I also believe there is a Light Language we don’t know or remember… an angelic or Spirit language. I have heard with my physical ears angels near me and speaking with each other about me lovingly in a language I didn’t know that seemed not of this earth. This is called clairaudience and I know I’m
not the only one that’s experienced this! One of these angels then touched me near my eye and immediately I felt a healing energy begin to flow through my body in a very specific way and direction. They heal me and teach me at the same time ;D I now integrate this into my healing sessions with beautiful positive effects.

Now, back to our DNA… I believe what Dr. Dispenza is teaching us is that our light-language-communicating DNA is 98.5% of who we are and it holds a library of potentials for us! These unexpressed latent genes are simply waiting for us to activate them via our elevated emotions.

On page 139 of his book, Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Dispenza shares just a few of these potentials waiting to be activated by the emotional energy you run through your DNA such as:


“…an unlimited genius mind, for longevity, for immortality, for an uncompromising will, for the capacity to heal, for having mystical experiences, for regenerating tissues and organs, for activating the hormones of youth so you have greater energy and vitality, for photographic memory, and for doing the uncommon, just to name a few.”


Additionally, Near Death Experiencer (NDEr) Penny Wittbrodt, RN tells her story of God pointing for her to see God in her junk DNA where she learned God made us on Purpose for a Purpose and loves us unconditionally.

Do you know your Purpose?

Can you see, now, how Reiki and energetic, shamanic bodywork can activate your potential, your healing and Purpose?

Mind you, I don’t believe we “need” to understand quantum physics nor our DNA for the veil between us, Spirit and our unlimited potential to be removed and experienced, but it’s sure fun to learn about!

Learning how to apply this quantum/DNA information can shorten the time it takes for some of us to evolve into a more permanently, high-vibrating Being on Purpose filled with radiant health, vitality and elevated emotions while feeling the BiggerPicture of Life as it unfolds. This practice can help us be mentally and emotionally self-regulated, or Spirit-regulated, as we experience many of the
ups, downs and plot twists of Life.

We can learn to move through emotional waves with Surrender and Grace until maybe sometimes there is no emotional wave… we just sense it’s all OK at the deepest and highest levels of existence.

Many of my loved ones are going through some really tough times right now (at the time of this writing). So I’d like to offer that even in grief (of which I’ve had a large portion!) we are promised that those who mourn shall be comforted and I believe it’s through this science and Spirit knowledge and practice that we open ourselves up to feeling that Great Comforter deep within… an angelic,
Infinite Peace that surpasses all human logic and understanding unless experienced first-hand.

This is why I believe those that mourn are truly blessed because grief can activate our higher, soul-seeking for peace, comfort and relief from pain and suffering via healing practices like prayer, meditation, herbal medicine, and shamanic bodywork such as local and non-local Reiki. In my experience, grief and mourning have been an opportunity to bond with my Compassionate Helping Spirits, to feel The Oneness on Purpose.

This doesn’t erase grief or make us immune to grief, but it adds to grief a deep, palpable, comforting sense of Divine Presence and Peace. Like grief + Spirit = Open Window to God Within Us… the light-emitting DNA is just a beginning to understanding our ever-present connectedness to Source.

There's always a choice to seek comfort from either addictions and numbness or the Oneness with God. We can choose false comfort through addictive, self-limiting thoughts, feelings and behavior loops, or we can seek comfort through connecting with The Divine.

As you can see in these long-distance and in-person studies, inviting a healer to give you treatments will benefit you on the quantum level of unlimited potential, both seen and unseen. Your frequency will elevate, the shadows will be vaporized by the Light and quantum shifts will occur.

Reiki and other modalities of shamanic bodywork are known to have a positive cumulative effect on every aspect of our beings... body - mind - soul - Purpose, and just like the rye seedlings, we will be forever altered above our "before' baseline of growth potential - inside and out.

Schedule now for your Quantum Bliss on Purpose!
