Our Walls Are Made of Water

· Heart Walls,Emotions,Feelings,Soul Purpose,Dreams

I'm walking through an outdoor corridor that reminds me of a sports stadium but this is leading me outside. I see that to my sides and my back very near me and towering over me at least 3 stories high are huge walls of water. The water isn't behind a barrier but it's somehow contained and shaped into this arc of a wall around me (and a few other people with me). I'm speaking with someone about something I can't now recall and somehow this person is above the water wall.

I notice how clean, clear and slightly blue the water is in the daylight... it looks beautiful... yet I feel nervous.

As I'm walking through this water corridor I feel more than a little nervous because I'm thinking to myself, "If these walls come down we'll be buried and drown, thrown about... crushed!" ...ya, very nervous indeed.

Then as if the water hears my thoughts, the walls start to fall and I start to run (as do the people walking with me)! I'm feeling scared in anticipation of being hit hard by these massive walls of water colliding with immense weight against our tiny bodies... RUN!

Yet within seconds I realized these colossal water walls didn't overwhelm us at all! ALL the water plunks down, but lightly and gently reaches my feet. I turn to see what's happening and my eyes behold a scene unexpected... the runners behind me are safe! The water mercifully submerged their legs, then hips... no farther than the waist for some of them... it feels as if the water is Intelligent and controls It's flow.

We're wet for sure, but we aren't flooded by an engulfing, inescapable torrent. We can handle this amount of water at this rate of flux.

I feel relief! I sense we all do!

I wake up.

The thought comes to me:

"When the Waters are clean, it's not scary or dangerous to let them fall."

Water in Dreamtime typically symbolizes our emotions and/or our subconscious, our spirituality, our healing and more. For me in this dream, for sure Water represents emotions!

"Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy." --Dreammoods

Many of us, when we think of a wall around our heart, we think it's made of stone, steel, spikes or brick and mortar!

broken image

But this dream showed me something different to consider...

Our emotions are our heart walls. 

More accurately, the fear we hold about all of our emotions create a wall between us and our relationships, between us and our health, between us and our money, between us and our goals, between us and our progress on fulfilling our Soul-Purpose.

The fear of feeling is the real limitation, obstacle, and barrier to our most fulfilling life.

Imagine every segment of our lives, we're surrounded by a wall of towering water... our sleep, our conversations, our physical activities, the decisions we all make... imagine how our senses are being affected when everthing has to first go through our water walls.

Instead of curiosity and vulnerability, there's defensiveness and conflict.

When we don't feel our emotions fully, through our bodies all the way to the Other Side, the body will simply hold onto our inner conflicts and create outer turmoil in our health, our relationiships, finances and more.

If we want a well-rounded, fulfilling life then we need to learn to feel all the feelings that flow through rather than choking them down or stuffing them away for the body to hold indefinately.

In my dream my Water Wall was clean. Phew! But I know for some of us, the waters are murky with unsettled swill. In the case of darkly clouded waters it's important to understand that many emotions aren't created from clear thinking, but rather from mistakenly believing our thoughts are true and fighting to prove ourselves right, even though it hurts!

For example, it's one thing to feel grief, the pure grief of missing what's no longer here in physical form. It's another messy, untruth entirely, though, to believe it's all somehow our fault, our failure, our unworthiness, our deficiencies... we then feel shame littering up our grief. We cannot fully digest grief when our self-shame is attached to it.

broken image

These are different emotions, each created by a distinct thought but now enmeshed with our identity. Each must be sorted and digested.

It's essential to sort these out, like separating apples, organges, kiwi, and grapes.

If this process isn't done, then our walls won't be made of clear, clean water, which makes them feel even more ominous. Once it's been sorted, then it can be digested fully.

Letting our walls fall down at our feet isn't as scary as it seems it might be.

It's time to trust in the Divine Intelligence to not drown us, trust in our ability to handle feeling our emotions, trust our Angels are with us to help us heal, make clear decisions and create an amazing life. It's time to get the social support we need.

If you feel like you're out of alignment with your Soul's Purpose, and/or your health is slowing you down from expanding your Soul's Purpose, I can help you sort through your emotions, digest your feelings and create your meaningful life from an enegetic frequency of Soul alignment.

Reach out to me to know your Purpose and do the work to fulfill it!

