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One of Nature's Mandalas

June 9, 2023

I'll be sharing the physical practicalities of using Echinacea effectively as well as the mental-emotional and spiritual applications of Echinacea symbolism so that you're offered a whole-person healing approach.

A while back I had a cold and I was out of stock of most of the herbs I use to take care of myself. I was annoyed but making slow improvement. The sinus mucus looked like a florescent yellow which also made me laugh... I tend to laugh at my humanity quite often! ...Then I had a dream.

Gorgeous purple coneflowers everywhere and the name, "Echinacea" repeating in my dreamtime for what seemed like a magical eternity. Everywhere I turned, everywhere I walked, everywhere my eyes could witness... the beautiful purple coneflower, also known as Snakeroot, was making itself noticed!

Eventually I woke up with an, "Oh!" :D

I immediately read about the Spiritual symbolism of Echinacea and I laughed out loud, literally! Temperance Sagittarius! (I am an idealistic and adventurous Sagittarius who has always struggled with temperance, haha!) But I have never struggled to know my inner values and convictions which this plant also supports! It seems I'm learning now to create harmony through trial and error amongst the polarities in the world we're experiencing. This is so perfect for my Human Design 3/5 profile ;-)

Then I looked at a few different sources for useful adult dosage suggestions and decided to go with 3-5mL (about 1/2-1tsp) of Echinacea tincture every 1-2 hours (I dilute this in a shot glass with 1-2T of water).

*[I tell you this because the "Suggested Use" on an herbal tincture bottle from the store will likely read something like, "Take 30 drops 2-4 times per day." (Psst. The FDA does not ask skilled and experienced herbalists what the actual safe and effective dosage should be and yet the FDA controls the labeling... hmmm ;-) And let me just say, 30 drops is only effective if you're a 50 pound child, but 2-4x/day is NOT enough... it's gonna be more like 8-16 times/day (every 1-2 waking hours). I dilute alcohol tincture for my kids and grandkids in a tiny bit of juice. Obviously they prefer glycerties. ;D]

I had been saving my Echinacea tincture for an emergency in my Herbal First Aid Kit (also known as my kitchen cupboard ;-) When I say emergency, I mean like a hiking or camping trip and someone gets bit by a rattlesnake! But now here I was about to crack open my precious life-saving elixer to solve my little sinus issue.

And the result? ...I started feeling better that very day and the next day I kept up the doses despite feeling 99% better... It's important to continue taking Echinacea for a few days (about 4 days) after feeling better and symptoms cease.





*Echinacea is safe for all ages, pregnancy and nursing, adjust dosage for children by their weight.

*"Concerns regarding the use of Echinacea species in these conditions (tuberculosis, leukosis, collegenesis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, HIV infections, and other autoimmune diseases) are theoretical and definitive data supporting or refuting an association of Echinacea with autoimmune symtom exacerbation are lacking." -- Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Edition, pg. 313.

*Allergic reactions may be due to Asteracea family pollens being present in Echinacea flower products, however not likely when the products consist of roots or leaves.

Thank You, Spirit, for sending me a dream filled with gorgeous Echinacea!

This isn't the first time a plant has come to me in a dream... Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Nettles, Calendula, Elderberries, etc... You know, I imagine this is exactly how our ancient ancestors learned which herbs to take and how before humans ever started using language. I believe they also had the power of observation and wide-awake intuitive Guidance as well, but dreaming is SO powerful! I just can never forget when something like this happens! It sets me at awe every time!

Physically... there's such a LONG list of what Echinacea is known to help us with... for prevention and treatment of colds, flus and covids, for fevers and lymphatic drainage (swollen lymph glands... one of my kids is prone to those), for bacterial and viral infecitons, for wound healing, for venomous snakebites and insect stings, for abscesses, acne and boils, for mouth infections, septicemia, and warts.

Echinacea is safe to use both internally and externally.

*Echinacea has been over-harvested since the 1800's, so please grow it yourself or only purchase cultivated species of Echinacea. If you'd like to learn more about the various plant species at risk, check out United Plant Savers here




If you have and Undefined Ajna Center:

1. Are you pretending to be certain?

2. Are you trying to be certain?

3. Are you trying to convince everyone that you know the answers?


If you have a Defined Ajna Center:

1. Are you making decisions from the mind (instead of your body and Human Design "Inner Authority?"

2. Are you feeling pressured to answer your own questions?

3. Are you getting stuck in the mental loop trying to think your way out of things?


These questions can be applied to health, wealth, relationships and Soul's Purpose... As we use Echinacea to open and protect the Ajna to receive Divine healing energy, we may have a perception shift or vision that sends a creative impulse through the mind and body.

Emotional wounds untreated, though, can be used against you and stop the flow of this Divine creative energy... don't let your wounds talk you out of the inspirations that move through you. Get support and healing so that you can feel good and experience a deeply fulfilling life.

Echinacea can be one of your allies, for your healthy Ajna, body, and creative expression. Your creative self expression then blesses and harmonizes every aspect of your life... health, wealth, relationships and your Soul's Purpose!

Additional to Echinacea, spiritual bodywork modalities like Reiki, Reflexology, Aztec Seeing and more can all help raise your frequency so you can release wounds and hold these Higher Visions for yourself and allow yourself to be Divinely Guided to create the life you really want.

I love helping people heal and get the life they want!

When we don't get the help we need and the support we deserve, we end up taking like 7 years or so... ok I know some loved ones that have chosen the struggle bus for maybe 50 years or so... but that does NOT have to be you!!

I believe people want to heal now, not later!

I'm here for it! I'm here for you!

Book your consult today: 480-259-7140