Vanquish the Viruses!

A shamanic Herbalist's Perspective

· Natural Health,Soul,Health Sovereignty,Herbal Medicine,Viral Infections

I've had 27 years of raising my four kids and two grankids on herbs, no pharm.

It was a steep learning curve, but I actually felt open and curious from the start when my first baby got her first ear infection at 8 months old in 1997 and a friend suggested an herb rather than a drug. Maybe it was my Curandera grandmother whispering in my ear from the Great Beyond, but I ALWAYS trusted the plants to support our health through everything.

Plants are highly effective, safe and affordable and as herbalist Susun Weed always says:

"Herbs are the people's medicine."

Plant foods and herbal medicine are our human birthright and within our innate individual sovereignty we each get to decide our own health standards, values and protocols.

My intention is to EMPOWER you and offer you GENUINE HEALTH & TANGIBLE FAITH.

No matter what season we're in...

...and right now many of us are in the season of kids going back to school!

I NEVER feel worried about my family or me getting sick, and for good reason! I KNOW with absolute confidence HOW to take care of us when we get sick with ANY virus we've faced. Period. Colds, influenzas, and the other stuff...

How can I not be worried?

Because I know:

  1. How to SUCCESSFULLY & NATURALLY (no pharm) take care of the 3 types of coughs (this is the traditional energetic approach rather than going by the name of a disease or "bug"... humans (as we are now) existed about 200,000-300,00 years before microscopes ;D
  2. How to ease sore throats
  3. How to properly nourish someone with a fever (and I understand fever myths vs truths),
  4. How to clear congestion
  5. How to properly DOSE with each herbal remedy and...
  6. How to tend to someone through the recovery phase
  7. I even know when to take someone to the doctor (there are clear signs)...

BUT I rarely had to in the last 27 years because I only used doctors when I could not do it myself... SELF-RELIANCE is health is a standard I live by because body-sovereignty/body-autonomy is also my standard... the foundation of human existence, really!

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(The date on this image is not accurate... my youngest was born in 2002! Ha! Not sure how this happened ;-)

When my kids were little in the late 1990's (and early 2000's) I didn't want to feel so terrified of everything they could "catch" and I didn't want to feel the need to run to the doctor every time they got sick! I became an herbalist in my efforts to be self-reliant and have peace of mind and confidence in caring for my children... and quite successfully!

They never needed an antibiotic nor any over the counter drug! :D Woot! Woot!

I got help for things like a dislocated elbow, a of couple of deep wounds that needed stitches, and a gigantic lump in my daughter's neck... turned out we needed a myopractor ;D

I also know how to conquer conjunctivitis, septic wounds/bites, croup, ear infections, diarrhea, a rusty nail (no joke)! and so much more of my kids' adventures!!

I supported my daughter in her two natural home births (and my own homebirth experience in 2002)... my granddaughter is the one I got to catch, get the cord off her neck and hand her to her mama. I knew which herbs to give my daughter to support a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I knew which herbs to use to support the baby and mama after the birth.

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I knew how to support people through the 2020 virus & any mutation afterward.

One of my college friends was afraid, isolated and infected.

She really didn't want to go to the hospital, but she also did NOT know how to FULLY & PROPERLY take excellent care of herself when sick.

I saw her posting online and although her other aquaintances encouraged her to go to the hospital, she was adament that she had her reasons not to and that would be her last option. Not off the table of options, but the last option.

This is when I offered help. I can't remember how many days she had already had a fever with C19, but the TRUTH is that it's safe and normal to have fevers that last 3-5 days before it breaks. Most people don't know how powerfully HELPFUL fevers are for us when we get sick so they panic and end up doing things that cause adverse effects. This is why I created my video about Fever Myths!

So I went to her apartment and she was worried that I didn't have a mask on and that I wasn't scared of being close to her; I wasn't scared, though, becuase of the above mentioned skills plus my own functioning immune system.

I took care of her. I didn't get sick.

I brought a LOT of loose bulk herbs to her (rather than the pre-made tiny tea bags).. I brought her 1/2 a pound of some herbs actually ;D

I made teas for her to nourish her fever and taught her how to make a lot of rememdies.

When you're sick is the LEAST ideal time to learn how to make remedies! MAKE THEM AHEAD OF TIME WHEN POSSIBLE! :D

When I got home from tending to my sick friend, I texted her written instructions (which I share with all of my students). And she excelled! Woot! Woot!

Her capable response:

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Can you guess what happened next?

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It's SUPER important to rest in recovery and continue to care for the body as if still sick for at least as long as a fever was present!

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I know, I know, I'm NOT a doctor.

Who am I to share my educated, experienced opinion?

I am a human being with inalienable rights granted me by my Source.

I am a woman. A Mother. A Grandmother.

I am a survivor of childhood sexual traumas, so body-sovereignty is kinda important to me!

I am a spiritual teacher, a shamanic herbalist... a healer by nature.

I read voraciously then apply what I learn.

My top classic books in health are:

1) An Herbal Legacy of Courage by David Christoper (a biography of his father Dr. John Raymond Christoper)

2) Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

3) The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, PhD

4) The China Study by Campbell

5) Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Esselstyn

Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton thoroughly explain cell biology and epigentics (epi- above/over + genetics/genes/DNA).

Epigenetics is the real health care of the future.

Dis-ease will be a thing of the past when we choose to engage our personal power to access and Consciously activate our epigentics for our good by choosing love, choosing faith and learn the basics of HOW you can create a healthy body naturally, without tech and without pharm.

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Epigenetics says: Environment is everything!

The environment you bathe your cells in has everything to do with your emotions (using your Faith for your good), your diet, your fitness and other lifestyle habits.

As a shamanic practitioner, I believe with all my being that it's SO much easier to access feeling Divine's Presence when the health of the body is a major priority.

We are NOT our bodies, but they are truly the Temples of our Souls and deserve our loving devotion so they don't devolve into ruin!

Herbal medicine and plant foods are one of the ways we honor the gift of having a body; this is a natural symbiotic relationship that creates vibrant health and a clearer channel to connect with our natural Universe.

Honoring our Life Force energy through honoring our sacred, sovereign bodies opens us up to Divine Dimensions of unconditional Love and Spiritual Guidance. In this 3D reality, the body is the tool, the channel, the Temple through which we experience Source. I've said this in other blogs, but Gregg Braden has proven in his book, "The God Code" that within every cell we have DNA with a Divine code, a message that "reads" simply:

"God/Eternal Within The Body"

We've only just begun to scratch the surface of what we're truly capable of in our sacred humanness.

Our DNA is precious and created by Divine Design. We unlock our unlimited potential through elevated emotions (faith-fueled), plant-based eating, herbal medicine, physical fitness, sunshine, water, earthing, clean air, hygiene (witness the Bears with Osha root!), true rest (meditation & social connection & intimacy) and restorative sleep.

ALL the above is PROVEN scientifically to protect our DNA, lengthen telomeres, improve our immune system function by 50% in just a few days, decrease accidents and violence in the world and on and on and on... but our ancient ancestors knew all this and more without "science" and microscopes.

I've created 15 videos with nearly 6 hours of video training with herbal recipes to prevent and vanquish viruses (and create phenomenal health overall) where I teach:

1. Prevention

3. Dosage

4. Viral Infecitons & Sore Throats

5. 3 Types of Coughs

6. Congestion

7. Fever Myths & Fluids

8. Recovery

Please reach out to me if you're ready to be a Shamanic Apprentice and forevermore be prepared for any virus, improve your health, protect your children naturally, safely and effectively and would like to feel confident and self-reliant in your health care sovereignty! I educate about the historical and modern uses of herbs/plants.
