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Trapped & Poisoned

Transmuting Your Patterning

July 3, 2024

Have you been feeling trapped or stuck in your life and the amount of negativity you seem to be surrounded by is poisoning you to death?

My recent Dreamtime journey taught me a very simple process to break out of this death trap! Ha!

Yes. It's simple.

And it's a process I've been recommending for years... and my dream gave me the felt experience of WHY it's SO powerful!

Most people, though, if left to face their pain and patterns on their own, avoid this healing process like the plague! Ha!

Does that sound like you, too?

This is normal! So no worries there, but it's important to acknowledge that humans are innately social and we need each other, we need community to truly heal our traumas, our negative patterns, our self-perceptions and deepen our sens of belonging. Let's face it! We all need some positive mirrors in our lives, right?! We all need those people in our lives that see straight through our distorted viewpoints right into the Truth that sets us free!

I always tell people, if we were meant to do life all on our own, we would live on a planet all by ourselves! Nooowwww.... don't get snarky and tell me you wish that was the case! Arguing about this won't help you feel better! ;D

Sooo, when healing is so closely within reach, with your very next breath in some cases... why do you think you're avoiding getting support and doing the work?

Is it because you have no idea HOW this will ever work or fit into your cram-jammed life schedule?

Do you sell yourself the story that life is too much of a daily struggle, too chaotic, too painful, too much to do... so you don't take the time to truly connect with yourself and your Source?

Doesn't this make you feel disconnected from who you really are, leaving you trapped in stuckness?

What I mean is, are you feeling sucked into a wounding or repetitive pattern rather than getting all the help you need to heal it? Emotional wounds are often ignored or wallowed in rather than treated immediately and consistently tended to until fully healed. The longer a wound has been festering usually indicates a longer healing time, but since we can access the The Eternal Present Moment of Unlimited Possibilities, who knows what quantum leaps you and Source will make!

However, some people avoid healing for many reasons, and this blog isn't the time and place for me to give you a shamanic diagnosis, but what I can say is that many hues of fear can play tricks with your mind, or rather... your thinking processes.

Nothing can ruin your day (or your life) like shadowed perception.

In my Dreamtime, I was gifted the intense experience of being captured by a cult with my daughter, trapped and awaiting the promised poison we were going to be forced to ingest as their way of killing us. I felt in my body a powerful pull to be held by the masculine while I let out cries of tremendous, inconsolable grief. We were the perfect image of Yin Yang. When that massive wave of grief was done washing through me, I was suddenly filled with a fiery passion for life and living. I literally felt within my body an all-infusive, potent waming up of Mosoc-Nina, my Sacred Fire, the Sacral chakra. This Sacred Fire enlivened and animated my entire body and being to find a way out! I felt determined! I went into a private place where I wouldn't be seen by the cult, then I looked up. Through the ceiling vents I found our escape route into freedom and rejoiced!

I wake up.

The feelings and symbols of this dream are so clear, but I'll say a few things to illustrate my interpretation.

A cult, to me, signifies an extreme belief system that is not for my highest good, nor yours.

These culty limited beliefs are poison to the mind and body that create negative patterns and disease while blotting out expanasiveness and creativity. This venom, so to speak, is indigestable without the right skill-set and thus becomes the killer of dreams and life itself.

Stepping away from "enemy" thoughts, looking up (for Source), through the ceiling (a false limit), and vents (breath of life and freedom)... a perfect Dreamtime lesson!

It's easy to be overcome by negative emotion when your belief system is nothing but a hamster wheel of limitation and victimhood. In this instructive Dreamtime, I couldn't find my way out of my situation until AFTER I felt my feelings all the way through, and neither can you.

Yet, feeling your feelings all the way through to the Other Side is exactly what nearly everyone avoids.

Maybe you don't think it'll work, so you don't even try.

Maybe you're afraid if you feel your feelings then you'll never be able to stop crying.

Maybe you think if you ignore your feelings, or numb them out, you'll somehow get better (even though things are falling apart)... time is the Great Healer, right?


Time is NOT the Great Healer. Your partnership with Source; healing on Purpose, that's the Great Healer.

If time healed all wounds then nobody would be carrying their victimhood and destructive patterns around for 50+ years... and I think we both know that's just not reality. Victimhood mentality and negative patterns create disharmony in one or many areas of life: your health, wealth, relationships and Life Purpose being the most prominent.

Health defined as harmony and wellness within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.

Wealth defined as abundance, prosperity, finances, resources, and sense of freedom in your being.

Love defined as loving relationships with: yourself, romantic partnership, family and friendships.

Life Purpose defined as your Divine Design, Perfect Self-Expression, Soul's Calling, Life Mission, your passions, your voice, your unique Giftedness expressed genuinely through fulfilling outlets.

Negative patterns create chaos, disorder, incoherence and misalignment in these aspects of life.

So, the simplest way to describe my Dreamtime solution to feeling stuck and miserable is this:

1) Feel your feelings all the way through in a safe Yin Yang dynamic (within and/or without)...

2) Allow a new, powerful, positively enlivening feeling to fill your body...

3) Take life-affirming action from that positive energy.

Is there more to this process?

Yes. A supportive, Spirit-driven belief system that informs and guides this approach to healing.

Feeling my feelings, and life, would be absolutely terrifying and hopeless to me if I didn't believe my Angels were with me all the time and if I didn't know how deeply Source Loves me. I always invite Divine Love to illuminate my mind and heart to any situation I struggle with... including when my family was homeless in 2014! That experience is what "forced" me to learn how to manifest with ease and grace... you can listen to my video about that here: Manifesting Feels Good!

If you don't yet feel this Truth in your heart, I propose that this simple Dreamtime process can open you up to this Knowing.

If you do already experience Infinite Love within, then allowing yourself to feel your darker, heavier feelings when they rise up will deepen and amplify your sense of God's Love for you and Divine unconditional acceptance of your human experience. You've done nothing wrong. You deserve healing and the beautiful, fulfilling life you dream of.

This is SUCH a freeing process!

I acknowledge, though, that negative patterns are forged through repetition over many years sometimes. Current struggles and life events might trigger old painful patterns and maybe even have you believing that you're cursed somehow by the past, or by someone specific, leaving you feeling buried by your unsorted, undigested history.

I promise you can break any curse!

I, too, used to believe I was cursed because of the abuses and losses of my childhood that bled into my adulthood patterns.

I no longer believe I'm cursed, though, nor damned nor broken. Yes, life has landed some curveballs my way over the years with a solid thwack in the face! Ha! But Love always brings Clarity, Peace and Wholeness (and tons of laughter through each awakening)... Divine Love heals my perspective every time so I can make new, Soul-affirming decisions.

My Innocence and yours are never tarnished.

Rewiring, redirecting, retraining your brain's neuropathways towards a Higher Perspective takes determination, consistent focus and repetition, but it's absolutely possible! When you invite Spirit to support you in this healing process, you naturally speed up your healing curve and profound sense of freedom. The redirecting and rewiring process is practicing your faith; faith in the power of Source vs faith in all the fear, doom and gloom.

If you activate and engage your sense of Timelessness and Enoughness throughout your healing path, all poisonous perceptions can be transmuted back into the nothingness from which they came.

Rejoice in your freedom today!

No more fixating and obsessing on "worst-case" scenarios!

No more deyning your innate omnipotence!

No more putting off your best life for fear of judgment, rejection and ridicule!

Through my experiences of traumas, losses, homelessnes and more I have learned how to create habits and rituals that heal a broken heart and fractured psyche. My life now has a natural rhythm to it that brings me into alignment with my Soul. Since I was 9 years old, I always wanted to feel close to God. Now the gentle rhythms of my life create this deep, expansive feeling of connection to Source.

Some of those Earth-based practices are below:

You can listen to my simple meditation to Digest Negative Emotion (repeat as often as needed) and/or begin practicing the shamanic extraction song: Morning Sun. You could even begin to make room for yet another earth-based healing practice into your routines by allowing the sunrise and/or the sunset to grace you each day with it's healing energy. I've had profound healing with this alone!

I often also recommend somatic release (physical exercises) and herbs based on my clients' needs. Life gets experienced through the body and healing also gets experienced through the body.

Additionally, Shamanic Reflexology is deep bodywork which can really shake things loose and clear energy channels and emotional blockages. I do this in-person or remotely! Ask me how! ;D

Dream Sharing is another ancient, earth-based healing practice you could begin to implement each morning.

Actively choose healing in every way you feel called to.

Compassionate helping Spirits are Real.

Healing is always possible.

You do have a Soul Purpose to fulfill!

Shamanic support is just a phone call away (or text ;-) 480-259-7140

I currently provide one time sessions and longer healing packages based on your needs.

If you notice resistence to practicing these earth-based shamanic healing techniques on your own by yourself, I'd be honored to support you in doing this work together.

480-259-7140 or

Blessed Be,
