My Herbal Green Smoothie

Anti-Cancer & Anti-Viral

· Green Smoothies,Astragalus Root,Herbal Medicine,Anti-Viral,Anti-Cancer

I admit. I do not understand why people don't like kale! Haha!

If you don't like kale, please mix up some other greens like collard greens, dandelion greens and celery... or chards & spinich if you don't mind getting a little less absorbable calcium ;-)

I use water, herbal decoctions and/or nourishing herbal infusions for my green smoothies.

Today's Herbal Green Smoothie consists of nourishing infusion ingredients:

4 C Water

1/4 dried/cut Astragalus root

1T dried/cut Licorice root

1T dried Fennel seed

These 3 beauties were covered and decocted on a low simmer for 20 minutes, then removed from heat. Next I added:

1/2 C dried/cut Oatstraw

1/2 C dried/cut Red Clover Blossoms

I stirred them in thoroughly, covered and let steep 4 hours (sometimes I steep them 8 hours or overnight).

broken image

I then strained my tea and placed that lucsious liquid (2-3 C) into my Vitamix blender. *Note: I have had this blender for almost 20 years... my parents got it for me for my birthday! Thank you, Parents! :D

This is when I added:

3 C Kale (fresh or frozen)

1 Banana (or... I LOVE those little yellow mangos... YUM!)

1 Handful of frozen strawberries

1 Handful of frozen tripple berry blend (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries)

Personally, I love this SO much!! It made about 5 C of smoothie total and I spent half the day drinking it... full of vitamins, minerals and FIBER... and tons of natural energy for me!

There are SO many health benefits to this smoothie and any like it!

Literally PROVEN to be anti-cancer, anti-tumor, and anti-viral.

Basically I use Herbal Green Smoothies as preventative medicine as well as recovery medicine to help me feel better faster! ;D

If I'm sick but still have an appetite, I'll drink it then, too... I think adding Broccoli sprouts would make a great addition being that they're also proven anti-cancer and anti-viral! But, alas... I didn't have any on-hand today.

Boo! Haha ;D

Herbal Green Smoothies are one of THE best ways to improve energy and health!

In Joy!