Angels Love Bodywork!

And Supporting Us with Change & Transition

· Angels,Angelic Realm,Archangel Azrael,Intuitive Bodywork,Angel Messages

Since I was 9 years old I've wanted to feel close to God and I've sought this feeling ever since.

I'm not affiliated with any organized religion, but... and...

I've learned we can all learn how to feel our Angels with us and feel a treasured sense of closeness to God - Source.

I have felt angels, elevated ancestors, plant spirits, animal spirits and more make their Presence known on a wide variety of occasions. I'm sure you can, too, if you haven't already.

Sometimes they share their name/s with me, and sometimes they don't, but their unconditional love is always present.

About 3 weeks ago, an archangel came to a bodywork session for my client. You can hear all about it in this video/blog below!

It got me thinking about all the many angelic, ancestral and Divine visitations I've experienced thus far... as I said not many angels told me their names, but a memory from 2011 popped into my mind.

I was in a drumming journey to connect with an angel, nobody specific, just open to connect with an angel that was supporting me at the time.

In this journey, I was journeying alright and then suddenly an enormous rush of unconditioinal love both surrounded my entire body and rushed through my entire body and from my right side I heard her say her name, Seraphina. My goodness, her Love was profound and permeating! I felt so seen, so cared for, so encouraged and so deeply, purely loved.

I want that for you!

I invite you to give a listen to this podcas/video blog episode... I promise, YOU are also dearly loved, and treasured by the Divine!

To book your angel-guided session with me, an angel card reading with me, or a free consultation to work with me, simply call or text me at 480-259-7140 or email:

Blessed Be,
