
The Year of Living 100% In Your Body

· Self-Possessed,Soul-Discovery,Self-Care,Soul Purpose,Self-Compassion

A Note from the Editor-in-Chief

In a world where it’s so easy to swirl in overwhelm, where we find ourselves reaching to escape, to numb out, to shut down or lash out, it becomes of paramount importance to take a breath, halt the hustle and reflect on the marrow of what truly matters in life. As the Editor-in-Chief of Self-Possessed magazine, I believe that “Self-Possessed” is not just a compound word, it’s a standard of living that calls to the depths of every woman’s core in their pilgrimage of soul-discovery, self-care and self-actualization.

To me, “Self-Possessed” proclaims our inherent sovereignty as whole women. It’s an uninhibited summoning of all the energy of our Beings to fill up, occupy and assert control of our own bodies while driving The Others out - their thought forms, their grasping, their emotions, their projections. No longer will the vibrant energy our souls be pushed down and out to give way for settling at the
bottom when our Limitlessness beckons for us to partake in the exquisite Dreams of our lives as fully embodied women of innate creative power. It’s about waking up to our patterns of self-neglect and disembodiment to knowing that tending to our care is the foundation for a truly meaningful life.

This is why the sojourn I’ve chosen for 2024 is the practice of Self-Possession.

broken image

Furthermore, "Self-Possessed" is about staking clear boundaries while also refusing to be confined and defined by a disempowering sentence! It's the realization that if we're liked and accepted as people-pleasing, diluted, dampened, filtered versions of ourselves, then who is it that they really like? Not us! The real you and me has dreams, desires, and a yearning to feel Purposeful in every aspect of life!

Another element of being a Self-Possessed woman is taking ownership of our actions with self-compassion; bringing awareness to our choices with lovingkindness as we now embark authentically and deliberately into our next illuminated chapter. Decisions will now be made in alignment with our values and Purpose. No more are the days when we compromise our integrity and speaking our truth for the hope of crumbs and delusions of safety and acceptance.

Genuine self-expression is now the style we wear inside and out; from the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel, the clothes we wear, to the power of the words we select to speak aloud. The Self-Possessed woman recognizes the power of her presence in every space and dynamic to shape her destiny and those in her circle of influence.

In the pages of Self-Possessed magazine, we celebrate every woman coming home to herself; every woman dreaming her soul back home. Our mission is to bathe you in acknowledgment of your birthright to be inspired, to be passionately YOU, to be embraced unconditionally so that you feel alive with the pulsation of your power to create the life you envision, set boundaries, tend to your body, connect with Source and be truly present and engaged with your Loves.

We invite you to saunter through this threshold into the fulfilling, visceral life your soul intended to experience before you were ever born as she whispers to you now that no dream is too much nor out of reach. We bid you to join us as we dance and flirt with our endless possibilities when living a Self-Possessed life. Together, we will reframe the saga and author our own stories of triumph, self-compassion and power.

With Self-Possessed Savvy,

Theresa Gutierrez


(Audio version on my YouTube channel above)