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Song of the Sun Bears

Clarity of Self

April 24, 2023

A Dream Message of Love & Power from Spirit...

I'm observing from above a scene I can't ignore!

I'm standing high on a cliff, and in this pool of natural flowing water below me there are SOOOOOOO many huge mama bears swimming with their cubs. Some of the bears don't have cubs but they're all swimming, resting and playing together in community.

The cool water is flowing freely from a lake into a stream with a large pooled area downstream then continues through a narrowing and re-opening up again to more flowing stream. Huge rocks, riverbed, boulders and trees are everywhere in this private bear oasis.

The water is really cold but the swimming bears are completely warm and at ease in the water. They create their own warmth from the inside.

Suddenly I'm in the cold water swimming with all these huge bears! I feel joyful and delighted. I feel they've welcomed me into their community as one of them now and I, too, can create warmth from the inside.

Suddenly, a female cub becomes cold, so her mama sends her up to the large rock for stability while little cub is reminded to look at the sun and reconnect with her source of power. The little cub is re-learning how to make her paws warm from the inside. The cub turns into a little human girl... I see she is both simultaneously.

She is practicing how to warm herself up from the inside with her Bear Clan Power - which is her felt connection to the sun. As the little cub steadies and stabalizes herself with one paw on the rock while still mostly in the water, she sees the sun rising, still fairly low in the sky. I both witness and feel it as little cub reconnects with her source of power, the sun, but within that is her remembering, her Knowing the Source of the sun's power... the Source of all Power and Life Itself. I see an image of Source standing behind the sun fueling it's power.

I feel a wonderful surge of this power within as I see this Sun-Light connection in little cub's heart.

Her bear-self glows like golden sunlight from her heart but extends beyond her human body.

This surge of powerful energy feels amazing, joyous, infusive, warming and deeply connected.

This inner SunLight radiates the heat - disperses out from her heart through her core torso, her limbs and into her long-clawed paws. Her entire being is warm now and she's smiling radiantly... all lit up from deep within.

She begins swimming again and all the bears begin to sing a repetetive song. This is the song of the Sun Bear Clan/Community. I'm singing along with them but the song is in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish. This bear community has welcomed me, I am part of them now and this little cub rejoices every time I get a word right here and there as I try to catch on to the lyrics. It means so much to her that I'm doing my best and we're all singing with joy. Her rejoicing in my efforts to learn and sing the Song of the Sun Bears fills me with encouragement to keep trying to learn it.

The word "existence" in Spanish is sung..."existencia..." it makes little cub happy-cry when I sing it because they all feel SO grateful for their existence, for the Sun's existence (outside of them and within them), for ALL existance is Divine and it all matters to them... and she feels that I'm getting it.

I can feel the Bears hold magic.

I can feel they know their source of power is the Sun, but the sun is also God-Source to them... they know God exists in all things outside of them and within themselves. The Source of their Light - the Sun is NOT "just" the sun to them - the sun is Source and this Source lives inside their hearts... this is why they sing and rejoice. This is why they deeply appreciate their lives and their existence and all existence. I can feel God lives inside all things, including our very selves.

I can feel the inner power, the warmth all the way through the paws comes from Clarity of Self.

I wake up.

This dream and the things I saw don't take long to share... but this dream was so deeply filled with emotion and Spirit that it takes long to write it out... to try and find words for something that surpasses human understanding because it's a felt spiritual experience and try and help you feel what Truth I felt as a Spiritual Knowing... that's always the challenge.

This dream has been super important for me on so many levels... so I've been praying about it, pondering it, meditating inside it and bringing this Clarity of Self to my healing sessions with my clients.

ANOTHER way I contemplate my dreams is looking at possible meanings for the symbols... I look them up when needed and other times I just know what that symbol means to me.

Water, for example, typically means EMOTIONS. This water was clean, clear, and fresh... naturally cold waters of Spring. The bears are UNFAZED by the coldness because they know how to keep themselves warm from the inside... their outer environment had no effect on their own temperature.

This is emotional intelligence, maturity or adulthood to me... but also deeper that this human psychological viewpoint because...

...the inner warmth came from Source...

the ultimate Clarity of Self.

Swimming is often an exploration of the subconscious mind and emotions seeking emotional support (which the dream actually provided said support).

The rock represents strength, permanence, stability, integrity, a solid foundation... upon first revisiting the dream it immediately reminded me of the song:

"The wise man built his house upon the rock" where the symbolic meaning is to build one's life upon Source. The rock is Source. The sun is Source. I felt Source in all things.

The sun of this dream represents Source, Divine Power, a moment of enlightenment through a deep felt sense... a physical sensation of God living inside my heart... knowing Source lives inside each and every one of us and everything around us <3

Sunrise, a new beginning... a renewal of life, energy and Purpose. A new adventure.

The little girl cub - innocense and playfulness.

Paw - trust your intuition and animal instincts.

When I first woke up I knew, I felt that the paws lit up with inner golden SunLight represented my healing hands... the Reiki and shamanic bodywork I give. My hands do warm from the inside and they are highly sensitive to energy communication... Spirit speaks to me through the felt sense in my hands while pouring Divine Love into my family and clients. This dream has intensified my gift and given me a healing, a foundation and training all at once!

Every aspect of a dream is a representation of ourselves AND it can also be about another, an action required, a calling or a healing we receive, a training we receive, a Spirit visitation etc., etc...

Take the time to let your dreams change you.

A dream can provide a "gap" or an empty feeling space in your body and sense of awareness... a need to be inward and introspective. A perspective shift has been opened for you to re-encounter the Divine within you, your Source living in your heart.

This void or emptiness is making room for your true Clarity of Self.

Don't talk yourself out of it.

There's a gap between your old way of seeing yourself and your life and this new Light-infused viewpoint.

Don't let others talk you out of your epiphany. Keep your sacred shifts in your heart.

I invite you to NOT return to "life as usual." Please don't let busyness or your inner restlessness or that sense of "being behind" rob you of time and space to sit in this gap. Allow this natural shift within you to alter your course, to "slow you down," to walk differently in your day and to dream a different version of you... an expanded deeper version of you.

The version of you that has genuine Clarity of Self. 

Eventually you will feel a need to talk about your spiritually transformative event, to share what's transpired within you.

Just as the community of Sun Bears welcomed me and rejoiced in my beginning to "catch on," I rejoice in your spiritual development and emotional dexterity!

People are cracking open all over the place to their spiritual gifts, their healing gifts, their need for self-compassion, self-acceptance, Purpose and genuine Clarity of Self.

I'm here for it!

All day!

I give energy work. I teach how to give energy work.

This is one on one, private healing and mentoring.

For those who have been called, give me a call! ;D
