Juniper Berries for Blood Sugar, Kindney/Bladder and...

Awakening To Your Inner Power & Soul Purpose

· Pancreas,Blood Glucose,Urinary System,Juniperus communis,Juniperus monosperma

These beautiful Juniper berries you see above here are technically the female seed cones of Juniperus spp. These berries are all categorized as Bitter, Sweet, & Pungent or Spicy! Juniper berries have a warming and drying effect on the human constitution so they're best used for cold and damp acute conditions (such as asthma or pheumonia) &/or one's general energetic constitution. If you're already running hot and dry, combine Juniper berries with cooling, moistening herbs such as Marshmallow root, Mullein leaf, Corsilk, or Licorice root, etc.

In this lengthy blog I'm gonna focus on using Juniper for the pancreas and blood glucose issues, the urinary system, and Juniper for your sense of Inner Power & Soul Purpose.

Juniper's healing properties are vast:

Alterative, Anodyne, Anti-fungal, Anti-reumatic, Urinary Antiseptic, Anti-spasmodic, Aromatic, Astringent, Carminative, Digestive Tonic, Diuretic (Stimulating Diuretic), emmenagogue, Lithotriptic, Parasiticide, Stimulant, Stomachic

Juniper has at least 50 different documented uses! Some of the most well known uses are:

-Adrenal glands, Adrenal weakness as well Asthma, Arthritis and Rheumatism

-Urinary System: Bladder problems in general and bedwetting, including urinary tract infections (UTI's), increases the flow of urine, dissolves and prevents urinary stones or the crystalization of uric acid in the Kidneys so that it may be passed in the urine.

Kidney infections and Kidney stones, as long as it's not an inflammatory Kidney disease.


"If Kidney disease is suspected, Juniper berries may over-stimulate the kidneys and adrenals, so it should be avoided. Marshmallow* and Cornsilk** are more soothing herbs that may be substituted." --Jack Ritchason, N.D.


-Pancreas, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia... the astingent properties of Juniper tone and strengthen the Pancreas. Juniper is highly effective at increacing the production of usable insulin.

-Circulatory stimulant, moderate

-Colds and Pneumonia (cold, damp lungs)

-Digestive aid as a tincture, increases peristalsis, intestinal tone and eliminates gas and bloating

-Fungal infections, Insect bites and Snake bites

-Optic Nerve Weakness

-Dissolves Prostate Sediment

-Uric Acid Build-Up & Water Retention

Juniper is used both interally in various preparations as well as externally on wounds.

*Marshmallow root cold infusions use 15-30g of root to 4C cold water, steeped 4+ hours then strained. Can also be used as a hot tea which is quite soothing to a sore throat. Marshmallow root is highly demulcent and can aggrevate cold, damp constitutions or conditions.

**Cornsilk is linked to my blog: 15 Medicinal Herbs for Dramatic Health Benefits.

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Cedar berry (Juiperus monosperma) has one stone inside of it, but Juniper berry (Juniperus communis, or Juniperus spp; Pinaceae) has 5-7 small stones in each berry. Both of these Juniperus types of berries, or female seed cones, support blood glucose regulation.

Juniper berries are best taken in combination with other herbs that support your desired results be that regulating blood glucose levels, treating a urinary tract infection or as a digestive aid.

Dr. Christopher's Pancreas formula combines the Cedar berries with Goldenseal root, Uva Ursi leaf, Licorice root, Cayenne and Mullein leaf to support the pancreas and other companion glands such as the pineal, pituitary and adrenals.

The wonderful news about Dr. Christopher's formula when combined with a low fat, whole food, plant based diet is that people gradually taper of the Pancreas formula having reversed the cause of Diabetes (insulin resistance).


"When the pancreas is healed in this manner, it can last you for life."

--Dr. John Raymond Christopher


Dr. Christopher found most people didn't need more than 6 months of consistent use only 6 days a week combined with a healthy, plant-based diet. Some needed a few more months for complete results.

I would also suggest two books for all types of Diabetes:

1) Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversig Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

2) Mastering Diabetes: The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes, by Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH



There are many other plants that are considered anti-diabetic:

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia aka M. charantia, Elecampane (Inula helenium),

Fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Guar Gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba), and many other herbs and whole foods. Here's a link to a review of studies on Bitter Melon that also links to Ayurveda and other traditional medicinal systems:


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Juniper leaves or berries used for prayerful smudging purposes opens the eyes, awakens the spirit and dusts off negative thoughts that have settled within the mind. Juniper acts as a sort of Spring cleaning for the soul. Juniper helps when feeling energetically depleted, dull, unmotivated, emotionally stagnant, overindulgent in pleasures or vices, or caught in your illusions of how things are "supposed" to be.

Juniper berries strengthens the positive influence and energy of any chakra or energy center you wish to recalibrate and amplify. You can wear them in a pouch near the chakra of focus, or you can place them on the energy center/s during meditation or a healing session.

When I meditate with plants, I first look up where they grow naturally, what their root systems are like, how does it grow and mature, what do the flowers and berries or seeds look like, which animals or insects love to eat this plant, which animals or insects avoid it, etc.

I imagine my legs, feet and tailbone are energetic roots like the plant I'm connecting with, and my roots reach all the way through the layers of our planet to very core of Mother Earth where I then receive healing, nurturing energy back up through my entire body. I imagine I am now somehow shaped and growing towards the light and flowering like the plant. I just sit with it in this way for a little while, open to Presence, open to insights, open to healing some aspect of myself or my life. Simply do as you feel intuitively Guided.

When you invite plants into your life and body, you're inviting wise teachers who have already successfully overcome their challenges that are symbolically likened unto your own problems, dilemmas, and mysteries. So, carry them in your pocket, a locket, a tea cup or balm, place them under your pillow to dream with and let their innate wisdom and perseverance instruct your body-mind-spirit on how to reanimate and restore the functions of your holistic health so that you can fulfill your Soul's Purpose for being on this planet right now.

Juniper berries can also be made into an herbal essense and taken three times/day. Simply 1 drop of Juniper berry tincture added to 1 ounce of pure water creates an herbal essense. Then the dosage of that dilution is 4-6 drops, 3x/day.

The spiritual, energetic dosages here, as well the physical body dosages below, are all to support you in actively seeking to overcome whatever is blocking your inner power from creating healing and wholeness so that you can fulfill your Soul's Purpose at your highest, most free self-expression.


Used in small amunts in formulas, the volatile oil is safe and effective. However, if used in too large amounts can cause Kidney inflammation.

Tincture: 1:5 ratio, 1-2mL, 3x/day or 10-20 drops, 3x/day

Tea: 1T of crushed Juniper berries steeped covered in 3C water of just boiled water for 20 minutes. Remove lid, strain and drink when cooled enough to tolerate well.

*Do not boil the berries because their volative oils will dissipate.

Special Considerations or Contraindications

Juniper berries are CONTRAINDICATED DURING PREGNANCY because they have too strong vaso-dilating and diuretic effects which may cause contractions of the uterus.

Juniper berries may also prevent pregnancy from taking hold by preventing implantation. If you're trying to get pregnant, do not use Juniper berries.

"If Kidney disease is suspected, Juniper berries may over-stimulate the kidneys and adrenals, so it should be avoided. Marshmallow and Cornsilk are more soothing herbs that may be substituted." --Jack Ritchason, N.D.