Retain Emotional Sovereignty When Manifesting

for Health, Wealth, Love, Soul Purpose & More...

· Manifesting,Soul Purpose,Emotional Sovereignty,Beliefs,Spirituality

Someone asked me how I was able to listen to my children's complaints, sadness and stressors while we were homeless in 2014 WITHOUT taking on their stress and feeling stressed about their stress.

Great question, right?!?

My short answer is: focus.

I held my awareness in the parts of my mind that created love, compassion, gratitude and trust.

There are entire belief systems in these parts of my mind, in everyone's mind, that can generate these positive feelings instead of stressful feelings. Stress exists in a different part of the mind and I did not allow my awareness to stay there, ever, for that two and half months of homelessness.

I felt it was of utmost importance for me to retain my emotional sovereignty (thus maintain my higher frequency to manifest my desire) while in such a precarious situation. If I had allowed myself to be dragged down into the depths of despair, worry and confusion right along with everyone around me, I never would have survived let alone thrived while manifesting what we really needed, the perfect home for my family under grace in perfect ways ;D

And this is where I lose people to, "Yeah, but HOW?!?"

There seems to be confusion about how to wrap your brain around the fact that someone you love being in deep emotional pain, doesn't mean you have to be, too.

"How?!?" You ask...

You tell me.

What do you really REALLY believe about the nature of Life?

What do you REALLY believe about our Souls, Purpose, death and the after-this-life?

What do you genuinely believe about Angels, the Universe, Spirit, Energy and all the names of God/Source?

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If you're anything like me, and it's OK if you're not ;D ...then you also choose, deliberately with positive intention, to believe in things that make you feel good instead of shitty. Period.

This is a practice, not a perfect.

Please, write your answers down. Talk about them with people you love and trust. Contemplate the questions and your answers. Dream on them. Meditate on them. Practice them.

Here are some of my deepest beliefs that help me to retain my emotional sovereignty even when the people in my life tend not to...

Emotional sovereignty means my emotional life belongs to me and is controlled by me... I depend on myself and my relationship with Source, The Infinite One who Lives in me and through me. This is also known as emotional adulthood, EQ, and emotional maturity. Almost 100% of humans never experience this 100% of the time... I say almost because I never met our ascended masters in their toddler years! ;D

Emotional dependence (aka emotional childhood) is when your emotional life depends on everyone and everything outside of you and your control.

Life offers up triggers and knee-jerk reactions all the time so we all get to practice this every day!

Your belief that someone shouldn't believe in things that cause them pain or suffering is actually causing YOU pain and suffering.

You could choose to believe they're ok exactly as they are.

It's ok to have a bad day.

You could believe everything is temporary., and that's ok, too.


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You could believe their suffering is none of your business... meaning if you can't solve it or relieve it right now in this moment, it is none of your business.

Your only "job" is to love them as they are, if you want to.

You could believe they'll be ok no matter what.

You could believe they're doing the very best they can right now in this moment and in every moment.

You could believe that you have NO IDEA why they need what they're experiencing right now, you have NO IDEA what their Soul's Purpose is from the Highest Perspective.

You could believe this moment is FOR them to be able to fulfill their Soul's Purpose and only The Infiinite One knows the Real reson for anything.

You could believe that loving them as-is, unconditionally, in their human experience is your only job.

You can believe that you can spend time with someone who is suffering, or not, and it's all ok.

Practicing these kinds of beliefs builds new neural pathways while allowing the painful default pathways to literally release their grip and dissolve.

So, if you're feeling crappy all the time - having your emotional life blown around with the whirlwinds of life, then maybe you haven't decided on a good enough reason to feel good?

Receiving the perfect home for me and my family in 2014 was a good enough reason for me to have relentless determination on my focused intent.

What thing are you trying to manifest? Health? Wealth? Love? Life Purpose?

How will having this make you FEEL?

Practice feeling this way now and thanking Spirit ahead of time for receiving it under grace in perfect ways.

In Love,



If you have questions of need shamanic services contact me:
