Have You Been Demonizing The Masculine?

3 Nightmares & A Revelation!

· Divine Inner Union,Masculine Energy,Feminine Energy,Dream Messages,Dream Healing

Did you know your nightmares can be blessings?

Dreams are often parables that are meant to change us

in some meaningful, pivotal way.

Dreams are incredible teachers and growth-catalysts when you sit with them and work with them to improve your life and fulfill your Purpose. Dreams can heal you, guide you, instruct you, comfort you, scare you into action (as my nightmares did ;-) So, if you're praying for guidance or answers, look to your dreams and take that inspired action! Dreams often illuminate our next best steps forward in life, and my 3 "nightmares of the week" did exactly that for me!

The INTENSITY of these dreams! The ANGUISH, oh my goodness...

...but the dawn of new understading born of these dreamtime experiences feels EXQUISITE.

The 1st was about the Inner Feminine, the 2nd was about the Inner Masculine and the 3rd was about both together. Now, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? Well... delivery is EVERYTHING! Ha!

My 1st nightmare is me trying to fall asleep on a VERY dusty desk in the kitchen all day long with no luck and then suddening realizing that I'm supposed to be taking care of my 3 year old granddaughter all day! Absolute panic, terror, horror, anguish fills my entire being as I race up the stairs hoping and praying she's ok... It looks like a tornado ripped through her room and she's buried underneath a huge pile of clothes as she sleeps in her crib... all I see is her perfect little hand poking out. I swoop her up with a million apologies and all she says is, "I'm hot." She's covered in urine so I have to change her clothes even though all I want to do is hold her close and never let her go again!

I wake up. Stifling down a wailing cry in the middle of night.

My 2nd nightmare is me face to face with my 8 year old grandson who is choking on food, eyes pleading and terrified, he can't breathe! I start yelling in absolute anguish, "No! No! No! No!" as I jump to give him the Heimlich maneuver.

broken image

I wake up. Choking down my own wailing, again! (I looked a lot like this kid right here! ;-)

My 3rd nightmare, thank goodness, I'm just an observer... but yikes!

*This one is violent, but NO BLOOD! Read at your own risk ;-)

I see a demon disguised as a man and he's on my left maybe 10 feet from me... then I see an angel disguised as a woman on my right and she's walking toward the man. I know the Angel plans to kill the Demon (just like in that show, "Supernatural"). She gets face to face with him to banish or kill the Demon, but just before she stabs him with her Angel Sword, his hands immediately morph into huge tree roots and he trusts them up under her jaw all the way through her head and splits her head WIDE OPEN! There's NO BLOOD! Instead her opened head is radiating PURE LIGHT! And her body instantly turns into pure white and gold ash or dust that falls to the ground all around this pure, radiant Light.

I feel shocked and confused and I ask myself, "How can a demon kill an angel? Is she even really dead or just transformed?

I wake up. Shocked. Stunned. Confused. Curious. Awe-struck by the Light.


Ultimately, when looking at all 3 dreams so close together, I had to ask myself,

"Am I demonizing my Inner Masculine?"

Are you?

Until this dream sereies, I didn't realize the depth of my fear of losing my femininity to my masculinity!

Now I wonder if the Divine Masculine's actions are what will reveal the Divine Feminine?!?!

To me, our Inner Feminine energy is about our spiritual direction in life, our ability to rest and receive, our reception of intuition and insight, our nurturing Mama Bear qualities, the living, velvety dark womb of creation.

I see our Inner Masculine as the response to this intuition, the action-taker, go-getter, fire-fighter, advocate and protector... the Giving/Releasing energy that's as natural as parastaltic action after receiving nourishment. He is our Papa Bear energy.

We're all both energies in one body, but I was neglecting my Inner Feminine and my Inner Masculine was choking to death!

I decided to sit still, close my eyes and imagine my grandson and how I FEEL about him... I was present at his birth and my love runeth over as they say ;D I did the same for my granddaughter (who I got to catch at her birth!)... and wouldn't you know, I FEEL the same exact way about them BOTH!

broken image

I wrote down the qualities my grandchilren represent to me so I could decipher my dream messages:

  • Unconditionally lovable and loving
  • Innocent
  • Pure
  • Radiant
  • Creative
  • Brilliant
  • Hilariously Funny
  • Fun
  • Joy -- Joyfulness
  • Free Spirited
  • Authentic
  • Genuine
  • Natural...

Their voices are beautiful to me.

Their smiles are like the Sun in my heart.

They will never not be worthy of my Love and Affection.

I delight in their presence!

I DECIDED right then and there to forevermore see my Inner Masculine and Feminine with the same love, affection and delight as I do my grandchildren!

How do you see your Inner Masculine and Feminine? How do you relate to them?

A lot of times I ask a bunch of questions based off my interpretation of my dreams... but please know, whatever memories or ideas that pop into your consciousness that make sense to you is absolutely meant for you! I find value in the story; these are parables that bring us home to ourselves and our connection to Source. Dreams are rich with symbolism that speaks with us in our own unique ways.

So please, contemplate these questions, but don't ignore your own intuitive hits within the dreams!

Is there a problem you've been facing but not seeing clearly?

How has your perception of masculine and feminine energy within (or outside) you effected your decisions and subsequent emotions?

Do you find yourself in a space of alchemy and transformation BUT instead you're falling asleep to your Divine Work in this world?

Are you full of radiant passion but buried under piles of a soiled self-image that needs changing?

Are you choking down your self-expression?

If you've been demonizing any part of you,

I hope my nightmares and messages encourage you

to hold yourself in your heart as I do my grandchildren.

Allow your Divine Inner Masculine to penetrate you, open your mind and get you out of your head so you can emanate your Divine Inner Feminine.

As I told a dear friend long ago after giving her a remote healing session,

"Stop arguing with the Feminine!"

SO many of us receive Inspired Ideas but argue our way out of taking action on these Gifts. #relatable!

It's time we remember that we're both energies all the time... breathing in (feminine)... breathing out (masculine)... receive intuitive hit (feminine)... express/gift/act on it (masculine)...

Create a Divine Inner Union rather than a neglected and choking one! Ha! ;-D

It's as effortless as breathing.

If you'd like to make fulfilling your Soul's Purpose as effortless as breathing, let's work together!

Connect with me now at 480-259-7140 or Theresa@11thHourShaman.com