Are You Living As If Possessed?

Not Feeling In Control of Your Emotions, Your Schedule, Your Life?

When living by default, you’re living as if “possessed” by the world, people and circumstances outside of us.

You take in that outside experience (let’s call it an “entity” to really get the Dreamtime energy of
it ;-) and put it through your personalized perception goggles to translate it, to give it meaning through your thoughts or deep subconscious beliefs.

This is a chemical reaction in the brain that then creates a flood of hormones… the default-thinking stress hormones that destroy your health.

These chemicals create sensations in the body that you give names and ownership to, and you call them feelings or emotions.

Feelings and emotions drive you, they’re the fuel for your actions and inactions; they’re the energy source of your behavior that lead to your results…

Results created from being “possessed.”

What results are you creating with your “possessed” stories?

Robert Moss, a revered shamanic dreamer, teaches:

“We’re all living stories. We live by stories. If you don’t know you’re living a story, you’re probably in the wrong one! You’re probably living unconsciously something handed down to you – shabby, tired, confining. Maybe it’s time to step out of that – step into the POWER & the Greater Air – the Greater Expanse of a bigger and braver story of you.”


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I, too, am a shamanic dreamer (though I don’t know how “revered” I am! Ha!) and it’s become
quite clear to me over the years that our night dreams, our Dreamtime experiences are both diagnostic and healing all at once, no matter how big or small, strange or profoundly clear and initiatory the dream.

It was my dreams, and my intentional decision to live a dream-led life, a spirit-driven life, that I came to understand the depth of the difference between living by default, unintentionally “possessed” vs living on Purpose, intentionally self-possessed.

It’s the PROFOUND difference between being possessed (as if by an entity) vs being self-possessed
by your own Soul; having someone or something control us vs being in control of ourselves and our destiny.

And let me tell you, it takes ALL THE ENERGY OF YOUR SOUL, EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING, to fill up your entire body and control yourself… your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors and your results.

As the great, late Wayne Dyer so clearly put it,

“When we are true to ourselves,

when we are aligned with our deepest values,

we generate a powerful energy that moves others.”

Do you have inspiring people like this in your life?

I sure do! And I thank Spirit for them on the daily!

Are you also an inspiring person like this to others, living in alignment with your deepest values as an outward expression of your own self-possession?

You could self-evaluate if you’re living in alignment with your deepest values by simply looking at your
calendar, your schedule.

When you look at your schedule: daily, weekly, monthly… how do you feel?

Does your schedule reflect your alignment with your deepest values?

Do you feel heavily “possessed” by your schedule (or others trying to control it), or do you feel “self-possessed” and in delightful control of how you choose to spend your precious time here on Earth?

Just the thoughts you have about your schedule alone, never mind everything else in your
life, creates an overall energy of empowerment or disempowerment.

What kind of story are you living by in regards to your time and how do you spend it?

Every thought you think is a spell you cast over your life and a chemical reaction in your body that creates a frequency, a magnetic vibration that draws more of this story and emotion to you.

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Some of my clients have told me they feel cursed by their past because they've made present mistakes. I can tell you from experience that this line of thinking will never end until you DECIDE to end this line of thinking! You always get to decide what you make your life and your mistakes mean, no one else.

I'll never regret the decision I made years ago to never speak unkindly to myself again. I beseech you to forevermore tell yourself the Truth: you're not cursed and you're not broken, rather you are always lovable, always worthy, always accepted as-is by Source.

Cursed and broken are the "old smaller stories" and I really wanna encourage you to break the curse of your Smaller Story, and dissolve the venom of your negative thought patterns and emotions, repeatedly. This stops you from leaking your time and energy going back into the story of how small you think you are compared to your problems. Too small is an illusion.

It’s time to focus your energy on the Bigger Truth of your Being.

I use time and scheduling as one example to assess alignment with values because time really is precious to me. I’m not gonna get back the time I spend. My time as me, Theresa - in this body, in this lifetime, is all I get… there will be an end to it and I wouldn’t want it any other way, but it will end whether I want it to or not ;D

The fact that my mom died when she was 38 is also a factor for me when I evaluate how I spend my
time. This is, in no way, negative for me, but rather enlivening, empowering, truly grounding and centering.

Rupi Kaur gently permeates the soul with this radiant reflection:

“I will never have this version of me again.

Let me slow down and be with her.”

I’ve chosen based on the finite nature of my lifetime and eternal nature of my Soul to live a slower, dream-led, spirit-driven life… a BOLD, values-centered life.

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Living a slower life, a more spacious life schedule requires me to be self-possessed as a standard for living.

Self-possession creates the courage and conviction to live my Bigger Story in alignment with my Soul and what truly matters to me in life.

I've been through a lot of horrid traumas and losses, and I've felt my share of despair as many of my clients are experiencing now, but the artful skill of self-possession can generate the courage required to walk bodly in your faith. Take heart from Rollo May's wisdom:

“Courage is not the absence of despair; it is, rather the capacity to move ahead in spite of despair.”

What Bigger, Braver Story are you craving to live out?

What next step can you take today to own yourself and your life in alignment with your Bigger, Braver Story?

Not only do I, as a woman and fellow human encourage you to live out your Bravest life story, but I implore you to give yourself Soul Permission to do so as Janelle King so beautifully describes it for us:

“A self-possessed woman gives herself permission.

A self-possessed woman is confident and trusts that her decisions will render impact and light because God has given her the grace and permission to be her true self.

A self-possessed woman affirms herself. She exudes faith, hope, and love in herself by consistently affirming and manifesting her desires and God’s will in her life.”

We need your Light and Impact in this world today.

Schedule it and shine, illuminate us with your self-possessed, Soulful way of Being.

And if you need a partner in healing, in breaking the negative patterns in your thinking and in your life, reach out to work with me:

I, too, used to struggle with feeling connected to myself and my Source. I used to have habits that broke my bonds with my Soul and Divine Connection that made daily life feel near unbearable.

Many moons ago, I felt resource-less, time-crunched, broken and cursed… and… I dreamed my way out of these disempowering patterns! I want that for you, too!

In working together you’ll:

  • Discover the powerful nature and difference between your mind vs your awareness
  • You’ll learn how to shift from being possessed into being self-possessed in any
  • You’ll heal by learning how to digest your feelings all the way through to the Other
    Side & receiving remote (or in-person) healing treatments
  • You’ll receive your Soul Purpose Reading to more deeply understand yourself, your
    Purpose, your Life Lesson, your Life School and your Gifts to live a more authentic
    self-expressed life
  • You’ll create habits and rituals you love in alignment with your natural rhythms, values
    and Soul Purpose so that life feels energizing, Connected, fulfilling and meaningful again

And that’s just the beginning… there’s literally no limit to where your dreams and
self-possession can take you.

Connect to work with me today: