Falling Apart & Crashing Down

Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty

· Falling Apart,Trust,Divine Timing,Dream Medicine,Crashing Down

Dream: I see myself flying in a plane... actually I am telling a woman my story of how I was flying in a plane so as I tell my story I see it all happening again... I'm flying in a plane, but then the plane breaks apart and we all fall out! I feel a rush of terror and uncertainty! However, the parts of the plane land softly on a fluffly cloud as we all do-ish... we're kindof suspended in air not falling right above the clouds. I see the parts just sitting there resting on the thick puffy cloud so I start to reach for the parts to put them back together again like a giant puzzle, thinking I can and should do this... As I attempt to put the plane back together myself, we start to fall and I suddenly see that if I stop trying to put it all back together again myself, then God will do it. I have to get comfortable floating while God puts the plane back together for us.

The woman listening to me share my story is smiling at me knowingly.

I wake up.

I woke up from this dream with a deep feeling that God will catch us as we fall... we may feel our dream desitnation has fallen apart and it's crashing down, but if we can trust and not try to put it all back together again ourselves, then God will put it together for us in Divine Timing.

I needed this message because I can see now how I've been trying to forcefully get my foundation under my feet and the way I can tell I'm forcing it is the mounting sense of impatience and frustration I was feeling last week.

Red Flag signs for all of us would include feeling in a hurry, feeling impatience and frustration, feeling anger, bitterness or sorely disappointed. These are all normal human emotions, of course, and... they're meant to be digested fully and learned from, not wallowed or burried in.

I think a lot of times we feel we "can and should" do something, the "responsible" thing because we may be feeling terror, uncertainty, impatience, frustration or any of the Red Flag feelings...

When I shared my dream with a dearest friend of mine she said she calls this Divine Laziness or just Being. For me, I was reminded of the concept, "The Science of Luck" or "Art for art's sake."

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Forget about the desitnation expectation and revel in the feelings of the destination, trusting we're being brought there by a Divine Hand... One who knows the Biggest Picture and putting all the pieces together for us in serendipitous ways...

This requires trust, focus, determination. And dare I say... PLEASURE!

Feelings with which I'm quite familiar and practiced and so with this dream-reminder, I'll be steering my attention with focused intent. Repeatedly, becuase I know it's not easy!! Haha!


Whoever first stole a woman's right to feel pleasure in life without guilt or shame knew it would destroy the feminine's power to create in sync with the Divine, aligned with her Soul's Purpose!

--Theresa Gutierrez


Pleasure does not equal selfishness!

Pleasure received through your open heart invokes the Divine to move through you, inspiring you to create though your unique soul's expressions... again, how you feel inspired to spend your time is not selfish either.

Expecting other people to live their lives according to your dictates is selfish.

Living your life the way you want to is not selfish!

Learning to allow pleasure, delight, creative expression and just Being in our lives is exquisite self-care that fills our cup and expands our capacity to express our Purpose in a more impactful, positive way.

When I feel uncertain about something in my life, I remind myself of the One Thing I am certain about... perhaps my mantras or statements of Truth will support you, too:

God is with me now.

Thank you, Angels, for loving me all the time!

Thank you, Source, for holding me as you put the puzzle pieces of my Soul's Purpose together for me <3

Thank you, Compassionate Helping Spirits, for Guiding my next steps... even if it's just resting or Being right now.

Knowing that I'm Loved is enough in this moment.

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Uncertainty opens me to receive Divine Surprises!

Uncertainty is a Blessed Doorway to my soul's deepest dreams and my heart's truest desires.

Uncertainty is a Divine Portal to my Soul's Purpose unfolding just as each individual bud of one well-rooted, watered plant blossoms when bathed in daily Light... it is inevitable.

Are you trusting God's hand in your inevitable Purpose unfolding?

Hopefully this Dreamtime Message has brought you there as it has for me <3

It's been my pleasure to share! ;D